England is
13 years ago
taking a walk through the park in the middle of the night.
latest #126
13 years ago
stares at figure coming his way and realized who it was. "Ah, Artie! Hey!" He gave him a small wave.
13 years ago
looks up, hands slipped into his pockets to keep them warm. "...Alfred? What are you doing here?"
13 years ago
smiled wider as he dashes off in front of the Brit. "Came to see you! Why? Am I not allowed to?"
13 years ago
blinks, surprised. "...Came to see me?" he repeats, immediately wondering the American had an ulterior motive. "...You're allowed to, but_
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I don't see why you'd want to."
13 years ago
blinks at him and shrugs. "Yeah! I'm not mean like that, am I? I like visiting others too! And I haven't heard from you at all, so you_
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became #1 in my top list of visiting!" He smiled.
13 years ago
stops short of rolling his eyes, though the thought of someone actually wondering about his whereabouts was heartwarming. "I've been busy._
13 years ago
But, that aside, how did you know I was -here-? Or did you intend on wandering around London until I found you?"
13 years ago
nodded as he shoved his hands inside his jacket. "Oh... Well you should lay low sometimes, Artie! Overworking is bad for you too, you know!_
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Stress is annoying!" He smiled. "Ah, well kinda! Yeah!" He bluntly said with a happy grin. "I was looking around too, so it's all good!"
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Busy implies that I -was- doing work, idiot. And haven't I told you to stop being so reckless? You could've just
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-called- me or something to warn me that you were coming!"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I don't think it's reckless at all. It's like an adventure!! Ah well I did call you! But as how you said. You were_
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*busy*." He grins. "It's all cool though. I finally got hold of you!"
13 years ago
scoffs, slowly beginning to walk again. "Regardless. Was there anything in particular that you wanted?"
13 years ago
smiled as he ran after him and hugged him from behind. "Like I said... I missed you Artie!"
13 years ago
freezes in place, eyes wide and cheeks pink. "G... Get off me, you git!" he snaps, trying to escape from the other's embrace. "It's one
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thing to tell me that you missed me - thank you, by the way -, but it's another thing to infringe upon my personal space!"
13 years ago
frowned when he tries to escape his hug, making him hug the Brit tighter just for the teaser. "So you don't want me hugging you then?"
13 years ago
wriggles even more. "N-No! I was in the middle of a walk, you idiot! And what if some passerby gets the wrong idea?"
13 years ago
pouts and now releases him with his arms wide open. "There's nothing wrong with hugging, I think. Let them think whatever they want then!"
13 years ago
huffs, readjusting his clothes and sending a light glare, mostly free of venom, at the other. "Well, -I'm- uncomfortable with it."
13 years ago
pouted deeper as he kicked his feet lightly off the ground. "So when you hugged me before, you weren't comfortable with it?" He means when_
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he was still Colonial America.
13 years ago
frowns, and just continues his walk. "...That was different. You -know- it was different."
13 years ago
nodded. "I guess..." He slowly followed right after him. He's been walking around really, so might as well just follow him.
13 years ago
sighs, glancing back after walking for a while. "How long are you planning to stay in London?"
13 years ago
snorts a little embarrassingly while looking away, rubbing his nose as he goes. "I've been here for quite a while now actually... Your boss_
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wouldn't let me visit you. So I've been pretty much lingering around. Today's my last day. I'll be heading back tomorrow." He frowned a bit.
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. Cameron wouldn't let America see him...? That was... problematic. "...I see," he replied, frowning slightly. "Well then,
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you ought to go back to your hotel, or wherever it was you've been staying, to rest. An 8 hour flight won't be comfortable."
13 years ago
wrinkles his nose as he shakes his head. "Did that already~ I've been pretty much resting for the duration I was here. I have my ways of_
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entertainment during that flight, so don't worry!" He flashes him a grin. "I was gonna head to a pub to drink, but then I bumped into you!"
13 years ago
blinks, before gaining an amused gleam in his eyes. "You? In a bar, here? Are you sure you'll be able to handle it, lad? American brews are
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nothing compared to -real- beer."
13 years ago
quirks an eyebrow up with his jaws dropping a bit. "Are you mocking my beer, Artie? And hell I can take European beers too!" He snorts and_
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smirks at him. "Better than you, at least."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Yes, I am. They taste like shit. And I'm better at holding my liquor than you are, you little prat."
13 years ago
grumbles at him while giving him an unamused face. "Insult much? And fuck no, I have seen you dancing on top of tables before, Artie. I am_
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WAY better at holding my alcohol intake!"
13 years ago
huffs, reddening just a bit at the memory. "...That was before," he grumbled. "Absinthe is strong. I'd wager that you'd get drunk off the
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mere scent of it."
America thinks
13 years ago
for a moment. Absinthe? He's pretty sure the ban was lifted for that in the states. It wouldn't hurt to try it, right? "So we're gambling_
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here now too, huh? Alright! I'll take on your bet then, Artie! I'll prove you wrong, you old man!"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Forget it. I don't want to lug your drunken arse around and deal with your hangover tomorrow morning."
13 years ago
grumbles. "That would be you, Artie. All drunk and mighty you are. And why the hell would you wager then if you're gonna back out from it!?"
13 years ago
pouted. "Well I'm still gonna go to a bar whether you like it or not" He sticked his tongue out as he parts away from him.
13 years ago
shakes his head, and continues on his way. He -really- didn't want to deal with a drunk and hungover American... but he was a gentleman,
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and gentlemen just didn't let idiots like Alfred do get drunk and stumble around London's streets. With a sigh, he turns around, speeding up
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to catch the other. "Wait up, idiot."
13 years ago
turns around and pouts. "I am not an idiot! And just because I reacted to that doesn't mean I acknowledge it!" He did wait for the Brit to_
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catch up though. "So slow as usual, I see?" He chuckles.
13 years ago
scoffs, only slightly amused. "Slow and steady wins the race. Though, you wouldn't know that, with how often you rush into
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situations without thinking."
13 years ago
flushes softly from that as his voice recognizably gets louder without him realizing. "W-well sometimes it's better to strike while the_
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iron is hot than to think it through! Hafta get the adrenalines pumping!" He huffs, now speeding up his walk towards the bar.
13 years ago
continues at a regular pace, even if that means America gets ahead of him. "You can go ahead and regret your end result. I'd rather plan
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ahead and be pleased with what I get."
America thinks
13 years ago
about this as he walked. "Well I live everyday of my life to the fullest so at least I know that when my time as a nation end, I know I_
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lived a good life, right?" He looked back to him for a quick second before going back to his pace.
13 years ago
hums, thinking. "It's rather early for you to think about that. You're not even over a thousand years old." And then, his pessimistic side_
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added, "It's hard for us nations to have 'good lives'... if not impossible."
13 years ago
shakes his head and laughs. "So you pretty much confessed that you're more than a thousand years old then!" He runs his fingers through_
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his hair as he smiled forward, optimism just blooming around him. "Even so! That's why you have to go out and find it! Search for that good_
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adventure! Remember? Like how you used to tell me stories of when you were a pirate? Your Golden age as how you told me before."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Of -course- I'm more than a thousand years old, idiot. Rome first found me in 55 BC." The American's optimism went ignored,
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and they continued on towards the bar. "There's nothing left to discover, nothing left to steal. The New World isn't quite new, anymore."
13 years ago
laughs. "You are *SO* old, Artie!" His laughter died a bit though as he looks back at him with a face. "Well sorry, Mr. Emo Brit! God,_
13 years ago
Artie! Why be such a bummer!? Oh please don't tell me once you start drinking again, you'll end up moping and whining at me... *Again*??"
13 years ago
ignores the quip about his age. "I won't be drinking," the Briton replied. "And I've better things to do than complain about -you- all day."
13 years ago
smiles. "Okay good then! Because I really don't wanna listen to you nagging!" He beams as they enter the bar, holding the door for the Brit.
13 years ago
regrets tagging along with America. Already, the lad was annoying him. He enters the bar with a small nod of thanks, sighing a bit into the_
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familiar atmosphere before heading over to some empty bar stools and sitting down.
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grins as he took the empty stool next to the Brit. "British pubs and American bars are so different in ways." He started off as he ordered_
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himself some London Porter for starters. "But still the same though.. people get their ass drunk in them!" He laughs.
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, surprising the bartender by not ordering anything. "Brilliant deduction, lad. You ought to join the CIA."
13 years ago
pouts at him. "I'm just trying to strike a conversation here... geez. So how have you been, Artie?" He leaned by the bar as the bartender_
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his drink to him.
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glances at the beer, but refuses to be tempted. "...As well as I could be, I suppose. Nothing really has changed, though spending time at_
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home has become a lot more enjoyable, with Ann around. What about you?"
13 years ago
takes a sip of the beer and sighs happily after. "Ah that's some good stuff~ Hmm? Oh? Ah well that's good then. Nice to know you get along_
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well with your counterpart." He stares blankly nowhere as he takes another sip. "Me? I've been good too... politics drags me around, but_
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that's just the typical stuff. So it's all good..."
13 years ago
nods, unable to help but frown a bit at the thought of politics. "...She's pleasant company. Do you get along with Alicia? She's a nice_
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girl; I've always imagined that you two would get along splendidly."
13 years ago
nodded a little while pressing the rim of the glass on his lips. "Yeah, she's a sweetheart. Pretty gal too. We definitely have similar_
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taste. But like me, she's an independent woman too. She has her own life to live, so we don't get to hang out so much." He munches
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on the snacks left by the bartender for him.
13 years ago
nods, briefly recalling Alicia's face. "Mm... she's grown up beautifully. I'm sure Ann is proud. Nevertheless, that's unfortunate... I do
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hope you'll be able to spend more time with her in the future." Then, unable to resist, he ordered a glass of water.
13 years ago
chuckles a bit as he glances at him. "Of course she's beautiful. Both me and Alicia are America the 'fucking' beautiful! You like her,_
13 years ago
don't cha? For my female counterpart, she got some nice racks. Haha but don't worry, I won't tell her~" He smiled cheerfully before_
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sighing. "I hope so too. But I know she's busy, so it's cool with me to wait." He chugs down the rest of his beer before ordering a new one.
13 years ago
splutters, almost choking on his drink. "What?! No! I don't-- at least, not in the way that you're implying!" He huffs, setting his
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cup down. "She's more of a little sister that finally grew up. I'm... proud of her."
13 years ago
"Hmmm~" He hummed while drinking his beer. "So how about me? You proud of me? I did become a little brother to you almost, right?"
13 years ago
huffs, frowning a bit. "Perhaps. Sometimes, I am; other times, I'm not. You and Alicia may both be 'America', but she surpasses you in terms
13 years ago
of maturity."
13 years ago
blinks at this. "Oh." No, he definitely will not pout at this. He will take this as a man because he is fucking mature, okay? "I see..." He_
13 years ago
quickly chugs down his full drink and exasperatedly sighs out, getting himself his third drink of the night.
13 years ago
had been expecting America to whine. "...Yes." A pause, "But... you're not -too- far behind."
13 years ago
pauses for a slight bit when he heard him say those words and now a small smile slowly creeps on his lips, using his thanks for the_
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bartender as his decoy. This time, the third drink was consumed slowly.
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continues sipping his water, and allows his eyes to wander to other parts of the bar.
13 years ago
looks at the Brit and quirks an eyebrow up. "..You know you don't have to stay, right? I can handle drinking alone." He just felt like_
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stating it out. "Not that I hate your company or anything.. I know you've been busy and shit...but yeah."
13 years ago
blinks, glancing at America. "...I know," he replied. "I just don't want you bothering my citizens, when you get drunk. I'm not busy
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anymore, and it's rude to just leave."
13 years ago
"Heyyyy..." He huffs and pouts at him. "That would be you. Disrupting and causing havoc when drunk. I am perfectly fine when I am drunk." He
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retorted back. "And if you say so.. just drink with me though... it's kinda boring that you're just drinking water though..." He says while_
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taking a sip of his beer.
13 years ago
shakes his head, even though he's terribly tempted to order a drink for himself. "I told you - it's an inconvenience for Ann. And I'd_
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destroy the entire purpose of following you here, if I got drunk too."
America thinks
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about this and hums. "Hmm... I guess you're right." He sighs as he offers him the snack. "Want some? And so is that why you tagged along_
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for then? Not to hang out, but just to watch over me? Geez... Artie.. I appreciate the thought, but I'm not a kid anymore. I can handle_
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drinking by myself."
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No thank you. And it's just a precaution. Just be grateful that someone cares."
13 years ago
leans on the bar. "But didn't you say what you cared more was for the safety of your citizen and not me?" He sighs and grumbles. He needed_
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a stronger drink now, wanting to feel a little buzzed. He orders anything strong that the bartender could give him.
13 years ago
sighs. "Just because I care more about them doesn't mean that I don't care about you at all." A pause, "If you want me to leave, just say
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks back at him as he now hold the strong liquor on his hand. "...Stay... I'll stop picking on you."
13 years ago
hesitates, but nods, finishing off his water and eying America's drink. "Did something bad happen? That isn't really something that someone
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would drink casually..."
13 years ago
blinks at him. "Huh? Ah. Something bad?" He thinks about it as he drank the stronger drink. "Maybe, maybe not? I dunno Artie..."
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