Greece is
13 years ago
wandering round his home-lost.
latest #152
Turkey has
13 years ago
come to visit. He hadn't heard from the Greek in a while and he was wondering what the hell was up. He knocks on the door.
13 years ago
puts on his clothes-the white shirt adult Greece had been wearing which drowned him, and one sock. He then hurries to the door and peeks
13 years ago
through the letterbox, thinking he was being sneaky.
Turkey is
13 years ago
tapping his foot impatiently. "Greece, you home?" He peers through the windows.
13 years ago
opens the door a little and calls out 'Go away!'
13 years ago
hears a voice he has not heard in several centuries and peers down his jaw dropping upon sight of him. "What the fuck happened to you?!" He
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points horrified.
13 years ago
frowns up at him, not sure what 'fuck' means but he's sure it's a bad-bad word. 'I say go away.' He closes the door, not thinking about the
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lock, and runs down the hall to go find something to play with.
13 years ago
throws the door open and strides after him finding him at the end of the hall. "What have you done to Heracles?" He says in a very accusing
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manner. "Wait....where you drinking with Arthur again?"
13 years ago
puts his hands up high in the air. 'I don know, may-be.' He picks up his toy horse and holds it up to Sadiq. 'This is mine.' He tells him.
13 years ago
((I love how kids just want to show you everything they own-I hope you're looking forward to naughty ChibiGreece btw, he will attack you!))
13 years ago
would go pay Arthur a little visit later and set things straight. He can only stare blankly at younger Greece as he tries to come up with a
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way to turn him back or deal with him. "Who gave you that horse?"
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pulls it to his chest. 'It's mine, I found it in my big box!' He points to a large trunk that Heracles recently brought down from the
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attic. He suddenly puts down the horse and puts his arms up for Sadiq. 'Greece wants up-up.'
13 years ago
glances over at the box and back at the Greek bending down to pick him up. He forgot how light Heracles had been when he had been a kid. He
Turkey was
13 years ago
so bad at talking to kids. "Let's go have a look in your box. What do you say?"
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nods, small hands promptly going up to cover his eye holes. 'Yeah, I want to play!'
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frowns. "No, Greece I need to see first and then we'll play." He says as he moves the smaller hands from his face. He walks over to the
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trunk and the first thing he notices are the old Ottoman clothes neatly folded in one of the corner beside all of the toys and other child-
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like things. "Hey, I have a better idea." He knew after he spoke with Arthur this would be wayyyy to fun to bug Greece with. "Let's play
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dress up."
13 years ago
'Ooh, dress up? What will we dress up as?' He grabs onto Sadiq's sleeves, wondering if they're going to swap clothes.
Turkey has
13 years ago
seen what Greece is wearing and knows for a fact that he can't fit in that so swaping clothes was out of the question. He bends at the knees
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and grabs some of Greece's really old Ottoman clothing and waves it in his face. "You're going to dress up in these~"
13 years ago
looks at the colours and get excited. 'I am? Oh, give me-give me!' He immediately strips off his shirt and sock and puts his hands up so
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Sadiq can dress him.
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puts him down amused at how quick he got undressed. He puts the shirt over the Greeks head and shimmies it over Heracles big head before
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smoothing the wrinkles out of it and staring at the small Greek with a small smile.
13 years ago
"What do you think?"
13 years ago
((didn't seem to work, I'll try this: ))
13 years ago
((Just imagine a small Greece dressed like that, because I can't find the other one XD))
13 years ago
spins around, feeling oddly at home in these. 'I look good, don't I?' He smiles, placing his little hat on his head.
13 years ago
(( That's traditional Greek wear. xD ))
13 years ago
nods. "Yeah, you do." He wasn't minding this too much, this was nothing like what they did when Greece was actually this age. "Picture?"
13 years ago
((Is it? It said Turkish on the tagline I followed! *grabs* pretend he's wearing traditional Turkish wear!))
13 years ago
(( It is. Honest mistake. I'll pretend. ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods excessively. 'I want a picture! With...' He looks around for a cat to pull in. '...Clio.' He poses near the cat.
Turkey is
13 years ago
so glad he brought his camera, blackkkmail~ He pulls out his camera and turns it on snapping a few pictures. "Very nice."
13 years ago
(( Oh god...I feel like such a pedo....))
13 years ago
((Don't worry, he's all man ;-) Well. Normally...))
13 years ago
jumps up and down, and pulls faces. 'Ima gonna be a superpower!' He announces, running around in circles.
13 years ago
(( Hahaha, I'm thankful for that. ))
13 years ago
quirks a brow amused. "What kind of super power are you going to have?"
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points. 'Ima gonna own you.' He says like it was the truth. 'And have lotsa people eating, and dancing. And have cats *everywhere*. I'm
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gonna have a super power of cats.'
13 years ago
snorts, that was probably the funniest thing he's heard in a long time. "Oh are you now?" And cats? Could that really be a super power? "I
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don't think cats counts as a super power."
13 years ago
gasps and shakes his head. 'You're wrong, cats make a good super power. Okay, Ima have cat people. And they talk and have tails.' he runs
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behind Sadiq and begins to climb up his trouser leg.
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forget how much energy a child can have. "Cat people?" He laughs...and stops trying to be considerate. He didn't want a crying Greek on his
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hands. "You're going to be the Sultan of these people?" He glances over his shoulder at the scaling Greece.
13 years ago
pats the Turk's ass on his way up. 'Yeah, and they're all gonna love me and I'll love them. You-' He climbs up to Turkey's back and wraps
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his arms around his neck. 'You can be my Grand Vizier.'
Turkey is
13 years ago
a bit surprised by the pat and brings his arms behind him so he's half holding Greece so he won't fall. "What an honor. Are you sure you
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want to trust me that much." He chuckles as he starts giving the Greek a piggy back ride bouncing every now and then.
13 years ago
laughs and cries out for the fun. 'Yeah, but I'm still in charge, okay? And you have to do what I say, or else I'll hit you on the head!'
Turkey thinks
13 years ago
that if this were three hundred years ago he would have hung the little brat from the window by his ankles. "That's not nice. Do you want
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your people to think your a mean sultan and try and overthrow you?"
13 years ago
clutches Sadiq's hair in fright. 'No! I'm a nice sultan, I promise! I'll only hit you if you do something bad, deal?' He reaches around and
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shakes Sadiq's nose since he doesn't know where his hand is.
13 years ago
makes a face and blows at the hand on his nose. "Okay okay...what does his sultan want to do now?"
13 years ago
giggles and pulls his hand back. 'Sultan wants to eat ice cream and chocolate, then go for a bubble bath.'
13 years ago
takes them to the kitchen. "How bout a fruit salad instead?" He would try and avoid sugar like the plague.
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guesses that's okay. 'Can I use my fingers to eat? And will you feed me too?' He leaps to a counter and begins to do little dance moves on
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the sliding surface.
Turkey was
13 years ago
going to get tired and fast. "Yeah, you can use your fingers and no I will not feed you." He says as he gathers all the fruits and a cutting
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board making sure to do all the cutting on a different counter before placing it all in a bowl and placing it in front of Greece. "Here you
13 years ago
13 years ago
unceremoniously falls onto his bottom, wincing as he does so. He leans over, rubbing his bruising buttcheeks through his dress up
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clothes with one hand and uses the other to pick up the fruit. 'Thank you, Grand Vizier, you will not be hit today!'
13 years ago
rolls his eyes at this. "You are much to kind sultanim~" He watches for a bit longer before going off to get the bath ready.
13 years ago
finishes off his fruit salad and paddles around the kitchen counter to the sink to wash his hands. On the way, he accidently knocks over
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a vase of flowers. It smashes on the floor, clay pieces, water and flowers covering the floor. 'Oops, oh no!' He climbs down and quickly
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picks up all the pieces of clay and the flowers, and hides them under a rug. The water...'Uh...'
13 years ago
hears something crash and shatter and quickly turns off the tap heading over to the kitchen hastily. Upon entering he goes over to find
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Greece and steps on the rug hiding the shattered pieces and cuts his foot. He cries out in pain and holds his foot as he pushes the rug back
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to find the broken pieces. His eyes land on the Greek and he glares at him. "Stupid! What were you thinking?!"
13 years ago
pales, both at being caught and at seeing Turkey's cut foot. 'I didn't-! It fell and I cleaned up!' He says quickly, edging for the door.
13 years ago
notices this and quickly makes his way towards him grabbing him roughly and pulling him back to the rug. "That is not cleaning!" He
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scolds. "And you're not going anywhere!" He has half a mind to go drown him in the bathtube. "You're going to clean this properly and I
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won't let you leave until I'm satisfied."
13 years ago
tries to shove him off. 'I'm the sultan! It's my house-I don't want to clean!' He slips a little on the water. 'We'll just stop using this
13 years ago
13 years ago
manages to catch him and holds him up by an arm. "This sultan game ends now. You are cleaning this up or else you'''re
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks positively shocked at that. Turkey wasn't serious, was h-he was! Feeling trapped, he eventually gets on his knees and picks up some of
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the rubble. 'I don't want to be grounded...'
13 years ago
pushes the trash bin towards Greece so he can place the pieces in there and passes him a dry cloth. "Then do what I've asked you and stop ju
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jumping around and being so careless."
13 years ago
nods silently and dumps the rubble into the bin. He does it again. And again. Soon, only the tiny shards are left. 'I'm done...'
13 years ago
goes off to get a hand-broom and swipes up the small shards placing them in the bin as well. "No, you're not. Dry the floor."
13 years ago
gapes at him. Dry the floor too? 'No, I don-I don't like you very much!' He takes a towel and pads the floor dry.
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doesn't care. "I don't like you either." He retorts just as childishly.
13 years ago
makes a face at the floor. 'Well, I don't like you more than you don't like me,' He tosses the towel behind him, not paying attention, and
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accidently throws the wet towel towards Turkey's face.
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gets hit by the towel and has half a mind to strangle Heracles with it but takes a deep breath and remembers this isn't permanent. "Good.
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You can go back home in that case and you can give me back the clothes I let you borrow. They look better on me anyway."\
13 years ago
suddenly turns whiny. 'No-o, I like my clothes!' He takes Sadiq's hand and tugs at it. 'Greece wants to keeps them.' He sticks out his
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bottom lip and uses his baby voice. That usually makes people want to go easier on him.
Turkey is
13 years ago
trying to remain really strict but the face is really getting to him. "Greece should clean up his mess and then maybe I'll consider letting
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him keep them."
13 years ago
lets out a baby noise but nods. He quickly finishes cleaning up and then glances over to Sadiq for his verdict. 'Greece did good.' He says.
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nods. He was satisfied. "You do really good." He bends down and scoops him up in his arms. "Now we're going to wash you up."
13 years ago
tries, but fails, to hide a pleased smile. 'Greece likes washing with Turkey. I think even when I'm big. I like it a lot.'
13 years ago
can't help but laugh at that statment. "When you're big lots of things will change." He says as he walks into the bathroom the tub of water
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already ready for the Greek. He places him back down. "Now take your clothes off and jump smell bad."
Greece is
13 years ago
pretty sure he smells good and natural, but he gets in anyway. 'What will change, Sadiq?' He asks, curiously.
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takes a seat by the tub and ruffles the Greeks hair. "Things. Things that you probably won't understand right now."
Greece is
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sure he would-he's smart! He splashes about. 'I wish I was big again so you could show me.' He says wistfully.
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knows he is. "Yeah, I wish that too kid. I would show you exactly what I mean."
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leans over the bath to him. 'You promise, the second I'm big again, you'll show me?'
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nods. "I promise now turn around so I can shampoo your hair." He orders as he squirts some of the jelly liquid on his palm.
13 years ago
shivers. 'You put the cold stuff on!' He pouts and plays with the soap holder, pretending it's a ship. 'Don't get it in my eyes.'
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rubs it into his scalp. "Don't tell me what to do or else I will rub it in your eye."
13 years ago
'Don' know.' He doesn't want to make Sadiq feel like he has to prove it. 'Remember my curl-I like it when it tickles.'
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nods as he gently rubs the curl knowing exactly what it did to the Greek. "I'll remember."
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makes happy noises. If only he knew the tickling would grow into a different sensation with age... 'So, I'm not yours anymore, right?'
13 years ago
quirks a brow as he rinses the shampoo out of the Greeks hair making sure to shield his eyes. "What makes you say that?"
13 years ago
shrugs, dipping his ship in and out the water. 'I don't live with you. I have my own house now. So why do I keep coming back to your house?
13 years ago
And why do you want to take care of me?'
Turkey has
13 years ago
to think about that before answering. "Because you belong to me in another a none owning but owning kind of way." He muses.
13 years ago
' we have a special bond, like human people?' He asks, his splashing getting smaller and smaller as he thinks.
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isn't sure what that means exactly. "What do you mean by that?" He lathers soap on a cloth and starts rubbing circles in his back.
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isn't sure he should say in case he's wrong. 'Like a...human couple. With the rings, and the vows tying them together.'
13 years ago
had asked once...but hadn't recieved much of a reply from the Greek. "Not quite like that....but not to far off."
13 years ago
((He did? :-o Wow, when? ))
13 years ago
turns to look at him, suds falling from his hair into the water. 'What's stopping us, then?' He wonders.
13 years ago
(( I don't remember, pfff, it was a long time ago. ))
13 years ago
shrugs. "Not sure...I guess...not sure..."
13 years ago
watches his face for a while, and then turns back with a small smile. 'I bet we will some day. I bet you two ca-no, one cat. I bet you one
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cat we'll be like that. I'm going to force a ring on you.' He laughs happily and splashes again.
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chuckles. "Oh will you now." He says in amusment. "You think you'll be courageous enough to ask me." He lifts the Greeks arm and lathers it.
Greece is
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tickled by this also and laughs out. 'Yeah! No, I'll *tell* you! I'll say 'Sadiq, you must be my husband!' And you'll say 'okay!' '
13 years ago
laughs. "I'm glad I know how it willl go. Saves me the effort of thinking up what to say."
13 years ago
waves it off as if Sadiq was serious. 'It's alright, that way we can get to the wedding fast. More time for wedding present opening.'
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quirks a brow. "You're thinking about the wedding presents already. Shouldn't you be thinking about things that aren't the presents."
Greece wonders
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what he means. 'I've already got it all planned. You just have to choose you're...what's the man.'
Turkey is
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surprised by this. "My best man." He had not thought of that...who would he pick?
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"Who's your best man?"
13 years ago
hums and thinks about it. 'I think....maybe Kiku? I was told I'm best friends with Korea too, so maybe him?'
13 years ago
nods. "If you pick Korea than I'll have to think of someone else."
13 years ago
claps his hands, because he can't click his fingers yet. 'Then I take Kiku, and you take Korea!' He was a genius! XD
13 years ago
laughs. "There was also Hungary I had thought about or Egypt."
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'I thought Hungary could be a pretty bridesmaid. Or..the only bridesmaid, I guess.' He wonders about Egypt. 'Would he be the ring bearer?'
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shrugs. "He could walk you down the aisle." He teases.
13 years ago
shakes his head, looking embarrassed. 'He won't want to do th-hey! Why am I the only getting walked down the aisle! I'm no girl!'
13 years ago
laughs. "You are." He continues.
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