13 years ago
walks along a rather empty path to her house. While she rather liked more crowded areas, the path was easier and safer to look over things_
latest #75
13 years ago
on her phone. However, she was more noticeable if someone was to walk by.
13 years ago
hasn't visited Estonia lately and wanted to see how the young man was fairing. He had a small bag of breads and foods he had made for the
13 years ago
Baltic nation. He always worried that the Baltics weren't eating well enough. He saw the young woman ahead of him but thought nothing of it.
Evelin is
13 years ago
more focused on her phone to be distracted by anything else. Mostly she was just deleting ridiculous e-mails. When she actually puts her_
13 years ago
phone away, she's at her house and takes out a key to open the door.
Sweden was
13 years ago
perplexed when he saw the woman walking towards Eduard's house, but continues to follow her. He looked at the house numbers to make sure
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it was the correct place.
13 years ago
opens the door and walk in. Just before she can close it, one of her pets go out the door after seeing the other person. She turns_
13 years ago
and picks the Italian pet. "What are you in a hurry for littl-" She spots the other and somewhat similar man. "Ah, hello?"
13 years ago
stares at the pet, then to the woman. "Ah… Is Eduard h'me?" She looked familiar; Perhaps she was one of the counties or cities here.
13 years ago
shakes her head a bit in a no. "I haven't seen him any time this last month. Why? Do you know him?"
13 years ago
"Ah." He nods, a dark look coming over his features as he worried about the man. He didn't like to tell strangers who he was, but she was
13 years ago
quite obviously related to Eduard, and he reminded himself that with the counterparts she could very well be the other Estonia. "'M Swed'n."
13 years ago
blinks before smiling at him. "Really? It's nice to meet you. I'm Estonia. Would you like to come in?"
13 years ago
debates it for a second before nodding politely. "Brought y' s'me food." He held up the bag; It was for Eduard, but if they were the same
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nation he supposed it would be for her as well.
13 years ago
smiles a bit more. "Thank you. I can take that for you if you like." At which point, she places her pet on the floor before stepping a bit_
13 years ago
to the side to let the other in.
13 years ago
held it out to her and stepped in to the house, sliding his shoes off by the door.
13 years ago
takes it before closing the door and walking towards the kitchen while being followed by the pet.
13 years ago
looks curiously at the animal (if it could be called that) before following her to the kitchen.
13 years ago
places the bag on the counter figuring she could deal with it later. "Would you like anything?" she asks to him as she goes to the fridge_
13 years ago
knowing already what her pet wanted.
Sweden was
13 years ago
intrigued to see what the animal ate other than hair. "N' th'nks." He shook his head lightly.
13 years ago
takes out a few lettuce pieces on a plastic plate from the fridge, which had a few more heads of lettuce in it. " Are you sure?" she asks as
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she places the plate on the floor. The animal says "Grazie" as he starts eating.
13 years ago
stares at the thing, surprised it ate lettuce. That was so… normal. He looked up at her, not having listened at all. "Hm?"
13 years ago
laughs a bit. "It's rather cute, isn't it? Anyways, I asked if you were sure you didn't want anything."
13 years ago
blushes a bit at having been caught off guard and not hearing the original question. "'M fine. Th'nks."
13 years ago
finds the blushing kind of adorable. She starts putting some of the food in the bag away. "So, anything else you have come all the way here
13 years ago
13 years ago
shakes his head and looked around the kitchen. "J'st t' see how Eduard's doin'."
13 years ago
kept the kitchen rather clean mostly just in case Eduard had come back. It's pretty apparent she's not quite used to somethings yet by the_
13 years ago
way she opens a cabinet to only find out she needed to use the one next to it. "I wish I knew the answer to that one. Though he's probably_
13 years ago
caught up with some sort of work thing if he's anything like me." Though she doesn't exactly believe it could be that, but it's her best
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods; so long as it didn't involve Russia he would rest comfortably at night. "Ah."
Evelin hopes
13 years ago
it doesn't involve Russia but believes it probably isn't. She only got into cyber fights with her Russia. Otherwise they left each other_
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alone. "It would be nice to meet him soon though, but I guess it will have to happen sooner or later."
13 years ago
*...later at least."
13 years ago
"Ja." He agrees quietly. He was happy to have met his counterpart first. His eyes kept going to her pet. "Wh't 's th't?"
13 years ago
met Latvia first, so at least that was nice. "I'm actually not quite sure. I have a few of them, and I'll I figured out what nationality_
13 years ago
they are. I can't even tell the gender..."
13 years ago
blinks. "Th'ir nation'l'ty?"
13 years ago
nods. "The one over there is Italian, and then I also have an American one, a Canadian one, a British one, a Russian one, and a Finnish one.
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Ah." He nods. They were so strange.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
they are strange too but still oh so cute. "I found some of them online too. It's like they just showed up all of a sudden."
13 years ago
"Onl'ne?" He would have to look them up later… He wanted one! They were so cute and squishy…
13 years ago
nods again. "Yep. The first one got lonely it seemed, so I went and got him friends. It was good they were online. I didn't know where else_
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to look for them."
13 years ago
"Wh't're th'y c'lled?" He asked her slowly… He would look them up the minute he got home.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
for a moment. "They usually go under the name 'mochi' after a food that looks like them. Though I have to really give these their own name._
13 years ago
'Mochi' is just a collective term, and I have too many just to call them all that."
13 years ago
nods, "Ah." That was a strange name. were they edible then?
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probably has sort of tried that... unconsciously. "I'll probably name them later though. I'm not quite sure if they are truly my pets."
13 years ago
"Wh't're they m'de 'f?" She seemed to know more about them than America had.
13 years ago
shrugs. "For all I know they could just be blobs of fat. I know that whatever they are made of can expand greatly in a small period and_
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can change colors by certain foods."
13 years ago
stares at her… It... changes colors?
13 years ago
tilts her head back at him. "What is it?"
13 years ago
shakes his head quickly. He should be going home… These things were weirding him out. "Sh'ld go h'me…"
13 years ago
isn't too effected by it. After the first week, she got used to them. "Ah, alright." He was only here to check on Eduard anyway, so it
13 years ago
-wasn't to much of a surprise.
13 years ago
starts to walk back towards the door, but turns awkwardly. "Eh… 'f y' ev'r need 'nyth'n'… y' c'n c'll us…"
13 years ago
follows behind a bit. She smiles at him. "Thanks. ... Us?"
13 years ago
nods. "Me an' Astr'd." He wasn't sure what Astrid's relations with Estonia were, but he didn't think she'd mind.
13 years ago
smiles more. "Astrid's here?" It didn't matter what Astrid thought of Eve. Eve thought highly of Astrid. "I'll make sure to remember that_
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods with a small smile and pets her head.
13 years ago
places on a small grin. "I will see you later then?"
13 years ago
kneels down and pulls his shoes back on. "Ja… B' s'fe."
13 years ago
nods a bit. "I will." She always tries anyways. Going out late was exactly how to be safe, but he doesn't know about that.
Sweden will
13 years ago
be worried if he finds out about that… but she's a full grown woman, so he wouldn't say anything about it. "N'ght."
13 years ago
would try to keep that fact away from him. She doesn't like people worrying about her. "Night."
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