johnag says
13 years ago
WOOT! I got my page back! (woot)
latest #11
13 years ago
johnag says
13 years ago
Hiya! :-)
bikeman says
13 years ago
Hello John welcome back (dance)
johnag says
13 years ago
Hi,bikeman, good to be back!
bikeman says
13 years ago
Yes been way too long how goes the battle as they say?Here all is well in Sunny Wedgeport Nova Scotia.
johnag says
13 years ago
Things are good, 8C sunny
13 years ago
Hi! (wave)
::Bryony:: says
13 years ago
we've got lovely sunshine, here, too...I missed you, John. (heart_beat)
13 years ago
planetofjanet says
13 years ago
hey stranger
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