13 years ago
[event 2] was out following Denmark. Ever since he hurt his hand the other day, she was worried.
latest #279
Søren was
13 years ago
a little busy checking out new camp areas for the tribe, and didn't notice her following him.
Evelin likes
13 years ago
that he doesn't notice. She rather him not know she did this even if she did every other week or so. She's careful not to make much noise.
13 years ago
hums and sees a small cliff, and thinks it might be nice at the top. He looks around and sees no easy way of walking up, so he rubbed his
13 years ago
hands before starting to climb.
Evelin is
13 years ago
a bit worried when he does that, but she really doesn't want to reveal that she was following him. She'll just hope he makes it up safely.
Søren has
13 years ago
some difficulty due to his hand, hissing at times from hurting it more. He was okay until he got to the top, were he was having
13 years ago
problems pulling himself up.
13 years ago
watches in worry. Yelling at him won't been good. What if she made him slip? That wouldn't be good. She'll just yell at him when he gets up.
13 years ago
bites his lip and pulls himself up finally, yelping a bit from his hand.
13 years ago
can hear him and frowns. "Idiot! You shouldn't do that with a hurt hand!" Anyone on the ground probably thought a bush just yelled at them.
13 years ago
blinks and turns to look down, smirking a bit. "It's not that hurt, Evelin~" He knew it was her, she was the only one who'd follow him.
13 years ago
would think that there was probably someone who would, but she really didn't know. She looks around, slowly trying to come out from her_
13 years ago
hiding spot. Her hair was in braids like she always did when she was trying to hid. It got tangled in branches less that way. "Then what_
Evelin was
13 years ago
that noise you made?"
13 years ago
hums. "It was my victory noise~?"
13 years ago
frowns at him. "A yelp is a victory noise now?"
13 years ago
nods. "Mhmm."
13 years ago
crosses her arms. "I don't believe you."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Then don't~" Gets up and dusts the snow off himself.
13 years ago
frowns at him more. Mostly since showing worry was good in her eyes.
13 years ago
looks around. "Ye should come up here..."
13 years ago
looks up. "Why?
13 years ago
13 years ago
hums. "It might be our new camp."
13 years ago
blinks for a moment. "Up there?"
13 years ago
nods. "Ja, it goes a bit downhill where the tents can go... But being up here gives us a great advantage over attacks."
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that is reasonable. She was curious how things looked from there too. Maybe there was a nicer way then climbing up.
13 years ago
doesn't think so, it was a pretty steep cliff. "Want me to help ye up?"
13 years ago
looks for another moment somewhat wanting to get up by herself. "Jah." She really didn't want to fall or anything.
13 years ago
hums and undoes a long rope from his waist. He wraps one end around his waist and throws the rest down. It didn't make it all of the way,
13 years ago
but it was better than nothing.
13 years ago
would think so as well. She starts climbing up trying to get up to where the end of the rope is before grabbing at it with one hand.
13 years ago
smiles. "Good. Hold on tight." Slowly starts to pull her up, being careful as to not let her hurt herself.
13 years ago
holds on as tight as she could with both hands while her feet step onto rocks.
13 years ago
smiles as he pulls her all the way up. "There we go~"
13 years ago
barely mumbles a thanks as she gets up. She looks around somewhat getting distracted by what she could see.
13 years ago
looks out over the cliff again. "What do ye think? Perfect view to see any enemies." Turns back to look at the land
13 years ago
behind him. "And this, perfect cover for our presence..."
13 years ago
just nods as he talks. She's become interested at looking down at the ground below and looking out at the distance.
13 years ago
smiles at her. "Just be careful. I don't want ye to fall."
13 years ago
nods again. She's trying to stay a safe distance away, but it was harder to see straight down that way.
13 years ago
would catch her before she fell anyways.
13 years ago
turns around now intent to look everywhere she could. She starts walking forward seeing what she could find.
13 years ago
smiles and walks behind her. "So? What do ye think? Good for the tribe?"
13 years ago
nods while not exactly paying attention to him. The rock she sees a bit away looks cool though.
13 years ago
chuckles a bit at her curiosity. He'll just follow her and look around some more. He really liked this place.
Evelin likes
13 years ago
this place as well. She comes upon the rock and feels how smooth it is before becoming interested in a small bush.
13 years ago
laughs a little at her and ruffles her hair a bit. "Ye certainly are a curious one."
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "Everything is just so interesting." She starts looking at the bare branches of the bush.
13 years ago
follows closely behind her. "It is, when ye're young..."
13 years ago
shakes her hand in a no. "Nope. When I grow up I'll still be amazed. Things keep changing that I'll always have something new to find."
13 years ago
smirks a bit. "I guess. The world keeps on changin'..."
13 years ago
nods. "It does, and while it does I'll figure it out even if it takes forever."
13 years ago
chuckles. "Well, it's not like we die easily. I'm sure ye'll have time..."
13 years ago
nods again a bit slower. "I guess I'm thankful for that if I have that time."
13 years ago
hums. "Ye'll have all the time ye want.."
13 years ago
just smiles a bit. She isn't going to think about that right now.
13 years ago
walks around some more, checking out the area. He had to make sure it was safe for his people.
13 years ago
follows him around this time while getting distracted at times by things she sees. She spots a pretty little rock and picks it up to look at
13 years ago
it better.
13 years ago
keeps glancing back at her every so often, just to make sure she was okay. He smirked a bit at how cute she looked when she checked
13 years ago
things out.
13 years ago
couldn't help but look at things closer. Sometime she could swear things were smeared together... though it only happened every once and_
13 years ago
awhile. She places the rock in a small bag tied around her waist that made a soft clack when it hit something inside.
13 years ago
raises his brow, curious. "What else ye got there?"
13 years ago
pauses for a moment before realizing what he is talking about. "S-stuff..." She didn't want to say what is in there.
13 years ago
hums and walks over to her. "Stuff like what~?"
13 years ago
"Special stuff." And no, he can't look.
13 years ago
crouches in front of her. "Liiikkkkeeee~?" He was curious.
13 years ago
doesn't want to tell him though. "Special things."
13 years ago
really wants to know.
Evelin is
13 years ago
stubborn and won't even let him try to touch her bag. It had things in there that she had for decades.
13 years ago
frowns a bit. "Ye really won't show me...?"
13 years ago
shakes her head in a no. "I don't even show Aura." And that was saying something.
13 years ago
sighs a bit. "Alright..." He gets up and starts walking again. But he'll forever be curious now.
13 years ago
doesn't care if he's curious. It was her stuff... and everything in it was special to her... and some of it was things she would be_
13 years ago
embarrassed to show to Denmark.
13 years ago
still really, really wants to know.
13 years ago
probably would show him something if he kept bothering her about it, but he wasn't at the moment. He got to see her put in the rock at least
13 years ago
Søren wants
13 years ago
to see more! He's a very curious person... And likes to know everything, especially if it's a secret.
Evelin is
13 years ago
very curious as well, but she didn't want to get in on secrets that someone else didn't want to tell.
Søren likes
13 years ago
to know secrets because it makes him feel special...
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
he's special enough without knowing any secrets... not that she would say that.
13 years ago
still thinks they're relationship is close enough for him to know what she had... It's not like he's one to go breaking secrets.
13 years ago
doesn't share the things she has in her bag with Aura. Why would he think that she would share it with him if she couldn't with her best_
13 years ago
friend? ... Even if he didn't break secrets.
Søren thinks
13 years ago
that just because he's not her best friend doesn't mean he can't know... He's trying to protect her, and takes good care of her.
13 years ago
can't really argue with that. However, it was still hard for her to trust people even if they took care of her.
Søren thinks
13 years ago
she can trust him. There's no one he would tell... This could be their secret together.
13 years ago
still is a bit skeptical.
13 years ago
doesn't think she should be... He'll always let her sleep with him when it's cold if she shows him.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
about that for a second... Fine, she'll show him.
13 years ago
instantly stops walking and sits in front of her.
13 years ago
sits down as well as she hesitantly takes a few things out of her bag. A long thin piece of fabric, a small knife that was covered, a coin_
13 years ago
that looked worn down, and two rocks one of which was the one she picked up earlier. It was a random assortment, and she still left one_
13 years ago
thing in her bag.
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "Those are neat..."
13 years ago
nods a bit. She guessed as long as she didn't have to explain what they were it was okay... sort of.
Søren wants
13 years ago
to know more about them.
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
which one he would like to hear first... even if she didn't want to explain any of it much.
13 years ago
carefully picks up the knife.
13 years ago
stares at it a bit afraid it might break or something. "It was a gift that I got before everything happened." Everything meant the early
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods a little, carefully putting it back down. "What about the coin?"
13 years ago
pauses a bit before quietly speaking. "Stole it."
13 years ago
raises his brow. "From who?"
13 years ago
"Does it matter?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
shrugs a bit. "I got it while I was pirating. I don't remember from who." He should have guess that. It was the reason she was controlled
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods a little. "Interesting..." Picks up the new rock. "And this?"
13 years ago
blushes a bit at that one. "Aura." Though, that might not explain anything about it.
13 years ago
nods. "So it means a lot to ye?"
13 years ago
nods back. "S-she's important." Not to mention when the rock was found. It was all-around important.
13 years ago
nods, putting the rock down. "It's nice." He was even more curious about it's story now.
13 years ago
probably has a bit of a story for every item, but she doesn't want to say. "I know." She takes the rock in her hands hiding it under_
13 years ago
her fingers. She really missed her friend.
13 years ago
hums and points to the thin bit of fabric. "And that?"
13 years ago
looks at it. "A piece for the first clothes I was given." It looked that way too. She figured it would be gone too in a few years.
13 years ago
smirks a bit. "That's kinda cute."
13 years ago
blushes even more. "It is not. I just kept it."
13 years ago
smiles a bit, then notices that the bag wasn't fully emptied.
13 years ago
tries to not notice that she hadn't taken everything out of the bag.
13 years ago
goes to grab the bag, curious.
13 years ago
makes a small noise. "Ei!" She didn't want him to find the cross in the pocket. It was embarrassing enough to even have it on her even if_
13 years ago
it was special in some ways.
13 years ago
pouts a bit. "I'm curiouuussss~"
13 years ago
tries to protect the pocket. "Ei! It's too important!" She hoped it would make him stop trying.
13 years ago
pouts more. "But I want to know..."
13 years ago
looks down a bit. She did say she would show him, and it did mean everything. "Fine..."
13 years ago
smiles softly at her. "Tak..."
13 years ago
, face still red, pulls out the last thing in her bag holding it as to hide it as she takes his hand and places the cross on it. She doesn't
13 years ago
look at him as she brings back her hand. It represented everything she was forced into, but also the symbol of the cause of everything she
13 years ago
had at the moment.
13 years ago
hums a little as he turned it over carefully, making sure to be gentle. "Why do ye have this...?"
13 years ago
still isn't looking at him. "Because."
13 years ago
holds it close, smiling faintly.
13 years ago
glances at him before she starts putting everything else away in her bag. She felt so embarrassed at the moment.
13 years ago
doesn't think she should be... He slowly held the cross back out towards her.
Evelin will
13 years ago
be embarrassed about it. She takes the cross back and gently puts it back in.
13 years ago
pets her hair a little. "Tak, for showing me... It must have taken a lot."
13 years ago
just nods a bit.
13 years ago
smiles more at her. "We should start headin' back to camp..."
13 years ago
nods again trying to mutter a yes.
13 years ago
leans closer towards her. "Will ye be okay?"
13 years ago
nods a third time. "I-I'll be okay..." At least okay enough to get back to camp.
13 years ago
frowns a bit. "Are ye sure...?"
13 years ago
takes a breath trying to calm herself. "Jah, I am."
13 years ago
frowns more and gets up, helping her. "We'll get back quickly.."
13 years ago
frowns back at him as she gets up. "I know." She pauses a bit. "Don't need to worry about me... right now."
13 years ago
sighs and starts walking back, holding her hand with his good one. "I always worry about ye..."
13 years ago
follows along side him. "Then don't worry about me so much."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "That's like telling me not to keep my guard up."
13 years ago
sighs some at that.
13 years ago
hums quietly as he gets back to the cliff, getting the rope out again. "I'll lower ye down, okay?
13 years ago
nods again. "Okay."
13 years ago
ties the rope around her waist this time. "Alright, start climbin' down." Grips the rope tightly.
13 years ago
wasn't expecting that, but it did make some sense. She found it a bit harder to go down but managed finding the ledges to use
13 years ago
just wanted her to be safe..
13 years ago
knows that by now. She can't get any farther than the rope will allow though. She tries to make the next step down but cannot.
13 years ago
frowns a bit, taking the rope off his own waist and gets on his stomach, lowering as much as he could. "Can ye jump down from there
13 years ago
without getting hurt...?"
13 years ago
looks down a figures the ground is only a few feet away. "Yeah, it's not that far of a jump."
13 years ago
nods and hesitates before letting go of the rope, keeping his eyes glued on her.
13 years ago
jumps down for the most part landing rather balance... until she tries to walk back a bit and trips on air. Well at least that didn't hurt_
13 years ago
much. She gets back up brushing of anything that may be on her. "Your turn," she says looking up at him.
13 years ago
smiles a bit, glad she was more or less safe. He drops the rope down and swings off the ledge, making his way down.
13 years ago
takes off the rope on her waist before looking to make sure he got down safely.
13 years ago
got down safely enough. A few twists of the wrist but nothing that'd kill him.
Evelin is
13 years ago
glad for that and gives him the ropes back.
13 years ago
thanks her and puts it around his waist before taking her hand again and continued towards the camp.
13 years ago
nods. She follows along side once again and takes her free hand to overlap the hand on her other hand. She felt like being a little clingy.
13 years ago
doesn't mind. He was still really happy about knowing what she kept dear to her.
13 years ago
would probably deny that... even if she already basically admitted they were special. She is still wondering if it was good to let him see_
13 years ago
them. She didn't like anyone seeing them.
Søren is
13 years ago
really happy that she trusted him enough to show him... He wouldn't tell a soul. This was just between them.
13 years ago
probably is at least glad that he wouldn't tell anyone... She just didn't like anyone knowing about them... or that she still kept them.
Søren thinks
13 years ago
it's kinda cute.
13 years ago
doesn't think it's cute. She just kept the things.
Søren thinks
13 years ago
it shows that they have much importance to her though, and thinks it's good to have things like that.
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
if he has anything like that.
Søren has
13 years ago
a few things...
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
what they are.
13 years ago
's most prized thing is hidden away. The others are more obvious, like his axe.
13 years ago
would figure that his axe would be one of them... She's probably wonders what is most prized thing is, but she doesn't want to pester him.
13 years ago
would feel to vulnerable to show her anyways.
Evelin will
13 years ago
just let that curiosity sit with all the other ones she had then and enjoy just walking with him. Not that she would admit that she enjoyed
13 years ago
walking with him.
13 years ago
wouldn't expect her to admit that. He swung their hands a little, just to pass the time as they walked.
13 years ago
probably doesn't admit so much it comes to no surprise to anyone anyways.
13 years ago
gets back to the camp and looks down at her. "Hungry?"
13 years ago
nods. "Yeah."
13 years ago
"Wanna come with me to get food from the men or do ye wanna chill in the tent?"
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
a bit. "I'll go with you." She doesn't exactly like being alone in the camp.
13 years ago
nods and keeps holding her hand as they wander through different tents, weapons, treasure and men. He eventually got to the
13 years ago
food and grabbed some for himself.
13 years ago
felt rather uncomfortable and stays pretty close to Denmark. When they got to the food, she grabbed a bit of food as well. She wants to go
13 years ago
back to their tent.
13 years ago
figured she would, so he got a bit more for later and started back, making sure she'd be safe as they walked.
Evelin is
13 years ago
being rather safe. She's watching where she is going, making sure she doesn't hit stuff and the like.
13 years ago
gets to the tent and lets her go in first before following closely behind. He sat down on the floor near his bed, nibbling on some meat.
13 years ago
sits a few feet away from him. Feeling comfortable again, she takes a bite of food.
13 years ago
smiles a bit as he watched her, still nibbling on his own food. "Ye like it?"
13 years ago
nods a bit. "It's good."
13 years ago
smiles more. "I'll tell my men they did a good job again then..."
13 years ago
hums and nods in response. At least he could tell them; she would probably stutter if she tried.
13 years ago
knew she wasn't comfortable around the men, which is why he kept a close eye on her and made sure she always bunked in the same tent.
13 years ago
probably would thank him for that.
13 years ago
doesn't need or want to be thanked... He just wanted to make sure he was doing the right thing.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that it would be more protectiveness than doing the right thing.
Søren has
13 years ago
been known to be protective... He's just glad she's around.
Evelin is
13 years ago
glad he's here too.
Søren likes
13 years ago
having her around, it help kept him reasonable and not constantly searching for fights. Her safety came first.
13 years ago
tries being safe... but she does like being watch over... for the most part.
13 years ago
tries to keep a safe eye on her when possible...
13 years ago
probably would think that's hard since she gets so easy distracted by things. She'd probably be somewhere new everyday if she didn't have_
13 years ago
reasons to stay around.
13 years ago
which is why he follows her when he can. And it's another reason why he looks for new camps... To give her a new environment to roam around.
13 years ago
probably like that. She really can't stay in one place at all... unless she's too comfortable or curious to stay.
13 years ago
which is why he wouldn't move until she was satisfied with the current area.
13 years ago
would figure that he does nice things for her that he doesn't have to do.
13 years ago
just wants her to be happy with him...
Evelin is
13 years ago
happy with him. Why would he think otherwise?
13 years ago
just does. He likes it when people close to him are happy, but feels bad when they're upset...
Evelin will
13 years ago
try to make a point of trying to be happy then. She doesn't want for him to feel bad.
Søren will
13 years ago
be happy as long as she is... But only if she's truly happy. No faking.
13 years ago
can't fake happiness. She's either really bad at it or she lets her other emotions get to her first.
13 years ago
just wants them to be happy together in the end...
13 years ago
doesn't think he'll have to worry about that. She knows they'll be happy in the end.
Søren thinks
13 years ago
so too, and is glad about that...
13 years ago
believes that even if things go wrong if they both think that it will happen no matter what.
13 years ago
hums as he finishes his meat, then licks his fingers. "Mmm..."
13 years ago
finished a bit before him and is just sitting comfortable by now.
13 years ago
sucks on a finger. "Ye full?"
13 years ago
nods. Her stomach still was in little knots from before even if she was comfortable now. They always made her less hungry.
13 years ago
nods and opens his arms a bit. "Come 'ere."
13 years ago
blinks at him for a moment before getting up and walking over.
13 years ago
pulls her into his lap happily.
13 years ago
smiles as she got herself comfortable on his lap. She liked being held.
13 years ago
wraps his arms around her, but keeps his hurt wrist a bit away and sways a bit. "Ye have a good day?"
13 years ago
nods. "Jah." Other than being embarrassed it was a pretty good day.
13 years ago
rests his head on her shoulder. "Good..."
13 years ago
smiles a bit more. "And what about you? Did you have a good day?"
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "Mhmm~ Got a new camp location, and it's perfect... and I got a full stomach~"
Evelin is
13 years ago
happy to hear that. "That's good."
13 years ago
hums a bit and kisses her cheek.
13 years ago
blushes. "W-what was that for?" Not that she wasn't okay with it.
13 years ago
smirks and shurgs. "For ye bein' cute."
13 years ago
blushes more. Her hands move up to hold the arms around her.
13 years ago
smiles, liking that. "Yer hands are warm..."
13 years ago
just nods in response.
13 years ago
continues to sway happily.
13 years ago
gets herself to calm her blushing and just focuses on the motion. It somewhat reminded her of long grass on a windy day.
13 years ago
humed quietly. "I'm so glad ye're here.."
13 years ago
almost smiles at that. "I'm glad... that you are here as well."
13 years ago
hugs her a bit tighter.
13 years ago
really doesn't mind that. Being hugged was always nice.
Søren is
13 years ago
thankful for her being here... he liked having someone to care for.
Evelin is
13 years ago
really just glad to be here. Denmark was just so nice to her.
13 years ago
liked being nice to her... She was the only one he was really nice to.
13 years ago
would probably wonder why he was only nice to her.
13 years ago
figures it's because she's little, and a female... He liked protecting little nations.
13 years ago
doesn't find that surprising at all.
13 years ago
closes his eyes as he rests his head on her shoulder again.
13 years ago
leans her head slightly against his.
13 years ago
smiles. "Ye gettin' tired?"
13 years ago
nods slightly. "A bit."
13 years ago
hums. "Ye wanna sleep with me again~?"
13 years ago
nods again. "That would be nice..."
13 years ago
smiles and gets up, holding her close. He hugs her before laying her down on the bed and pulls the covers up on her.
13 years ago
smiles back and adjust herself to be comfortable on the bed. "You too..."
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ja, ja..." Takes off a layer of furs and climbs in next to her, cuddling into the blanket.
13 years ago
clings to him almost as soon as she can. She liked the warmth.
13 years ago
chuckles quietly and puts his arms around her, pulling her close.
13 years ago
pays no mind to his laugh. She's rather content this way.
13 years ago
closes his eyes and nuzzles a little against the pillow. "Godnat...Evelin..."
13 years ago
smiles some. "Head ööd, Søren." She closes her eyes as well.
13 years ago
falls asleep quickly after.
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