13 years ago
((Mafia)) Sebo walked in to an abandoned warehouse, where Feli and him had planned to meet to discuss many things. Sebo double checked to
latest #122
13 years ago
make sure his guns where loaded just in case the police or anyone decided to make a surprise visit. He walked in and felt a shiver go down
13 years ago
his spine. This BIG plan that they are planning is going to be so much fun.
13 years ago
((For Feli <333
13 years ago
[sorry friend come over to sleep]
13 years ago
(Thats fine)
13 years ago
Smiles down at his successor, opens his arm and waits for Sebo's hug, "HOw's work, Sebo? And the shirt you are wearing today is beautiful~"
13 years ago
Sebo gladly goes and give his boss a hug. "Thank you Feli I had to make sure I was looking good today. Work has been a lot more busy lately
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but nothing I can't handle."
13 years ago
"Ah, work is always there, but a man need to have fun as well. Come, sit and enjoy this," gestures toward the table not far away, "1894 red
13 years ago
wine, complete with my mother's home receipit little biscuit."
13 years ago
[[sdjsujxj I can't wait to arrest you both /Shot]]
13 years ago
[we will see Nii chan =w=lllb...]
13 years ago
He pushed Feli to the table also and then made himself comfortable, pouring red wine for them both. He reached for a biscuit which tasted
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delicious, "so Feli how have you been?"
13 years ago
shrugs, "Here and there, just preparation for the "big plan'. I'm going to talk to Don Ivan later. Anything happen in this city while I was
13 years ago
out?" does not drink, but smiles at Sebo.
13 years ago
((I have to sleep Night)
13 years ago
13 years ago
(Sorry was about to pass out yesterday)
13 years ago
"Nothing really, I actually had lunch with a police officer the other day, but nothing besides that." He takes a sip of his wine.
13 years ago
"Ah, does not fate work in strange way, I had a lovely evening with a kind officer as well." lightly takes a sip as well
13 years ago
"Oh wow, the officer I talked with was new and seemed as if she was hiding something, but I couldn't figure out what."
13 years ago
"New officer...uh...Want to see the file and point it out?" push a button on his chair and a man comes out, holding out a stack of file.
13 years ago
"Sure," He looks though the files of all the police officers until he finds one that looks like her. "Here she is Mei,"the he quickly reads
13 years ago
it not finding out too much more.
13 years ago
"Mei," takes out his reading glasses to take a better look," I think I head of complain about her from my lovely spies. She loves to arrest
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people with weird law that doesn't even should exist in the first place."
13 years ago
"Oh that makes sense, she wanted to arrest me for wearing a certain color." He said "Anyways back to business have you heard anything from
13 years ago
your brother lately."
13 years ago
13 years ago
((Meant to put "about your brother";-))
13 years ago
[[I figured -v-]]
13 years ago
((/Smiley slaughter)
13 years ago
pouts at the question, "VEEEE!!! That's what make me so mad about! He refuse to have a family supper again. Do I have to do a 39 murders
13 years ago
again just to have a little dinner together." poutspoutspoutspouts
13 years ago
"WHAT?! That is just cruel family dinner won't hurt anyone!," Sebo paused thinking of what to do to get a family dinner. "What if you
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pretend to get caught have family dinner then escape? Or if you like the 39 murders that could work too." He said smiling.
13 years ago
"No, he says this time even if I do a 1999 murders, he will never says yes."Have a strange smile on his face, " The escape idea sounds great
Hunny!Feli is
13 years ago
it another plan of yours to get rid of me from the boss throne?"
13 years ago
"No Feli I have no clue what I would do with out you here as the Boss," He said being very honest. "I just want to be there for the dinner."
13 years ago
smiles, "Who knows, but just so you know, I'm thinking about retirement as well, might as well, do one last escape and retire as a series
13 years ago
killer. " lightly pats Sebo, " the mafia is yours, the moment i get arrested."
13 years ago
Frowns at him "Feli you don't have to get arrested you could go anywhere in the world and the mafia will always have your back." You never
13 years ago
have to get caught!"
13 years ago
"Uh, I'm just curious, how does it feel to be on an electric chair and your life on other's control." smiles, the only smiles he wears while
13 years ago
he is torturing his victim.
13 years ago
Sebo looked down at his chair still managing to stay calm, "You know I always pictured it a lot scarier...I think your smile scares me more
13 years ago
than the actual chair." Sebo needed to learn to always stay on alert with Feli, this hadn't been the first time he had done something like
13 years ago
this to him.
13 years ago
"Really? That's sweet of you." his smiles return to normal." But still I like the arrest idea more...and I will need a few trusted man to
13 years ago
handle it, I want you to be one of the man, Sebo. It will be dangerous and no profit, are you in?"
13 years ago
"Of coarse I'm in, it's these types of missions that I live for." He said smiling devilishly. "Anyone else you have in mind for this
13 years ago
13 years ago
'The escape mission, only you and me, as for the cover mission, everyone in the criminal world, I call it the "big plan."
13 years ago
[someone plz think of a better name!!!!]
13 years ago
"Wow that sounds intense! The name could use some work but that sounds like a lot of fun for us for the police it will be like a living
13 years ago
hell." He said grinning at Feli and refilling his glass with wine.
13 years ago
"Oh, think of the fun we will have. And what kind of name do you have in mind. I just can't seem to get the name right." grins as well,
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drinking his wine.
13 years ago
"Hmmm I was thinking but, I can't seem to come up with a good name, The big plan will have to do for now." He said while still thinking of
13 years ago
13 years ago
"buttt~ I want to hear about it nowwwwww~" makes a wincing sound, jokingly.
13 years ago
[Sebo, did you work out the stuff with Arthur about the kidnap?]
13 years ago
(Yes I did...we don't have details but we worked out the basics)
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Sorry boss I have no name right now, but when should we plan for the fake capture?"
13 years ago
(ouo;; ))
13 years ago
[did you reply, Sebo... if you did...plurk ate it]
13 years ago
((I did and then just rewrote it))
13 years ago
[ahhhhh, still can't see it]
13 years ago
"Sorry boss I have no name right now, but when should we plan for the fake capture?"
13 years ago
((Reposted it))
13 years ago
"I'm starting to plan it already. Every criminal in the world will does their work at the exact hour."
13 years ago
"Boss I think we will also have to block off the city so no one gets in or out. Just in case they want to call in more cops." He said
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imagining the whole scenario.
13 years ago
"They can't run, and it doesn't matter if they run. This is an international affair. Every criminal in the world will takes part."
13 years ago
Sebo had imagined all the criminals in the country....but the world seem a bit too geriatric. "Oh wow, I guess your right then."
13 years ago
((pffft, thought we were keeping that a secret from Lovino 8,D ))
13 years ago
((Pfft Felis fault...we were suppose to >.>;-))
13 years ago
[[Also 'geriatric' I'm pretty sure has something to do with old people. I think you mean *generic*.]]
13 years ago
((Whoops....picked a word from spell check and hoped it was right))
13 years ago
"That's good...I always dream about going out as something good." smiles smiles, taking a big bite from his biscuit.
13 years ago
"I promise you..when this is over the whole world will know who you are." Sebo smiled reassuringly at his boss.
13 years ago
"ve~ Wonderful." went silent for a few moment, picking up his brother file and another new file, "btw, a new cop comes in town. Will you be
13 years ago
a sweetheart and see what is he up to? There seem to be some talks of me finally be brought to justice."
13 years ago
He grabs both of the files and starts to read them. "Sure thing and don't worry you won't be brought to justice unless you want to be." He
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paused for a second "We don't seem to have too much information on this new guy."
13 years ago
"That's what I don't like, ve... Way too little information, and he is seem to be nosing around, with Lovino." pouts cutely, but this is
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more of a sign that he is annoyed
13 years ago
"Ya I don't like this situation either. If he is snooping around then I'll go kill him if you want." Takes out his gun and proceeds to put a
13 years ago
silencer on it, while waiting for his bosses answer.
13 years ago
"ve, it will be too easy for him. Invite he over for tea instead. And do not let Nii chan know that his partner is here for tea for" count
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his finger, "3 days should be enough."
13 years ago
"Alright, so I'll have all our connections call me when they see him and bring him over for tea without lovi knowing. Does that sound good?"
13 years ago
He said grabbing his phone . "Feli what do you mean three days should be good enough?"
13 years ago
"I will make sure he talks or comes out in a box." hums a little, having that frightening smile once again.
13 years ago
"Ahh okay, so we are pretty much holding him hostage." He said with his own evil smile
13 years ago
"Tea, we won't want the police after us, right. We are just inviting them over for tea." sighs, and sips some more wine
13 years ago
"Alright I shall do what you ask, do you know where this um Brit was last seen?" He asked taking his cup and twirling it in his hand.
13 years ago
"Doing some information buying from one of the drug man." sipping the wine quietly, " ah, that remind me, Sebo, take care of that man tongue
13 years ago
, will you, an overactive mouth is always a bad thing for the group."
13 years ago
Sebo shut up after hearing that. He was pretty sure Feli wanted him to shut up and the last thing he wanted to do is get on Felis bad side,
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so he just started to sip his wine.
13 years ago
smiles at the good Sebo, they enjoy the silent for a while. "Uh, Sebo, what will you do when you become the boss?"
13 years ago
He hesitates to speak, but finally does "I don't know, but I think it will stay simialr to how it is at the moment." Sebo never had thought
13 years ago
this far from now.
13 years ago
" No change, not even destroy my tea room? You are too kind." smiles smiles, no way telling if he approves of it or not.
13 years ago
[class, see you]
13 years ago
((Have fun!!)
13 years ago
[Feli's tea room is the dissection room]
13 years ago
((OTL Didn't know...should I delete it and retype it?))
13 years ago
[uh....retype maybe?]
13 years ago
"No of coarse not...maybe I will get some new equipment for it...but I would never destroy such a lovely room." He says this cautiously.
13 years ago
((Pooooookkkkeee if felis around ouo))
13 years ago
"Do Whatever you like with it, I think the elder might ask u to destroy it though."
13 years ago
"Hmm I like it though, but I guess I'll have to take that into consideration."
Hunny!Feli has
13 years ago
a small smirk om his face, "Sebo, Sebo, while we are suppose to respect the elder, we do not have to listen to them. "
13 years ago
[So very sorry, Sebo, but I am reallu tired and have to study for Exam]
13 years ago
((Its fine feli study or go sleep thats more important -tucks in-))
13 years ago
[Thanks~ Hug hug]
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