lizbdavis asks
15 years ago
Can you please help me fill in this spreadsheet of edtech keynoters:
latest #23
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
timholt that has been my impression, but it hasn't, up until now, been based on any data. I was curious if my anecdotal info is true.
15 years ago
catspyjamasnz says
15 years ago
added some non US.
dmcordell says
15 years ago
LMS Joyce Valenza is an excellent speaker but not sure if she's ever been a keynoter. Should be - speaks to all,teachers, librarians. admin.
catspyjamasnz says
15 years ago
oops, just read your initial plurk. Perhaps I shouldn't have added overseas. You're just doing US. Get rid of them.
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