that grrl soup says
13 years ago
If i wanted to get super cool new earbuds that were cute and sounded awesome, what would you recommend?
latest #9
halophoenix says
13 years ago
I always say Shure is a good bet, but there are some other good suggestions at this article under earphones
halophoenix says
13 years ago
Tim's a great guy - you should see the gear he's got to test those things. :-D
13 years ago
the marshmallow-y ones that you give a squeeze before putting them in your ears...
13 years ago
Yeah, I don't even wind up paying that much for mine... I tend to sleep with my earbuds (husband and I listen to different music).
13 years ago
So I wind up destroying them fast. So I get them cheap when Woot has them.
that grrl soup
13 years ago
I'm very good about not losing or destroying them, and the cheap ones have done harm to my ears.
that grrl soup
13 years ago
I also can completely tell the difference, so I try to get super good ones.
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