13 years ago
slowly wakes up feeling something soft under her arm. If it was her pets again, she'll... Oh well, at least it was soft.
latest #66
Analiese was
13 years ago
still fairly asleep, but there was something nice and warm beside. Perhaps the sun...? Nein, the sun doesn't a have body. She thought_
13 years ago
nothing of it and snuggled a little closer to the source of warmth.
13 years ago
opens her eyes a bit as she notices the movement. Between her horrible eyesight and morning fogginess, she couldn't make out much but dark_
13 years ago
hair and a face. One of her hand lazily moved to run though the hair as she tried to remember what happened before she went to sleep.
13 years ago
made a small noise as the hand ran through her hair. That felt kinda nice... something she hadn't felt in a while... her eyes fluttered open
13 years ago
but she was unable to see exactly who it was due to her lack of glasses. Whoever it was it certainly wasn't Vincze.
13 years ago
smiles a bit at the noise as she kept repeating her actions. She tried thinking back, finding it hard. She remembers a storm and a game and_
13 years ago
a fuzzy mess of things going on. Why couldn't she be more of a morning person? She just kept quiet while thinking.
13 years ago
supposed though she loved having fingers running through her hair, that it would be beneficial to see who this person was. "Don't take this_
13 years ago
wrong since I am unable to see without my glasses but... who are you?"
Evelin is
13 years ago
able to narrow down who the other is. "It's alright. I'm rather blind without mine as well. I'm Evelin, and you are Analiese, correct?"
13 years ago
"Ah... Evelin? It's you? I thought I recognized your voice. I admit though... I am rather curious as to why I'm in your bed.. with you..."
13 years ago
"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Something about some game, and it going on too long." She really couldn't think quite clear at the
13 years ago
13 years ago
"I'm not sure either... though judging by the fact that we still have our clothes nothing happened last night."
13 years ago
nods grateful for that. "It doesn't explain much other than that though." Her fingers still unconsciously ran though dark hair as she kept_
13 years ago
thinking. "I do remember some kissing. And..." Her mind becomes a bit distracted as she moves a little closer to the other.
13 years ago
became very aware of the other woman getting close to and saying something about kissing. "Ja... I remember that too..." Somehow she started
13 years ago
to move closer too.
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "If I can remember correctly, I'm sure I never had the chance to kiss back since there was so much going on."
13 years ago
"Right... because I kept getting chosen for.. hm... right, that ridiculous game. And then you did too."
13 years ago
nods a bit. "Yes, I remember that. I had to strip to change clothes."
13 years ago
can recall the event very clearly in her mind now that Evelin mentions it and blushes. "Y-Yes, I remember that."
13 years ago
smirks a bit. She can somewhat see Analiese's blush. "So was that enjoyable?" she asks a bit teasingly.
13 years ago
huffs a little for show and looks away... not that she could see much anyway. "I suppose so."
13 years ago
quietly laughs a bit as her hand brushes against the other woman's cheek. "'Suppose'? I guess I'll have to take that as answer then."
13 years ago
nuzzles that hand very slightly and responds again. "Fine. I suppose it was rather enjoyable."
13 years ago
( ;w; I'm beat. Going to sleep, night.~ )
13 years ago
(Okay, I have to head off as well. Night~)
13 years ago
smiles. "Really? I did find some of the things you did to be enjoyable as well." She ends the sentence with a kiss to the corner of the_\
13 years ago
lady's mouth.
13 years ago
returned the kiss with a kiss to the same spot on Evelin's lips. "I'm sure you're aware that I could see your underwear clearly while I had
13 years ago
to crawl."
13 years ago
"I bet you could. I don't really like too many layers. Didn't get a chance to see your underwear though. Even if I did have a nice view."
13 years ago
blushes slightly, looking back at the other. "That's true. I tend to wear longer skirts so those sort of things don't happen."
13 years ago
's hand runs down the other's arm. "I guess that is a safe route. I guess I just have no shame and like shorter skirts better."
13 years ago
chuckles. "I think the skirt is rather cute on you. You don't seem like the type to wear longer skirts anyway."
13 years ago
smiles. "Thank you. You are definitely more the type to wear longer skirts even if you should show off your legs more."
13 years ago
"Ah, there's not really a reason for me to show off my legs. They're okay, not the greatest though."
13 years ago
"Of course there is a reason to show them off. They are lovely."
13 years ago
"Quite the charmer." She leaned up and kissed her lips briefly.
13 years ago
kisses back a bit. "I try my best."
13 years ago
waits a few moments before leaning forward and kissing her again, closing her and letting her lips linger.
13 years ago
returns the kiss. Her hand lightly brushes Analiese's cheek as she closes her eyes as well.
13 years ago
moves her lips against Evelin's, gently nibbling on her lower lip.
13 years ago
hums a bit as her mouth opens a bit.
13 years ago
shyly slips her tongue into the others mouth, deepening the kiss in doing so.
13 years ago
teasingly rubs her tongue against the intruding one. Her hand slid down the others back before pulling her a bit closer.
13 years ago
draws Eve's tongue into her mouth and playfully nips at it.
13 years ago
smiles into the kiss a bit before capturing Analiese's tongue under her own.
13 years ago
makes a small sound and rubs the underneath of Evelin's tongue the the tip of her own.
13 years ago
releases her tongue's hold only to wrap her tongue around the other woman's.
13 years ago
presses her tongue close to hers, her hands balling the material of the sheets as they kiss.
13 years ago
softly hums as she presses her tongue against the other and her fingertips lightly rub Analiese's back.
13 years ago
breaks the kiss finally, for a bit of air. There was a very bright blush present on her face, she could feel it.
13 years ago
can see better at the short distance and laughs a bit as her free hand brushes against one of the red cheeks.
13 years ago
frowns but manages to nuzzle that hand as it brushed by. Liese was always so mellow in the mornings.
13 years ago
notices the frown and feels she must explain even if she was a bit out of breath. "Sorry... I just think your blush is cute." Her hand finds
13 years ago
the cheek again and stays while lightly rubbing with the thumb.
13 years ago
sighs a little and nuzzles that hand again. "I know, I know. I figured that's why you laughed."
Evelin feels
13 years ago
relieved in a small way though a bit embarrassed for apologizing. "Oh, okay." She smiles feeling the nuzzle and replying back with a bit by
13 years ago
making little circles with her thumb.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
for a moment. "As much as I'm enjoying this, would you like anything to eat?" She really like the warmth though.
13 years ago
felt her stomach empty and nodded slightly. "If it's no trouble for you, that would be wonderful."
13 years ago
"It's no trouble at all." She gets up slowly reaching for a pair of glasses and tries slipping on the glasses before noticing the shape.
13 years ago
hands them over to the other. "These would be yours."
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