LostRoxz feels
15 years ago
the unbearable urgge to completely destroy the house in search of gifts, curiosty is a horrible thing soemtimes lol
latest #13
Cyήtha.Syή says
15 years ago
i like curiousty...but "curiosity killed the cat"
Schleffen says
15 years ago
Satisfaction brought it back
Schleffen says
15 years ago
I hate that saying
Cyήtha.Syή says
15 years ago
I honestly hate it too
LostRoxz says
15 years ago
Me as well, I was able to control myself though so no harm
Schleffen says
15 years ago
I got a new camera*swoons* oh and twilight soundtrack, unoffical twilight companion, more books socks and batterings
Schleffen says
15 years ago
Cyήtha.Syή says
15 years ago
cool I got a cam too
LostRoxz says
15 years ago
I got a mp4, twilight sountrack, apocaliptica cds, uggs twilight poster and bag and books
SweetLemon1988 says
15 years ago
wows luckty kidd(woot)
LostRoxz says
15 years ago
lol hey and yeah most of it is from boxing day though
Schleffen says
15 years ago
Hey, I got twilight soundstrack and posters too
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