Havic says
13 years ago
latest #23
M.C LIM says
13 years ago
Chin Lee  says
13 years ago
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
吃飯, 逛街,旅行。。不用愁。。 不做自己不想做的任務也無所謂。。 這樣。。應該就不錯了。。
Javin  says
13 years ago
M.C LIM says
13 years ago
至少买东西时不用看price tag,想买就买~应该算够了吧! :-))
Havic says
13 years ago
不看price tag不懂它好噢(lmao)
Javin  says
13 years ago
alexwassup says
13 years ago
enough to giv whatever ur gf want to her lol
zhenjing says
13 years ago
Havic says
13 years ago
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
when u can giv whtever to her.. with the power of $$.. they will wan ur freedom and ur time..
Havic says
13 years ago
alexwassup says
13 years ago
not enough then they jus look for ppl can giv enough de lo.. veli simple.. (LOL)
Havic says
13 years ago
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
yes.. so conclusion..
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
in life.. $$ is nv enough..
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
for gf.. if she is yours.. then is yours.. if she turn to others.. just let her go.. nth to be sad
齊天大Shen  says
13 years ago
but in the first place.. u must make sure you did your best to her all the time :-P
Chin Lee  says
13 years ago
zhenjing says
13 years ago
M.C LIM says
13 years ago
alexwassup says
13 years ago
but how one can keep lying and keep everyone in dark then suddenly stab u like no body business.. that's something I learned (LOL)
Havic says
13 years ago
(aha) chim
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