13 years ago
really wishes the snow would stop.
latest #70
Kresnik says
13 years ago
"It's raining over here...want to come over?"
13 years ago
rain doesn't sound much better than snow. Both could be cold and miserable.
13 years ago
begs to differ. If it's raining, then it's warmer. "Besides, rain feels nice!"
13 years ago
shivers. "Can't we go somewhere warm, and dry ... preferably with the sun shining?"
Kresnik thinks
13 years ago
about this for a minute, then says "I live near England, so..." he trails off. "I wonder if America will let us visit him?"
13 years ago
"He probably would. There are warm parts of America, right?"
13 years ago
"Oh I know! Let's go to L.A! I heard there are beaches and stuff and it's really south so it should be warm, right?"
13 years ago
"... L.A? What is L.A." Not sure how a place can have letters for a name.
13 years ago
"Wait...what does L.A. stand for?" America always calls it that so Sealand doesn't know. He searches up the term on google.
13 years ago
looks over his shoulder and watches.
13 years ago
waits for the search results to load. "Aha! Los Angeles. that's what it stands for!" clicks on the first result which was a wikipedia_
13 years ago
article on it. "It says that it's spanish for 'The Angels'...or something"
13 years ago
"Oh, sounds like something Spain would name. What is interesting to do there?"
13 years ago
"America says that's where dreams are realized! But I think that's not true...there's probably a beach, though!"
13 years ago
"Dreams? It must be a very nice place then."
13 years ago
"Then we should go! Right now! I think there's a flight to L.A. soon." Pauses. "Do you think America will give us a ride there?"
13 years ago
"Only one way to find out. Ask him." looks at him. "You want to leave right now?"
13 years ago
"Yeah! Why not?" He pauses. " don't have America's phone number" he laughs and nervously looks over to Belarus.
13 years ago
pulls out her cell phone and brings it up. "Here."
13 years ago
"Oh...thanks." he takes the cellphone and skims through the contact list for America.
13 years ago
((Now that America is involved, do we have to wait for America to join in...or...what?))
13 years ago
((We should probably inform America his presence is requested))
13 years ago
((Okay! with a private plurk or...what? I'm not really sure. Sorry))
13 years ago
((let me see what I can do))
13 years ago
got startled when he felt his phone vibrate. He looked to see who was calling. Belarus? Hmm? He wonders what's up. "Hello! US of Awesome_
13 years ago
here! Alfred speaking!"
13 years ago
takes the phone from Peter when she hears him answer. "Alfred, Sealand and I wanted to ask you about L.A. We wanted to visit."
13 years ago
pouted from the sudden snatch of the cellphone but made no fuss about it.
13 years ago
blinks in surprise. "Huh? About L.A.? What about it? You wanna visit me in L.A.? Well hell yeah sure!! I don't mind!" He grins.
13 years ago
looks at Peter, "He says he doesn't mind, we can come and visit him." returns to the phone. "Dziakuj. It is warm there, right?"
13 years ago
nods against the phone as he leans back on his chair. "Yep! It's sunny down here! Nice time to go to the beach!"
13 years ago
"Beach... we will be there shortly." hangs up the phone. "He's waiting for us."
13 years ago
blinks. Eh? Did she just hang up? He stares at his phone. Did they even know where he was at right now?
13 years ago
exclaims "Yay!" but it just occurred to him that they had no idea where to actually meet America.
13 years ago
"Go pack, I will meet you at the airport shortly." thought they were going to LA.
America will
13 years ago
just have to get the flight information from Belarus' boss then. He's guessing Peter will be coming with Belarus then. Yay! Beach time!
13 years ago
goes off to pack but doesn't really need too much things. He takes his swimming suit, sandals, a towel, and an inner tube. He also brings_
13 years ago
an I-pod and DS for the ride. He's happy that they can go to the beach now.
13 years ago
packs for their trip. remembers her bikini, beach towel, sunscreen and sandals. Also packs a few other things she will need, including her
13 years ago
13 years ago
comes back with the packed things. "Belarus, are you ready?"
13 years ago
"Tak, I am ready Peotr. Let's go."
13 years ago
beams and walks out of the room. "Are we taking a taxi to the airport?" he shouts back.
13 years ago
nods. "It should be here any minute." the car pulls up as she says that.
13 years ago
throws in his bag and proceeds to sit down beside the window. "Yay~ The beach, the beach!" He's really excited for this
13 years ago
gets in the cab and tells the driver the airport. "Looking forward to no snow for a while." reaches into her purse and counts the secret
13 years ago
stash of American money she has.
13 years ago
Looks out the window. He liked long car rides but he was so excited that he wishes the ride would end soon.
13 years ago
pays the cab driver in American money because they prefer it in her country. "Here we are, we need to catch our flight."
13 years ago
gets out of the car and waves to the driver. He walks into the airport, enjoying the air conditioning there.
13 years ago
follows him, handing him his ticket. "Don't lose this."
13 years ago
hangs onto the ticket and follows Belarus. He doesn't go to airports much so he doesn't know what to do.
13 years ago
goes the terminal, presents her ticket and goes through security, then waits for Peter before walking to their gate.
13 years ago
hands in the ticket and waits for the security checks to end. When he got through the gate, he stood beside Belarus, shaking from excitement
13 years ago
looks at him. "Do you fly often?" walks over to a seat and waits for the gate to open.
13 years ago
shakes head. "I don't usually get to, there's no one to really visit."
13 years ago
"Oh. This should be interesting, I think L.A. is a really big city."
Kresnik has
13 years ago
heard that as well, but mostly just wanted to go swimming. He doesn't trust L.A. from all the television he watches.
13 years ago
sees the gate open and the people lining up to get on the plane. "Let's go." stands to get in line.
13 years ago
nods and follows her. The line is moving quite quickly and it was only 5 minutes later when they reached the entrance.
13 years ago
steps onto the plane and looks for their seats. She made sure Peter got the window seat.
13 years ago
hops into the window seat happily after placing his bag underneath his chair.'"Do you know how long the ride is?"
13 years ago
"It will take 6 hours to fly to America, then another 5 hours to get to L.A." sits down in the aisle seat, stows her bag underneath.
13 years ago
groans. Even though he liked long rides, he was impatient right now. He took out his DS and started playing it.
13 years ago
got the flight number and information from Belarus' boss. While he waited for them, he might as well clean up his place. Good thing they
13 years ago
caught him when he was actually in California! He wanted some sun too!
13 years ago
looks over Peter's shoulder out the window watching the never changing landscape of houses and streets as they land. Where did the city _
13 years ago
end? Is a little intimidated, has no idea LA was this big!
13 years ago
sneaked a look to the window when he noticed Belarus. After realizing that they're close to arriving, he puts away his DS and stares out_
13 years ago
the window. He wonders where the beach is.
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