13 years ago
[Event 2] was looking over the sea trying to find out what was below. She might have ran away again but only to explore.
latest #198
13 years ago
walks up behind her and crosses his arms.
13 years ago
frowns. She wanted to spend more time outside. "What?"
13 years ago
hums. "Ye didn't ask to wander around."
13 years ago
stares at the water. "So?"
13 years ago
"So what if something bad happened to ye?"
13 years ago
"I can take care of myself." That was somewhat of a lie.
13 years ago
raises his brow at her. "Oh really? Maybe I'll leave ye alone then."
13 years ago
"Leave me alone then." Again a lie.
13 years ago
shrugs. "Okay, fine." Turns around and starts walking away. "Have fun takin' care of yerself~" Lifts his hand a bit in a wave.
13 years ago
tries to focus on the water but can't. "Ei, please wait." She gets up walking to the other.
13 years ago
smirks and stops, turning a bit to face her. "Knew it."
13 years ago
((Wait, I'm confused. Isn't this the first time Eve and Den meet because of the whole "genderbends come to canon world but in past" thing?))
13 years ago
((See, I was kinda thinkin' of that... but since ye had already posted yer profile by the time I changed I thought it'd still work fine.
13 years ago
Since it's an event it doesn't matter in real plot, once we meet in a real plot though it'll be the first time they meet.
13 years ago
That's how I look at it... I think...))
13 years ago
((... I'm still confused... I was thinking it was fem!Den, but you said he up there so...))
13 years ago
((Or I can just go with them already knowing each other. That makes sense. Enough...))
13 years ago
((Ja... I'd make her Fem Den for this, but then she'd only be Fem for ye... and it'd get confusing for myself. ))
13 years ago
((We'll go with them already knowing about the whole genderbend in canon thing already so both of us are less confused.))
13 years ago
((I'll go with that. =D ))
13 years ago
frowns while blushing. "I-i... shut up."
13 years ago
chuckles and waits for her to catch up. "If ye wanna go out and see the landscape, tell me. I'll go with ye if I'm not busy."
13 years ago
finally catches up. She doesn't like the word "see." "I was studying, and... I didn't want to bother you."
13 years ago
shrugs. "I take care of ye, of course ye can bother me." Pats her head. "And why were ye studying the water like that?"
13 years ago
almost smiles. She still didn't want to bother anyone. "I was trying to see what was at the bottom and how far down it was."
13 years ago
smirks, liking her curiosity. "If it was warmer I'd say go find out for yerself. But I don't want to find a frozen body."
13 years ago
"That's why I was over it. My hair would freeze too." She didn't want to mess up her hair. It took long enough already to get it right.
13 years ago
nods. "When the weather is nicer we'll go explore the water together, how's that?"
13 years ago
smiles. "That sounds nice... i-if you don't mind it."
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. Could be fun, who knows?"
13 years ago
lets her enthusiasm get to her. "Studying things is always fun! There are so many things that there will always be something new."
13 years ago
laughs and nods. "Ja. Always new things to look forward to. I bet we'll find something in the water that'll lead us onto another journey."
13 years ago
nods. "Jah! It's amazing, isn't it?"
13 years ago
chuckles. "Mhmm. Funny how the world just works like that."
13 years ago
smiles, her mood mostly flipped from just a few minutes before. "I like the way it works." At least most of the time.
13 years ago
nods. "Me too... most of the time." Looks down at her. "Ye hungry?"
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
for a second. "Jah. Food sounds nice."
13 years ago
smirks. "We'll be back at camp soon. There should be food cookin'."
13 years ago
nods. She tries to see if she has her hair tie on her. She doesn't want her hair in her food by accident... again.
13 years ago
hums as he unwrapped some string from his wrist. "Here."
13 years ago
takes it. "Ah, t-thanks." It takes a few tries, but she gets her hair up. She wishes that longer hair was easier to manage.
13 years ago
chuckles at her. "Maybe ye should cut yer hair."
13 years ago
looks as though she has been told to kill a kitten. "B-but I like my hair. I've had it this way all my life."
13 years ago
nods and rubs a hand through her hair. "Ja, I know... and it is good for this kind of weather, but it's a hassle."
13 years ago
tries not to move her head much as she tries to nod. "I guess it is just apart of me. I cannot part with it yet."
13 years ago
nods again. "Alright. Looks good at least."
Evelin is
13 years ago
going to take centuries to part with her hair anyway. "Thanks."
13 years ago
smiles down at her. "No problem~"
13 years ago
smiles back lightly blushing. She likes getting compliments.
13 years ago
gets to the camp. "Ye can warm up in our tent if ye want, I'll go see if the men cooked the food while I was gone."
13 years ago
decides that waiting isn't that bad. "Sure." She heads to the tent glad to get back even if it meant no exploring.
13 years ago
went off to check up on his men, and to see what kind of food they had cooked.
13 years ago
finds her way into the tent and sits down while quietly singing as she waits. It's a song she had only learned a few years back, but she_
13 years ago
rather likes it.
13 years ago
comes back with a few handfuls of thick meat. He sat down beside her and passed her some. "Here ye go."
13 years ago
takes the pieces. "Tänu."
13 years ago
smiles. "The men were good and saved the best pieces for us."
13 years ago
nods. "That's nice of them."
13 years ago
"Mhmm." Takes a few bites, humming as he ate. "Maybe we should go for a long walk tonight. Just the two of us."
13 years ago
looks up swallowing the bite she took. "Really?"
13 years ago
nods. "We could go to that huge open field near here, and look at the lights in the sky."
13 years ago
smiles brightly. "I would love that." She wonders how she can study those lights now.
13 years ago
eats a bit more. "Great~ I like looking at the lights and the stars..."
13 years ago
nods in agreement. "They are so pretty." She takes smaller bites more thinking of ways to study than food.
13 years ago
finishes his food and licks his hands clean. "Good food... I'll have to tell the men to continue the good hunting."
13 years ago
just nods her own hand still holding some meat. "Do you think we'll ever get closer the stars?"
13 years ago
sighs and leans back. "Who knows. Not my biggest priority right now though. To me they're just nice to look at after a long day."
13 years ago
"They are but... I want to know what they look like up close." She wants to know everything though.
13 years ago
nods. "Ja, that would be pretty interesting... I guess..." Mostly had killing on his mind.
13 years ago
wouldn't want to know what he was thinking. She sighs knowing she has a love for knowledge many don't have as she takes the last bite of_
13 years ago
her food.
13 years ago
sucks on his fingers a bit. "Good food, ha?"
13 years ago
nods replying with a short yes as she cleans her fingers.
13 years ago
smiles. "Ye wanna rest for a bit before we go for that walk?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Ei. I would like to go for a walk."
13 years ago
nods and gets up, holding out his hand for her.
13 years ago
takes the hand as she gets up.
13 years ago
holds her hand a bit as he walks out of the tent and starts walking to the field.
13 years ago
follows along not minding her hand being held. She looks around a bit trying to see if there was anything to find.
13 years ago
doesn't look around. It was a forest, just like any other in his mind. He hummed as he walked.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that every forest is different even if it doesn't look so. Hearing the humming, she tries to find what kind of tune it may be.
Søren is
13 years ago
just humming a common tune he sings with his men when they get drunk.
13 years ago
still is interested though. She loves music even if it is just humming.
13 years ago
looks down at her and smirks. "Why are ye so curious?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I'm curious about everything?" She did mean that be a question.
13 years ago
chuckles. "Ye sure are... It's kinda good though. Different from the rest of my men. I'm glad ye're here."
13 years ago
blushes a bit. "I-i'm glad to be here as well."
13 years ago
smiles more and lets go of her hand as they get to the field. He walks to the middle of the field and sits on a large rock.
13 years ago
follows slightly behind and tries sitting near Søren. She gets up on the rock trying to stay there.
13 years ago
puts his arm around her a bit so she wouldn't fall.
13 years ago
thanks him quietly as she tries to stay up. It takes a moment before she can actually sit without sliding. She wishes she wasn't so small.
Søren thinks
13 years ago
she's kinda cute when she's small. Not that she wouldn't be cute when she's older... but still.
13 years ago
doesn't mind being cute but still rather be taller. She doesn't like feeling so small compared to so many things.
13 years ago
knows she'll grow up to be tall and cute. And that she should enjoy her shortness while she could.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
she has been short for too long. Even being a bit taller would be nice to her.
Søren likes
13 years ago
her being mini sized. It was cute.
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
why being "mini-sized" is cute.
13 years ago
just thinks it is. Plus, he liked taking care of kids.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
he really should come up with a reason, and she isn't a kid.... just very young...
Søren thinks
13 years ago
that anyone who's smaller is a kid.
Evelin will
13 years ago
insist she is not.... even if she really is.
13 years ago
rubs her back a bit as he looked to the sky. "Wonder how long it'll take to see the lights..."
13 years ago
shrugs a bit trying not to show she likes his hand on her. "I'm not sure."
13 years ago
doesn't notice if she liked the hand or not, he found it comfortable though.
Evelin feels
13 years ago
less lonely this way. Not that she would admit that. Also, it didn't mean she felt alone when she was mostly watched over.
13 years ago
continues to rub her back a bit. "Hopefully we see them soon... It's getting cold."
13 years ago
nods. She isn't too bothered by the cold yet though.
13 years ago
smiles and looks at the sky. "Look! The pretty lights are back!"
13 years ago
looks a bit higher. The colors were always something to marvel. She smiles lightly while looking at them.
13 years ago
smiles widely and stares. "So nice..." He always loved the lights.
13 years ago
hums in agreement as she tries to make the pattern in the air with her finger.
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "Cute."
13 years ago
tilts her head at him at the mention of the world. "What is?" She may still be copying the pattern of the lights.
13 years ago
smiles and pokes her nose. "Ye are~"
13 years ago
blinks a few times not expecting that before blushing profusely. ".. I-I'm not."
13 years ago
nods. "Mhmm. Ye act like it."
Evelin is
13 years ago
definitely not used to being called 'cute.' "I-I don't!.... Do I?"
13 years ago
nods, smiling at her. "Mhmm. Yer actions are cute."
13 years ago
finds it hard to blush anymore than she is. ".... I didn't know that...." Of course how is she supposed to know?
13 years ago
smiles and holds her close. "Ye do now~"
13 years ago
barely manages a weak "jah" back. She probably doesn't believe it much, but she doesn't mind being held close. It's a bit warmer this way.
13 years ago
rubs her arm a little as he stared at the stars and sky again.
13 years ago
tries to relax a bit as she looks back up as well. She wonders how long they may last.
Søren wonders
13 years ago
as well... But he's trying to enjoy it all he can.
13 years ago
repeats what she was doing earlier with her finger once she is a bit more comfortable with the way she is sitting.
13 years ago
hums before pulling her into his lap.
13 years ago
nearly squeaks as she is moved. "Why did you do that?" Not that she minds.
13 years ago
puts his arms around her a bit. "Warmer this way."
13 years ago
does have to agree it was warmer. "O-okay." She tried looking back up a bit harder after moving spots a few times.
13 years ago
looks up too, swaying a bit with the movement of the colours.
13 years ago
doesn't like that the other is swaying, but she can deal with it. At least the colors were moving in mostly the same way.
13 years ago
rubs her arms a little. "Gettin' cold at all?"
Evelin is
13 years ago
rather used to the cold... not as much as her friend but that's a given. "Only a bit. You're warm."
13 years ago
smirks and continues to rub her arms a bit anyways. "That's good then. I could stay out all night..."
13 years ago
doesn't mind that at all. "Yeah." She wasn't tired yet anyways.
13 years ago
started humming quietly as he kept looking at the lights.
13 years ago
listens as she tries to memorize the pattern of the lights. Really it wasn't much of a pattern, but it's a nice thing to remember.
13 years ago
surprisingly has remembered a lot of the patterns himself. He remembers things he likes~
13 years ago
wouldn't blame him. Nice things are good to remember especially when it seems hard to think of any.
13 years ago
really likes the night sky... He was always happy out here. And it was a great place to think... He enjoyed it with her too.
13 years ago
enjoys being out like this with him as well. Though she's to conflicted to admit that. She does enjoy the night though. It was peaceful.
13 years ago
pets her hair a little. He could do stuff like this for years.
13 years ago
puts her hands on the arm around her in a way that tells that she likes this. She knows they do have time to spare anyways... even if it's_
13 years ago
uncertain whether she'll be here long. She did miss her Denmark.... even if this one was nice as well.
13 years ago
smiles a bit and kisses the top of her head lightly. He missed his Estonia a bit, but... he took more liking to her.
13 years ago
blushes looking down a bit trying not to let him see. She would blush more if she heard that. She wonders where they both may be. If her_
13 years ago
counterpart was anything like her, even if he ran off he would come back sooner or later. As for her Denmark, she could be in the other_
13 years ago
world for all she knew.
13 years ago
figures that since they are together, then the other two might be together in another place.
Evelin likes
13 years ago
to think that's true. She won't like to think that her Denmark just thought she left suddenly. If her counterpart was at least there, then_
13 years ago
at least she would have an explanation that sounded reasonable when she got back.
13 years ago
doesn't know much of anything about his counterpart..He's never seen her, but either way he doesn't think she's as strong or as real as him.
13 years ago
wouldn't be able to tell which one's stronger of the two Denmarks. She just knows they are both stronger than her... which doesn't say much.
13 years ago
pets her hair a bit more again, sighing quietly as the lights started to fade.
13 years ago
frowns saddened. She doesn't want the lights to go away. It's rather useless to tell them to come back though.
13 years ago
sighs. "We'll come back another time, don't worry."
13 years ago
nods. "I'm not worried." She just wished it would have last longer.
13 years ago
looks down at her. "So, ready to go back?"
Evelin likes
13 years ago
where she is. "If you think we should."
13 years ago
shrugs. "We could stay and look at the stars... Maybe make some designs."
13 years ago
looks at the stars as she mentally finds the designs she's been finding over the years. She nods. "Until it gets too cold." Or too late_
13 years ago
which ever comes first.
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "Sure, whatever ye want." Looks back to the sky and make little designs in his mind. He always had fun with the stars.
13 years ago
smiles back. She starts to trace the patterns with her finger with her hand closer to her, so she doesn't block the other's view.
13 years ago
chuckled a bit and watched her for a few minutes, finding it cute.
13 years ago
doesn't notice him watching. She doesn't find it weird since it's what she does normally.
13 years ago
chuckles a bit and goes back to looking at the sky. "It's such a clear and perfect night for this... We sure picked it." Smirks.
13 years ago
hums as he laughs the second time as she looks more towards him. "Yeah. It's rather pretty."
13 years ago
nods. "Mhmm. Though it means it'll be a cold night..."
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
, if it means being like this, that she'll be okay with it. "The cold isn't too bad as long as you keep warm."
13 years ago
smiles and holds her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I can do that."
13 years ago
makes a small sound. "Don't do that suddenly!" she scolds even if it's clear from the blushing that she is okay with it.
13 years ago
laughs. "I'll do what I wanna do~"
13 years ago
, mostly conflicted, pouts a bit as she says a short "fine." However it doesn't stop her from relaxing a bit.
13 years ago
pulls his cloak a little more around himself, covering her a little also. "Wonder if we'll see those lights when we travel to
13 years ago
other places..."
13 years ago
looks back a bit towards the stars. "Maybe. I wouldn't think it would just occur around one place if it's in the sky."
13 years ago
nods. "Mhmm, there's gotta be other places where we can see them... Which is good. I've been thinking of moving the camp soon."
13 years ago
"Where to?" Not that she minded much, she liked going to places.
13 years ago
shrugs. "We'll head South. Food here is getting harder to find, so I figure we'll have more luck if we move."
13 years ago
just nods as she starts becoming a bit tired. "Sounds good."
13 years ago
hums quietly as he kept looking. He could stare at the stars forever...
13 years ago
could try to stare forever as well if it weren't for other things. She starts to nod off feeling rather comfortable in his arms.
13 years ago
smiles a bit, realizing this. "Time to go, Estonia?"
Evelin is
13 years ago
still somewhat awake and nods. She doesn't want to get up though.
13 years ago
doesn't find that a problem. He gets up and carries her in his arms.
13 years ago
would usually protest to this, but she doesn't feel like arguing right now. Trying to sleep was a bit more possible this way anyways.
13 years ago
holds her close and covers her a bit with his cloak again. He hummed quietly as he made his way back to the camp.
13 years ago
lightly smiles. She drifts off a few times, but she doesn't want to be completely asleep until they got back.
13 years ago
gets back to the camp soon enough and nudges the entrance of the tent open. He puts her on the bed and pulls the fur blanket over her.
13 years ago
gets settled in the bed as she tilts her head more towards the side. Being in bed was nice too she thought.
13 years ago
smiles and moves some hair away from her face. "Godnat, Estland."
13 years ago
mumbles a bit before coming a little more coherent. "Head ööd, Tanni."
13 years ago
smiles more and sits beside the bed, leaning against it a bit.
13 years ago
still somewhat awake opens her eyes a bit every so often. "Sleep... too." She is mostly mumbling by that time. She just still worries.
13 years ago
nods. "Shh... Just sleep." He might if he got tired enough.
13 years ago
barely nods as she finally gets to sleep.
13 years ago
smiles and closes his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. He wasn't asleep, just resting.
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