sounds cool. psychology is really hard and already has lots of people though.
well, im taking Intro to Psychology next year in sec 5
plus Psychology ties in with Criminology
i cant believe LTM actually put a proper course like Psychology into their school though
wow ltm is getting somewhere. I'm shocked.
Indeed its a much needed uograde for them, but honestly William go for it,I went into to college in psycology and it was fucken epic,not
Not only did i get to experiance one of th best teachers Ive ever had the honor of learning under(Gina Diacco),it was also (subject
Matter-wise) one of the best classes Ive ever taken! (Criminology,Psycology&Sociology) fully worth it& if ur looking for a college with a
Rly good psych program/social department, Vanier has a beast one
i already wanted to go to vanier, but does Vanier offer a Criminology program though?
well the most important thing is to get into college. You can always change, so many people do. Actually getting education and ...
.... a career is more important than specific education.
sounds awesome. go for it.
They do indeed offer it as a course and the teacher I mentioned above is the head of the department,Ive got info on it if u want it I'll pas
Pass it to u next time you come over
And its a good program too,I know quite a few people who were in it and they've continued in the feild&said it was a good coursr and havin
Had the teacher first hand I can say u will definatly learn with her&shr greAt about puttin in extra time if u need help or anythin&the book
Aint to expensive either which is always a plus
awesome, but i found one problem
i have to go to ontario for university.. cuz the only Criminology program in our area is a french school
so then go to Ontario when the time comes, or do something else, live one day at a time sweetie.
do, and my relatives in ontario or new brunswick will help with that
There u go dude, go for it