Chukaroo thinks
13 years ago
she do not belong here in plurk ..
latest #11
iloveyou says
13 years ago
oh no! who?
Chukaroo says
13 years ago
iloveyou says
13 years ago
aaww.. why?
Chukaroo says
13 years ago
im being ignored .. hehe
iloveyou says
13 years ago
by who? your friends here on plurk?
Chukaroo says
13 years ago
yeah .. hehhe
iloveyou says
13 years ago
am i ignoring you? hehehe
Chukaroo says
13 years ago
well no .. but most of em
iloveyou says
13 years ago
ohh.. :-)
Chukaroo says
13 years ago
but i understand .. cause im new here .. hhe
iloveyou says
13 years ago
yeah... why dont you try to add some friends....?
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