13 years ago
very sad la. :-(
latest #8
Kritz says
13 years ago
why o.O
PHYLLIS ~ ♥ says
13 years ago
failed my driving test lo... think my parents are quite disappointed :-(
Kritz says
13 years ago
aww (cozy) it's hard to pass without bribing anyways, cheer up and try again :-D
PHYLLIS ~ ♥ says
13 years ago
thanks :-) lols so maybe next week I'll try to bribe the officer haha..
Plue ツ says
13 years ago
nvm jyjy next time.. i oso fail once.. go back kena scold =x
PHYLLIS ~ ♥ says
13 years ago
yea me also.. kinda.. ok I will :-)
SuoheeXD says
13 years ago
goodluck =D
PHYLLIS ~ ♥ says
13 years ago
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