~Novlomien~ says
14 years ago
I don't care what anyone says... if someone close to you dies & you just didn't really care because "oh we all die anyway" that's just wrong
latest #8
14 years ago
I can see how you can accept their death... but not at least caring, is another thing... /rant
14 years ago
probably still stinging from a friend's husband passing away recently... but I don't care... we're all here in this world for a reason...
14 years ago
and people love us... and for someone to be like "*shrug* whatever" is ENTIRELY wrong!
14 years ago
okay now end of rant for real...
Rachel says
14 years ago
14 years ago
SinOmynnGrrl says
14 years ago
(cozy) well at least this way you can step away from her knowing it's the right thing *squoosh*
14 years ago
thanks guys... yeah just... I dunno, maybe I'm overreacting again but I still stand by what I said *nodnodnod* (cozy) to all
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