13 years ago
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful...
latest #16
13 years ago
of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For you have made him/her a little lower than angels, and crowned him/her with honor & glory.
13 years ago
bible i assume?
13 years ago
LindaN: Oh I forgot to give due credit to the Psalmist in this era of plagiarism. Thanks for pointing this out. Psalm 8:3-5. (woot)
13 years ago
not heared here so often. not stange since swe isn't the most beliving place. sounds like angels whining a bit over love for man..(thinking)
13 years ago
That was King David praising the Lord his God. Now that you mention it, it does sound like angels whining (lmao) and so should they
13 years ago
(LOL) If you had qouted that for me in 6:th grade i'd probably caught reference, was forzeded bible in morning-gatherings in school, the
13 years ago
time when all others got to hear a chapterbook.. and year after that big christianity-test.. when it was time to choose if to confirmation I
13 years ago
ran screaming "noooo! No more!" ;-)
13 years ago
oh, forzefeeding bible was for 6 years btw..
13 years ago
The force-feeding is probably why you ran. I did too, when I was 14. I fell in love with George Bernard Shaw, the Hindu teachings on karma
13 years ago
hinduism is kind of interesting. but yes, forzefeeding wasn't good but then preaching i heared was lame & rarely of how it worked in RL
13 years ago
That is the beauty of Nigeria's Pentecostal Christianity. The preaching of the big, good churches are related to RL. For instance, once
13 years ago
I gave a sacrificial offering to my church to support the purchase of land. Not long after I got a big plot of land as the priest predicted
13 years ago
yhat's good. Think no connection with how to transfere belife into actions in everyday life in a reasonable way is missing here.
13 years ago
But then, we actually had discussions on whatever a priest actually had to be a beliver so.. (doh)
13 years ago
He transferred belief into action by getting us to believe that paying tithe and & giving to God(church) will lead to prosperity. It did.
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