Latvia needs
13 years ago
to pick up some groceries if he's going to eat tomorrow. He walks to the store to accomplish this.
latest #132
Evelin is
13 years ago
just out for a nice long walk... mostly to see if she can find her Latvia. She has been worried about her since she came since she had no_
13 years ago
idea where the younger girl was.
13 years ago
walks along, mind pretty blank for a change except for a notion of what he's on the hunt for. Pauses for a second at the woman in front of
13 years ago
him. "..."
13 years ago
turns her head a bit as she looks around. She spots the oddly familiar boy and decides that it would probably be a good idea to talk to him.
13 years ago
"Hello," she said walking a bit towards him.
13 years ago
stares and doesn't know why he thinks he knows her. "Hello... have we met? Th-that probably sounds silly b-but you seem familiar.."
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "I'm pretty sure we haven't since I've never seen such a cute boy like you around here, but I'm pretty sure I know you a bit_
13 years ago
indirectly. Do you happen to know an Eduard?"
13 years ago
blushes at being called cute. Lights up when she mentions Eduard, "Yes, Eduard is my neighbor," he says as he nods, though neighbor is an
13 years ago
13 years ago
giggles a bit. Oh how she loved to see others blush. "Are you Latvia then?"
Latvia is
13 years ago
confused how she knows Eduard, "Yes, I am. Who are you?"
13 years ago
points at herself like it helps what she'll say next. "I'm Evelin von Bock."
13 years ago
processes that. "So.. you're like his sister? W-wait he didn't have a civil war did he?" Is confused.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
about that first one for a moment. "I guess it kind of makes me his sister... in a weird way. But, no, I'm not in a civil war so you don't_
13 years ago
have to worry about that. I'm his counterpart from another world if that's the best way to phrase it."
13 years ago
goes from being confused to worried and now back to confused. "From another world? Wh-what kind of world?"
Evelin is
13 years ago
truly resisting trying to hug him. "A world where all the nations are the opposite gender from yours."
Latvia thinks
13 years ago
about this. Light goes off. "S-so there's another me too? O-one that's a girl?" Wonders what that would look like.
13 years ago
nods. "Yep, she's cute too~"
13 years ago
blushes, "Oh uh thank you... er I guess that doesn't have anything to do with me." Thinks he looks simple and plain, "That's nice."
13 years ago
's control somewhat breaks. She hugs him. "You're both so cute~"
Latvia is
13 years ago
surprised, "Ah um I-I-- th-thank you," he says even thought he doesn't believe her. Her hugs back. "I-it's nice to meet you."
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
he probably should get used to this. She likes hugging even if she doesn't admit it. She lets go of him. "It's nice to meet you as well._
13 years ago
Anyways, what were you doing before I interrupted you?"
13 years ago
straightens himself out. "Oh, I was going to get some groceries... what about you?"
13 years ago
rubs the back of her neck a bit. "I've been doing some hopeful searching, and I'm done with that for now."
Latvia asks
13 years ago
, "hopeful searching?"
13 years ago
laughs meekly. "For a time, I thought I was the only Baltic here."
Latvia thinks
13 years ago
that sounds sad. "Oh, so you haven't seen any of the others, then?"
13 years ago
nods. "Ja, I even tried to call. I think my sisters are still back home." She smiles again. "But I found you, so it's better now."
13 years ago
"I probably won't be much of a replacement... but if you get lonely--and no one else is around... I would keep you company."
13 years ago
pats his head. "I'm not looking for replacements. I just want to know I'm not the only one here. I'm not so much lonely as I am worried._
13 years ago
Though I would enjoy your company."
13 years ago
"Oh, well you're probably right... I'm probably not going to be very interesting..."
13 years ago
realizes he didn't ask an important question, "you guys don't switch places right? Eduard is still here somewhere?"
13 years ago
frowns at him for saying that first part. "Of course you'll be interesting." She thinks. "No, I've met Thora and Iceland here, and Sweden_
13 years ago
told me that Astrid's here. I'm pretty sure that the nations I know are coming here and not that we are switching places."
Latvia thinks
13 years ago
it's nice of her to say that. "Oh, that's good, it must be hard to just... be in a different world like that."
13 years ago
shrugs. "Somewhat. I've gotten used to everything pretty easily."
13 years ago
ponders that. "Oh, well that's good." Thinks it's hard to get over that she's also Estonia.
Evelin has
13 years ago
been really accepting to the thought of two being the same country by now. She nods. "It's good that things here aren't too different than_
13 years ago
at home. It would have been harder to get use to all of this if the worlds didn't have many similarities."
13 years ago
"Yeah? So it's basically the same except for the genders?"
13 years ago
"For the most part. A few other differences here and there, but mostly it's the gender that makes the the major differences."
13 years ago
nods. "Oh, that's not such a big deal though. D-did you bring the female Russia with you...? O-or the male Belarus?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I haven't seen either of them." And she would not like to think of a male Russia being here. Though she's felt that presence around
13 years ago
13 years ago
fidgets a little, "Th-that's good.. one of each of them is enough.."
13 years ago
nods to that. "As long as they don't come round soon." She doesn't know if she would have the courage to go against a male Russia...
13 years ago
nods back, "Y-yeah... I h-haven't seen either in a while."
13 years ago
smiles. "Good. Anyways, you were going to get groceries, right?"
Latvia says
13 years ago
"Hm? Oh right, ja."
13 years ago
| "May I come with you?" She did run out of lettuce again.
13 years ago
"Oh yes, o-of course, I'd like that."
13 years ago
giggles a bit. "So cute~" She pauses a bit. "Let's go then~"
13 years ago
blushes again "..." Starts walking toward the grocery store.
13 years ago
just smiles as she follows him. She mostly is watching him a bit to spot any differences (besides the obvious ones) between her Latvia and_
13 years ago
the one in front of her.
13 years ago
ambles along, looking back at Eve occasionally. "It's just up ahead..."
13 years ago
nods. Done with trying to find differences, she takes longer strides to easily get next to Latvia.
13 years ago
reflexively grabs Eve's hand now that they're walking side by side.
13 years ago
smiles at him. She is glad that he's pretty similar to her Latvia back home.
13 years ago
walks along, "Are their all the same buildings in your world?"
13 years ago
looks around. "Yes. It seems from just the building that this world isn't any different from where I'm from."
Latvia thinks
13 years ago
about that. "Oh, s-so I guess you know where we're going?"
13 years ago
nods. "I can at least make a guess. I can't predict what differences can be in the mind. For all I know, you could be leading me to a_
13 years ago
place I'm not expecting."
13 years ago
supposes that's true. "Ah. I'm thinking that one," he says pointing with his free hand.
13 years ago
looks towards where he was showing. "Well, then that isn't a difference."
Latvia says
13 years ago
"Ah okay," and walks into the store with Eve.
13 years ago
looks around before looking back at him. "So, what did you need?"
13 years ago
"I needed milk and sugar."
13 years ago
nods. "Okay then." She bends over to pick up a basket. "I need a few heads of lettuce."
13 years ago
"Oh, let's get that first then since it's just over there."
13 years ago
nods again as they walk over before grabbing three heads of lettuce. "Sugar next, right?"
13 years ago
nods back, "Mhm."
13 years ago
pulls him along, which probably looks a little silly to anyone who was in the store. "What are you thinking of making with the milk and_
13 years ago
13 years ago
does not fight being pulled. "I was going to make Buberts."
13 years ago
probably doesn't notice she is pulling. She thinks for a moment. "Oh, those~ That sounds good."
13 years ago
"Yeah, I haven't had any in a while." Continues being pulled.
13 years ago
stops as they get to the sugar. "Then you should definably make them."
13 years ago
smiles and picks up a box of sugar. "Ja, did you want to h-have some with me?"
13 years ago
(definitely... definably? What is math doing to me?))
13 years ago
smiles back. "It would be nice... if you don't mind that is."
13 years ago
blushes a little, "Of course not, i-it would be a good opportunity to know you better... I-I mean since we just met. N-not like uh... yeah."
13 years ago
just giggles a little. "Yes, it would be. Meeting the other versions has been pleasant so far, and I haven't had buberts in a while."
13 years ago
stares ahead. "Have you met a lot of us?"
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
a bit. "A few. Besides you, I've met Peter, Sweden, Iceland, and Francis as far as I know." She probably has met more without realizing.
13 years ago
nods along while she lists them off. ".....Um I-I'm not sure how to ask this... b-but is your France like our France?"
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, they are very similar."
Latvia is
13 years ago
at a loss for how that would seem. "Huh... Y-your world seems like an interesting place..."
13 years ago
doesn't mind France much. "You think so? It really isn't much different than here."
13 years ago
nods "Maybe I'm just picturing it wrong..."
13 years ago
"What are you picturing it as then?"
13 years ago
mulls it over, "Well... how do I put this... I suppose it would just be foreign to me to seeing girl nations doing what the boy nations here
13 years ago
13 years ago
hums at that while nodding. "Well, I guess it's the same way the other way around. It's just what we are used to I guess."
13 years ago
considers that. "That's true."
13 years ago
"And we aren't exactly the same, so it probably fixes any problems that couldn't be possible between the two worlds anyways."
13 years ago
nods "Oh okay. Maybe it'll all make more sense o-once I've met more of you guys."
13 years ago
nods back. "It probably will." She is guessing somewhat herself.
13 years ago
continues to think about this and starts walking toward the milk.
13 years ago
follows obediently. She'll let the other think as she gets to look around more.
13 years ago
looks back at her to make sure she's there and keeps going until he gets to the milk. Grabs some. "D-did you want to get anything else?"
13 years ago
wouldn't just leave. What if he was accident prone like her Latvia? "No, I think I'm fine."
13 years ago
"Me either, guess we can go then."
13 years ago
nods as she turns to go towards the front of the store.
13 years ago
follows after Evelin.
13 years ago
gets to the front of the store before buying her things. Don't mind if the idle chat she has with the cashier seems like she's flirting.
13 years ago
reminds himself that it isn't any of his business if Eve flirts with a cashier but still feels weird about it.
13 years ago
probably doesn't even realize she's flirting. She takes her items as she waits for Latvia to finish.
13 years ago
buys his items with limited conversation and joins Eve.
13 years ago
takes his hand unconsciously. "Shall we go?"
13 years ago
holds her hand back and nods. "Yeah."
13 years ago
leads the way as they leave before slowing down. She wasn't exactly sure if all the houses were in the same place that she thought they were
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks over at Evelin. "...So uh... where are we going?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I'm not sure. Either of our houses will be fine..."
Latvia thinks
13 years ago
about it. "I think mine is closer. B-but we could go to yours if you'd rather!"
13 years ago
pauses a bit. "We can go to your house. I haven't been there in a while anyways."
13 years ago
nods "Okay."
13 years ago
points in the direction she remembers Latvia's house being. "This way right?
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods "Yeah." He begins to walk toward his house.
13 years ago
walks next to him. "Good, I hoping it was this way."
13 years ago
gets momentarily ruffled, "I-I'm not sure it's really together or anything.. It might be messy"
13 years ago
nods. "I don't mind. As long as it's walkable, it should be fine."
13 years ago
"Oh y-yeah it should be." Doesn't think he has enough stuff for it to be that bad.
13 years ago
nods once more. It wasn't like she didn't make messes, especailly on work desks.
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