sillylittlechachel has
16 years ago
a question! Deadwood is continuously being recommended to me on Netflix. Anyone watch it? Like it? Hate it?
latest #12
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
lmao Mortalwind. I didn't realize that cocksucker was the insult of choice in the 1870s.
16 years ago
I'm pretty sure ChrisLAS watched that and really liked it... me on the other hand MEH. I don't prefer it, I would just sit there and
16 years ago
analyze whether that would have really happened during that time.
OliviaKnits says
16 years ago
i loved it.
TornadoAli says
16 years ago
oh it was good
TornadoAli says
16 years ago
i hadda rent and watch all the seasons
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
alright, that settles it. #1 spot on my Netflix queue.
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