❤Delora❤ asks
13 years ago
What are two things men are good for? Just two. No more, no less. Pick two.
latest #22
EvieMiles will
13 years ago
use the sperm thing, too. And... umm.... errr.... *flails* They offer penis as an option?
❅Tina/Dreama ❅ says
13 years ago
opening jars, and getting stuff off the top shelf
13 years ago
dealing with pests / vermin, and home repairs. (Although I can do a lot of things I don't think I could reroof our house)
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
My opinion: Paying for dinner and giving me sex.
13 years ago
Licking vaginas and staring at boobs
Grant Valeska
13 years ago
Gay men: blowjobs and anal sex. Hallelu.
13 years ago
snuggles and sex.. everything else i can do myself...
Kittyfox McMeep
13 years ago
Sex and Snuggles as well!
13 years ago
only thing i can think of is making sperm. if females could do that.. well, men would be screwed lol
13 years ago
Moth removal and having a penis
isle says
13 years ago
Keeping me warm on cold nights, and making my son shovel the deck.
13 years ago
I don't need a man to pay for dinner. I'll say sperm and killing bugs.
Caillaigh says
13 years ago
Strong arms and good butts to (griltongue)
Chatty says
13 years ago
Love. And carrying shopping bags.
13 years ago
This plurk is so sexist. I'm offended.
13 years ago
MandatoryChaos: but wait - she didn;t ask "the ONLY things that men are good for" - just 2 of the bajillion reasons they are GREAT!
13 years ago
if we listed everything this would be the longest plurk ever.
Smiley says
13 years ago
Being good at two things and being good at two other things. See, you never said the things can't be recursive. :-P
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
That's inappropriate Smiley and TOTALLY breaking the rules.
Smiley says
13 years ago
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