aiyoyo~! ini facts!!! haha!! faster do whatever you want orh~
Maleh~~~ u always think negative la....= =" i still want to be Future Billionaire leh~~ wait i become sin~~~maybe need to pass a lot century
yes!!! Ai Sean going to die d lor
小剡紫: this is not negative! this is the facts!! HAHA!! ==... if i can watch the end of the world, 我无遗无憾~
how many century you want? LOL!!
hamster!!agree with u!!the world cant be jst end like tat before i turn to be rich!!no way!!
LOL!!!! wei teng!!>< you can bebillionaire now if you take your whole family harta invest in share market
no way!!i want turn to be rich by my effort!!
ai sean!!think positively please!!life not like u think so doom.cheer!!wheeee
eh! i am cheer kay!! just i hope the end of the world faster come nia!! i watch what is the pattern of the end of the world~!
ur thinking is negative only will u wish the world to end faster la
happy then good la.must stay happy!!haha
Must at least touch or Sit BMW 1st~~~ before i die >.<""
go the car company la~ act want buy aneh lur~
You Wear晚装 accompany me drive saga go BMW say want Trade in
and then ACT Kao KAO like want to buy BMW the end, say got emergency matter to do, Escape
when can i buy leh~~~~~~~~
inside my dream~~~ there is no car de~~~~ i only got 5 airport size of parking slot for my personal plane~~~hahaha
i thought jet..? plane nia hor
LOL! live in his dream and paid no rent!! haha!!
hahaa~~~ dream liao lor....all will be gone after woke up~~~
DARE to dream is the first step to be SUCCESS!!
according to our PI tutor, Mr. Chu
not only according to is really a fact k
LOL!! but we learn this from him de ma..><
Did he mentioned dare to sleep too much will have a negative impact in life?
no, he said must listen to body! if body want sleep then go sleep!
lol.not really jst him la.many ppl say so.haha
AHAHAHAHAHA.damn funny he say so to wan yee tis morning!!LOL
Hahaha~~~~not listen to our engine meh? haha
LOL!! yaya!! make wan yee very xia sui!! ><
human body have engine meh? stomach ma? stomach is the source to provide energy..!! same function as engine!!!
yahor! it pump blood de hor!
haha!! sound like pump money!! LOL!!
hahahaha~~~~~~~~~~~! Kia Donate blood !!!! and get free meal~~
i anaemia la!
my blood also selfish eh! AB type de! only can donate to AB type nia eh~
drop my O blood on the plate and drop ur AB blood on it~ see can mix it or not~~~
Luan luan lai de la~~~ haha
==.. traditional method!! LOL!!
i want sleep sin ler! night!