❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
My cats are most certainly plotting to kill me.
latest #16
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Yes, but with mine it's definitely true. They ARE plotting to kill me.
Harper G.
13 years ago
They are secretly in league with Kitty Galore! (LOL)
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Well, one purposely tries to trip me whenever I go down the hallway, and the other one yells at me constantly throughout the night...
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Like she's trying to make me die from sleep deprivation or something.
Is. says
13 years ago
because you're mean to them!
13 years ago
Sounds like my cat. She consistently wakes my mom up at about 3 or 4am to go out.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Only because they're mean to me!
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
They are evil.
❤Delora❤ shares
13 years ago
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
i know huh
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