==.. NO lar!! eighty years old!!!
IC SHOW me~~=.= if u r 80~ then i 100 liao
LOL!! i still remember last time we eat that time then hor jorden said i am the senior then i straight take out my IC to show him!! hahahaha
hahahaha~~~~ya lo~~~last time u look like Lao Yi Mah~~~ now better liao~~~Like Auntie
==.. dint see any different!! ish!
==.. haih!! i want depend wei teng de!!~
or u can sms me, i help u~~~Service charge~~ RM2/minutes
Hmm~~ see u r my friend~~~ Rm1.99/minute~~~ Friend's price~~~ very good liao~~ others cant get this price leh~ my friend only~
any different ==.. only RM 0.01!!!
got different la~~~if 10minutes = Save RM0.1, if 100 minutes, you SAVE RM1 liao!!!!!!!!!!!
hamster! can change the trip date or not? my friends they have resit paper at 16..