that is America's fault for being such an idiot.
doesn't think America had anything to do with it...
blinks for a moment. Oh-- that guy is not America. His mistake. Again.
.....just feels even worse now.
really sorry, Canada! He rubs at his head. What do Canadians do to feel better?
eats pancakes when he's not feeling well...
...could try to make, then.
doesn't think he has to.... would actually rather he not....
's own feelings are sort of hurt...And Canada should stop growing.
doesn't think he can control that....
pretty sure he can. So how is the lad as a whole? Take a load off.
sure he can ride a bike without training wheels, now?
.........thinks he's well past that.
blinks. He was not expecting that answer. "What is that to mean?"
narrows his eyes. "What have you been doing?"
shakes his head. "Start forming complete sentences."
"I have been playing hockey... sir..."
starting to figure out why everyone thinks he is invisible. "Is that all?"
"Well, your question was unclear. When are we talking about? Today? This week? This year?"
"Last sixty years, I suppose?"
sighs faintly. "I've done several things."
nods slowly. That is very...not descriptive. "What have you been doing in the past twenty-four hours?" he sighs.
"Playing hockey, sleeping and...." He realized that he had to be very careful about the third thing. "Stuff...."
raises one of those furry monsters. "...And?"
decides better get over it quickly. "Getting asked out by France....."
probably would have spit out his stereotypical tea if he had any. Luckily he does not. "...What."
's eye probably twitched. We need a replay. "...Why..."
looks away. "He likes me...?"
stares. "You were the fucking good one. What the bloody hell happened?!"
blinks in surprise. "At least he doesn't get us confused!"
shakes his head. "If you piss your time away on that whore, fine by me. That's your damn choice."
frowns deeply. "He's not a whore..."
still disappointed, he shakes his head as he is ready to wander off. "Have fun on your bloody date."
doesn't know why and is a bit hurt. "Sorry..."