ga bisa digodain lagi nih..
jadi slama ini . . .
huekek bosen ka liburaann
selamat menikmati masa2 berrelation ship
tp keany sama aj si ka kea tmnan gt orgny kocak si *hu
bosen? ke indo aja.. ke jakarta ato ke bali..
weheeu mau.ka ktny kn ad program Visit Indonesia jd sale2 trs y ka?
slamat ya say...
iya kaka
doain langgeng ampe ntar
sale dimana-mana
SRIUSAN KA? slae brpaan ka?
WUIH baru jdian yahh ? sma siapaa kak ?
aku jadian ama cwo dee *iya dong pasti wkak
hmm a cool boy that I never thought before *ga nyangka sumpah soalny bnr2 adored by every girl
thx kate
how about u? *o yeha u like twilight?
hope it wont be missing again
yeah me too! but I havent read new moon. anywhere is sold out
u have read it?
yeah.ow yeah in eclipse do Bella and Edward have a kid?
oww so they get married in what novel?
ayoo ka makan.traktir *wakak
hhoo.when did Edward go away from Bella? *I hate that part
why would he do that?
yeah.omg u dont believe in longe distance love. I will be in that situation next year
I am
Im going to move to Indonesia
it won't be the same anymore when I moved
I hope so.but last year I broke up with my last bf bcoz I ask him to find another girl coz Im far fro him
*am I stupid?
he said that to *but without the 'should let go' part
its okay. I hope every will be fine. thx kate
thx thx
have u ever in this long distance situation?
I hope u won't
he texted me *yay
why u dont believe in long distance relationship cheach? *
cos got la..happen before long hav u been with him? *sorry to hear that
nvm la..ahahah..ur reaction will be "wah~" if i tell out..xD
months 4 year 1( terbalik read)
waahh thats cool
but hope u get a man better than him
kren ya ka si cheah bs pcrn 1 taunan
iyaa kaka asiik
mksi ka
sm sm
aku pemula ka *wekekek.ajarin pcran yg bnr dong ka
engga si uda 5 kali tp yg 5 itu nrima karena terpaksa
.yg ini bnr2 skrng ka
hahaha apasi ka bnrn kan?
jd itu smua aku pcrn pas SD ama SMP. yg SD 3x itu pcrn bocah gt. yg SMP 2x gr2 mrka baik tp aku blom suka ama mrka tp aku uda ka
huekek mantep ka.pacaran pertama cuma 26 detik -_-
iya itu pas SD.abisny dia maksa. aku jwb "iya" 26 dtk kmudian aku blg "kita putus" ahahah dodol ga ka?
iya dong lagian sok2 bgt tu co.baru SD mau pcrn
engga ko kls 2 *doeng
haha mantep kan kcl2 uda genit *cony mksdny xD
ayo ayo yuyun sni aku biaya pesawatny kmu byr sndri yah
hahaha jgn salut ama org yg bgituan ka xD
wekekek ama aku jdny 98 dong ka
bntr ka mau ampe 100an baru bkin baru
huehehe (103)
yauda mauny d traktir ap dee?
hahaha ntar ya klo aku uda balik k Indo.ehh kmu klo nikahan gantian ngundang aku yah *waha kmu aj blom lulus SMA
cool? ur bm short form make me dont know how to read..=/
wekekeks ya itu pilihan jatuh d tgn kmu dee xD
i dont feel cool..ahaha..malay short form..anways have a good relationsip with him!
yeahs thx
but u tottaly cool for me
yeah my longest relationship is just about 1 month.hope I can be forever with my dude now
ahahha. kalo kaya gitu caranya aku udah pacaran brp kali ya. ada yang 26 detik. oke bgt deh km tam hehe
o.O 1 month? at long,he din fo wrong thing can ad
haha 26 detik dia masih nmbk2 lg abis itu tp aku ttp gamau alesan aku "aku ga pacaran ama mantan"
122 dong ka dee
LOL..he not suck la..okok nia
ahahhaa..nvm ad la..pass ad
thx kate hope so. lots of girls adore him.hope I wont be jealous of that
hah ok cheah pass pass
I catch that perfectly.but still have to deal with the girls
haha thx kate. ILY my friend
yeah.xp tgl brp tuh pastinya?wah wah telat nih gue
gw ngakuny tgl 181008 tp dia nmbkny 171208 ka xD
so u got a new bf now?
nope..LOL..dont want yet..
if I were u I will do that too cheah
iya ntar mau tunjukin k co aku ahh x)
iya mau tau responnya.paling responnya biasa aj.terlalu kea cewe ny brisik bgt x)
*liat ni ya ka aku sms dia.
coba tebak respon dia apa ntar ka
hahaha blom d bls ama dia smsny.ntar ka ntar *aku uda ga sbr mau liat respon dia xP
heuhe okeh kaka.plg blom bgn.huuh.dsna jm brp kaka?
kate where is ur location?
ka dimas, dia bales: that's an impressive numb, that proved yer popular -_-"
makasih kaak
wahaa kaka insomnia kaka?
oww great.I live in malaysia but Im Indonesian. ever been to Indonesia b4?
huaaah 'udah' ya ka? sihiiiiiii
selamat yaa
oow mang abis ngpain ka kcapea?
iyaa ddee makasih dee
traktir dong dee *laah
weheuu d sna ad charlie caplin kan ka ya?
huaa keren.dfto ga ka? ntar masukin fb ka