fuzzsmom thinks
13 years ago
we'd better enjoy our clean car while we can. Just heard the love bugs will be early this year
latest #12
13 years ago
did not know such a thing existed.
fuzzsmom says
13 years ago
just come to Fl in May or September. Don't bother with a clean car. These small, black, sticky, smelly bugs fly together, making love, and
13 years ago
are almost impossible to wash off the cars, windshields, etc., as they die while screwing. To be blunt! (LOL)
13 years ago
and, they are way too plentiful and last about a month......Fl isn't all palm trees and water!
13 years ago
but, at least they die happy! (LOL)
13 years ago
13 years ago
I forget sometimes that people in other states don't have to deal with lovebugs. And, that people in other counties don't have to deal with
13 years ago
the disgusting, vastly plentiful caterpillars that are already EVERYWHERE! I counted 10 squished and 4 live on the sidewalk in front of
13 years ago
3 y.o.'s classroom today.
13 years ago
yikes. Not sure which is worse. At least the love bugs leave eventually. Are your caterpillars here forever? :'-(
13 years ago
No, just for about a month. You'd think we'd have tons of Spring butterflies, but it really doesn't seem like it.
13 years ago
can't be butterflies if squished (doh)
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