it's great to be back in plurk. =P
latest #18
lol, i totally forgot nic has plurk account
hi cendol. when u make cendol again? lol
lol dunno, but i do intent to make one, mold it so can sell multiples hahaha. spread the secretagentbob cult.
hi jack. lost all ma karma =(
make more cendol~~ spread the love lol
nic, plur more, got lotsa juizzz to share here
exkius but whois Dark CHerry?
u lurve to eat mai xiu ap fan one *lol*
lol nvm i saw the Jap kata liao... ohai EMBA-sama XDD
so D.Cherry-sama, what was this...errr...juizzz dat you were toking abt just now? *nudge nudge
oooh, some 'bat gua' news la XD but sudah lalu lorr, if next time got new one , invite u sama2 38 la lol
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