quotesnack shares
15 years ago
I've been working on some new stuff. https://images.plurk.com/3274620_ecce2fe0b19cbaf67134520a4f59f22d.jpg
latest #17
15 years ago
wow. nice image to go with the Kafka!
qotd says
15 years ago
that's Walter Crane. He was an illustrator who drew some wonderful stuff for his kids :-)
qotd says
15 years ago
I'm thinking of lightening the frame colors a bit - what do you think?
Walter Burns says
15 years ago
that's intense - from a decidedly unartistic person. Good stuff..
Prairie says
15 years ago
i like the quote. the sea image feels too big for some reason..not in size..but the wave feels bigger than the initial whack into our
Prairie says
15 years ago
thinking that the quotation suggests?
15 years ago
personally, I think the sea image is perfect for Kafka. His whacks are pretty big. The frame IS a bit distracting, though (opinion)
qotd shares
15 years ago
here it is with a lighter frame - less "whack" https://images.plurk.com/3274623_bc51fa7702710cbcb6c9597ad32b76c7.jpg
15 years ago
the frame there seems easier...
qotd says
15 years ago
I think so, too
Prairie says
15 years ago
that makes a big difference.
footpad thinks
15 years ago
the picture reminds him of LOTR or The Chronicles of Narnia. :-)
quotesnack says
15 years ago
I'll take that as a compliment, footpad :-)
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