13 years ago
latest #95
Elizabeta wonders
13 years ago
if the two are fighting again...
Turkey will
13 years ago
NOT comment. D<
13 years ago
wont ask then... she'll just... avoid him for a bit.
13 years ago
storms over and clicks the website off. *fumes*
13 years ago
glares and tries to turn it back on.
13 years ago
throws his upper body over the keyboard and mouse, still saying nothing as he glares up.
13 years ago
won't let go and tries desperatly to move it even under the weight. He doesn't say a word just continues to glare.
13 years ago
wrestles with him, his hand reaching back to find the wires so he can turn the thing off. Even when he falls onto the floor, hands still
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clutching at the keyboard and mouse.
13 years ago
wrestles back as he tries to save the keyboard and mouse and ends up falling on top of him still trying desperately to steal the computer
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extensions from him.
13 years ago
growls at him. 'Stop-trying to-humiliate-me!' He tries to force him off by thrashing his hips.
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tries to still him by pinning the others hips down by sitting on him and tries to grab the mouse and keyboard back. "You should have thought
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of that before humiliating me." He growls back just as angrily if not more.
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'Believe me, I barely have to lift a finger to humiliate you, you oaf!' He stops moving his hips and settles with glaring daggers at him
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from his position on the ground.
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snarls as he finally rips the keyboard out of his grasp and into his hold. "Yeah, you're right. Your company alone is humiliating
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enough." He retaliates,
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'I clean up your image by simply being present.' He glares at the loss, and begins to punch into Turkey's stomach in anger.
13 years ago
grunts at the punching and discards the keyboard so that he can try and catch Greece's hands to stop him from punching him. "Says you!" He's
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lucky and manages to stop one arm from punching him.
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's free fist punches Turkey's hand instead, not really using much force as he just wants to shake him off. 'Yes! And the rest of Greece and
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all my allies who aren't friends with you! You're the one showing off stupid websites!'
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pulls him against his body and holds onto him tight to cease the punching. "I'm not showing anything off. I'm just giving you options." He
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growls. "Since you have so many allies that aren't my friend why don't you date someone who your allies like in that case!'
13 years ago
'Well, maybe I should!' He snaps back, immediately regretting it. Why did he say that? It isn't what he wants at all. But for some reason he
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couldn't make himself backtrack now. That's what these kinds of fights did to him, they made him too angry to control what he says.
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's eyes widen before narrowing. He essentially throws Greece to the floor and gets up. "Then go fucking do it!" He snarls. "You have the
13 years ago
means now!"
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bites his bottom lip, feeling it shake from seeing how angry that made Turkey now. All he wanted to do now is get up, take Turkey's hand
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and apologise for that, and assure him there was no other he wanted or needed. But...that wasn't happening. Not with his pride feeling
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like it had to fight it's way out, kicking and thrashing. He stands, and gathers himself. 'Fine, I will!' He turns on his heel and storms
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away from him, shaking for so many reasons.
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cltuches his fist to the point that his nails have dug holes in his palm and caused him to bleed. He wasn't going to let him get off the
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hook that easily. He storms after him and violently grabs him by the shoulder spinning him around so he can face him. In his anger he
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pushes him roughly against the wall and slams his hand beside his head. "Why do you do this to me!" He was shaking and he was seeing red.
13 years ago
can't hide the alarm or shock on his face when he is violently thrown against the wall. He reaches up to ease the pain on his head and
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glares through watered eyes. 'You do this to yourself! You make me like this, and then you can't handle what you hear!'
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couldn't even feel bad for Greece right now he was hurting so much. He growls. "No!" He denies. "You like taking advantage of me! You go out
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of your way to hurt me!" He wasn't even making any sense anymore. "You ungrateful, spoiled, brat!" He traps Heracles against the wall as
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with his body.
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can't help but feel intimidated at Turkey's slightly taller and broader build, and shoves at him to feel less trapped. 'You're deluded, you
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know that? You were knocked about too much in one of those wars you love so fucking much, that you create stupid illusions in your big,
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thick head-like how you spoiled me, and were good for me! You're a dumb, masked idiot!'
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barely feels the shove but does back away. "Fuck you, you piece of shit!" He was really restraining from doing something worse...like what
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he had done to the Greek during the Istanbul pogrom. "If I'm so dumb you must be even stupider for being under my rule for so fucking
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long!" He was shaking now, shaking really bad.
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wasn't above going to those levels himself, and his hand was already shaking from being held back so much. He stupidly follows Turkey as he
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moves away. 'I was biding my time because I knew I was smarter than you and that I could get more by staying longer-you had nothing to
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do with it! You ruin every-fucking-thing, I wanted nothing to do with you!'
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narrows his eyes but pulls back even more. "Well then you can have nothing to do with me because I never want to see you again!" He
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snarls. "Have a great fucking life. You can go back to whoring yourself out again. Bet you're happy to have that freedom again!"
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can't hold back then. At being named a whore, it was the last straw. He clenches his fist to the point his muscles cry in pain, and he
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swings it up and into Turkey's jaw. '*Fuck* you! Don't you even *think* about judging me!'
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had not been expecting Greece to punch him and has the other's fist connect with his jaw and he riles back clutching the side of his face in
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pain. He hisses before swinging a punch of his own. "I'm entitled to my own opinion, *WHORE*. Maybe I should have placed you in the harem."
Greece is
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forced by the punch into the nearby wall. He holds himself up and puts a shaking hand to his bruising cheek. He wasn't sure why he was
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surprised at being hit back. He slowly looks up and says in a deathly low tone 'You're just the type of person to keep a bunch of whores
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at your disposal, you know that? Well tough for you I'd never lower myself to that stage-least of all a sick, twisted pervert like you.' He
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almost spits at him.
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spits out some blood as he wipes at his lip. "That's right you wouldn't but at least the Harem women have more self-respect for themselves
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then you." He snaps back as he braces himself for another attack. This was not going to end well at all. "You don't have any
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standards. Anyone with a pulse is an acceptable fuck for you."
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leaps at him, tackling him and grabbing his mask, wanting to crumple it in his hands and was certainly trying! 'I held out from you for
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long enough, but maybe because you were worse than a dead corpse! I have respect and I have love-two things you like to fuck and dispose of
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like the people who stand in your way, you cold heartless bastard!'
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had managed to cushion his fall thanks to all the years of fighting he had been through. However, he still lets out a small grunt at the
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impact and it doesn't take him long to realize that he's mask has been swiped from his face. Upon seeing what Greece was doing he lunges up
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and grabs him hard by the arms trying to bruise him as he rolls them over so he's the one on top. "A dead corpse!" He snaps. "Clearly if
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that's what you think of me then pleasuring you must be the easiest task anyone can come by and if anyone is heartless it's you!" He pulls
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his arm back and with as much force as he can brings his fist down on the Greek. "I've seen how you play with peoples emotions making them
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feel like they're loved and when you're done you forget about them completely. At least I save them that pain."
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lets out a pained sound as he receives the blow, and he can't respond as quickly as he would have liked. When he regains the ability to
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speak, he gasps out 'I don't play with emotions! I encourage them-it's the only way to grow, which is why you act like such a child! You
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have no heart, no emotions, no nothing but a pit of emptiness! Don't blame *me*!' At that, he knees Turkey in the chest with all
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his might, and he grabs hold of his hair tightly and shakes it back and forwards.
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cries out in pain and grabs Greece's left ankle tightly as he jerks it forward and out. He takes this oppurtunity to get inbetween the
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Greeks legs in hopes of at least saving his hair from being ripped out. "I'll show you fucking emptiness in that case!" He grabs Greece by
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the neck and squeezing it tightly in hopes of getting the other to release his hair. "I can show you exactly what someone with no heart is
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capable of!" He snarls squeezing tighter now.
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's legs kick out, meaningfully kicking him so he'll be covered in different coloured bruises and bashes. He finds it hard to breath but
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refuses to let go of his tight and painful grip of his hair until Turkey's grip tightens and his air supply is cut off completely. He holds
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the breath he has and releases his grip. Instead, he places his hands on Turkey's crotch, gives him one last dizzy look and then
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squeezes with the little energy he has in him. 'Fuck...you...!
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goes down like a card castle and all he can do is groan in pain. "Y-y-you..." He wheezes trying to recuparate but having quite a bit of
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trouble. "...d-dirty..." He gasps. "..w-whoreee..."
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takes this opportunity to clumsily straddle Turkey, still keeping a hold of his crotch. 'Stop-calling-me-that!' He growls weakly, throat
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burning painfully. 'I'm not a whore!' From anyone else, the insult would just upset him but coming from Turkey..it makes him squeeze harder.
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's face contorts in pain and he bites his lip to keep from making any noise. He really can't do anything and hate how he's at Greece's cheap
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mercy. "Y-y-you...Ahhh...ARE!" He hisses through clenched teeth.
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harshly blinks away hot tears. He lets him go so he can grab him again and lay another punch on him. 'I'm not! I'm *not*!'
13 years ago
(( Did you grab my crotch again? ))
13 years ago
(( Oh I want to >D But I think I've let go of your crotch to grab hold of your body again. I'm not sure now...))
13 years ago
gets hit once again and ends up grabbing the Greek by the arms and rolling them around pinning him harshle against the floor. He stops and
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glares down at him. "You are and I can easily prove it." He grinds down against him roughly.
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