Eduard is
13 years ago
having a lan party... and may have had too many glasses of 'punch.' Well... atleast he thought it it was punch...
latest #172
Greenland hopes
13 years ago
he's having a good birthday!
Eduard has
13 years ago
been wondering where Greenland and all his other fellow countries are! He falls onto his couch and almost into the lap of another gamer.
Greenland was
13 years ago
getting his gift! She knocks on the door, fixing her hair quickly.
13 years ago
doesn't answer the door, but another guy does, looking Greenland over appraisingly.
13 years ago
gets a little nervous around strangers. "U-Umm, this is Eduard's house right? I'm here f-for his birthday.."
13 years ago
nods, 'Yeah, it's his b-day...' He lets her in, 'Last I saw him, he was drunkenly leaning over someones lap. Better save him.'
13 years ago
throws her jacket with everyone else's but keeps the gift she got for him close. She peeks into the livingroom, more strangers D: but she
13 years ago
sees him thankfully. "Ed-Eduard! Happy Birthday!"
13 years ago
looks up, before climbing over the guys lap and leaning on the arm. 'Mettalise~' he chimes, smiling drunkenly,
13 years ago
smiles despite her nervousness. "I-I got you a gift, here." She holds it out to him, fairly certain he'll be pleased with it.
13 years ago
takes the present, blinking. 'Ohhh, you didn't have to.'
13 years ago
waits for him to open it. "I did, since Bulletstorm doesn't come out in Europe till tomorrow."
13 years ago
blinks before tearing the wrapping apart. 'Ahhh, I love it.' He stands to give Greenland a hug, tripping over his feet and onto the floor.
13 years ago
kneels down, worry all over her face. "Are you alright?" She grabs his arm and tries to pull him up. "I thought it was just a quiet movie."
Eduard says
13 years ago
, 'It was.... but we ended up having a Lan Party and one guy brought punch... I think it might have had alcohol in it.
13 years ago
can tell. She helps him back on the couch and not a person. "Is it alright for m-me to stay then? You guys seem to know each really well, I
13 years ago
don't quite fit in.."
13 years ago
nods nods, pulling her down onto the couch beside him. 'You need to protect me from the guys, they might have my eyebrows off!' ;A;
13 years ago
laughs a little at that. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." She leans in close so no one else hears her. "Although you might have to protect
13 years ago
me, your friends are looking at me a little oddly.."
13 years ago
whispers back, an arm over her shoulder to balance himself as he leans in, 'They're just not used to such a cute girl being about.'
13 years ago
blushes. "That doesn't reassure me much." She grabs a controller that was abandoned. "M-Maybe if I play they'll stop giving me looks.."
13 years ago
takes the control, shaking his head. 'The minute they find out you're a gamer, they'll swarm.' He passes the control on, 'If anyone asks_
13 years ago
just say you're going out with me and they'll leave you alone.' He lingers a moment before pulling back, 'Man, I'm starving.'
13 years ago
just say you're going out with me and they'll leave you alone.' He lingers a moment before pulling back, 'Man, I'm starving.'
13 years ago
pouts a little as the remote is taken away. What was she supposed to do for fun? "Why don't I ordered a pizza for everyone? I'll be useful
13 years ago
instead of sitting around watching everyone."
13 years ago
would be hurt to know his company isn't enough. He waves a hand, 'We already have some in the kitchen...' He stands up, wavering on his_
13 years ago
((owo it got cut off))
13 years ago
((i fell asleep on my phone...;;-))
13 years ago
feet. 'I'll get you some.'
13 years ago
((You were up so late D: ))
13 years ago
gets up too, she's only a little scared of being by herself with these guys. "I'll help you, you're not exactly steady on your feet."
13 years ago
((I was not making an erica cosplay... >> and you can talk! It's late there! 3! ))
13 years ago
((playing a game! And an Erica cosplay?))
13 years ago
((that's my name owo; ))
13 years ago
((I was not making an erica cosplay... >> and you can talk! It's late there! 3! ))
13 years ago
((Sorry, on phone. And yeah, from Drrrrrrrrr))
13 years ago
((never heard of it!))
13 years ago
clings to her, hands around her waist as he nuzzles her cheek. This is a reason he only drinks with Finland, 'You're so concientious~'
13 years ago
turns bright red. "Th-thank you?" She notices the looks they're getting and pulls him to the kitchen with her. "Here, take a seat, I'll grab
13 years ago
a slice for you."
13 years ago
sits down, doing as he's told. 'Pepperoni please~'
13 years ago
puts the slice on a paper plate and sets it in front of. She grabs herself a glass of water before taking a seat next to him. "You should
13 years ago
drink this." After a quick sip she passes the glass of water off to him.
13 years ago
sips the water before taking a bite of his pizza. He doesn't keep his rum very well, which the punch was spiked with. 'Thank you Greeny!'
13 years ago
smiles at him. "It's no problem. As long as you're enjoying your birthday. You get to do whatever you want after all."
13 years ago
shakes his head, 'I should-I should be a good host!'
13 years ago
starts laughing. "It's your birthday! You don't need to be a good host. Have fun, but stay away from the punch for awhile."
13 years ago
((You're still up Sleep :T ))
13 years ago
shakes his head, before he props it up with his arm. 'I need to protect you from my team mates.'
13 years ago
((i just finished my game!))
13 years ago
hums. "Go play with them then. I'll sit beside you and not draw attention to myself. You can't babysit me, it's your party!"
13 years ago
shakes his head, 'I can't have fun if you're not.'
13 years ago
((Hmmmm *_* ))
13 years ago
frowns. "I will be, watching you play and having fun."
13 years ago
...hums, 'Maybe we can play a game together.'
13 years ago
lifts a brow. "You snatched the controller from me!"
Eduard says
13 years ago
, 'But now they think you're my girlfriend, so it's okay~.' There is logic there.
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "I really don't think so.. what do you want me to do, sit in your lap and giggle while playing?"
13 years ago
makes a face, 'No!' He really doesn't like the sound of that. 'Fine. Whatever you want.'
13 years ago
laughs. "I can't see me doing that either. I'll play with you guys but I'll be really bad. Then you won't have to worry."
13 years ago
smiles brightly,'Alright...' There is a pause, 'You might still be able to beat some of the guys in here though.' Some were just hackers_
13 years ago
13 years ago
gets up and offers her hand, for balance and appearance. "I could probably beat all of you, but I'll let you win."
13 years ago
... rolls his eyes, 'Don't spoil me too much just because it's my birthday.' He takes her hand, squeezing it as he stands up.
13 years ago
grins. "It's the only day you're allowed to be so spoiled. Come on, before your friends start thinking we've been doing more than talking."
13 years ago
wouldn't mind that... it might up his rep a *bit.* He keeps that to himself however and follows her through.
13 years ago
starts blushing from the looks they get as soon as they walk in. "Here, you can have the last seat on the couch."
13 years ago
blinks, offering her the seat. He wouldn't be a gentleman otherwise. He takes the arm of the chair, picking up a control.
13 years ago
wanted him to have it so she wouldn't be next to strangers ;w; but she takes the seat, moving as close to him as possible. "What game?"
13 years ago
reaches for his new game, 'This one?'
13 years ago
frowns. "I don't think it's multiplayer.."
13 years ago
ahhs, reaching for Viva Pinata. 'How about this?'
13 years ago
blinks, she's never seen that game. "Sure, why not. That is if everyone else wants to play.."
13 years ago
looks around... they all nod. ((I have never played this game. )) Someone takes the case out of his hand after hitting the back of his head,
13 years ago
and puts it in the console.
13 years ago
((me either, I think it's like racing?))
13 years ago
((Ahh, so maybe like Mario Kart? ))
13 years ago
((I think so!))
13 years ago
((Okays xD ))
13 years ago
grabs a controller from someone, ignoring the wink she got. "G-Go easy on me.."
13 years ago
looks over at the guy, raising an eyebrow in a 'really?' fashion, before winking at Mettalise himself. 'Don't worry...' He grins, leaning in
13 years ago
to whisper to Mettalise only. 'I won't~'
13 years ago
pouts a little. "I've never played this, you could go a little easy on me." She gives him a nudge. "I could push you off."
13 years ago
smiles sweetly, 'You'll pick it up.' His eyes sparkle in amusement, 'You might knock me out... and then you'd be. by. yourself~.'
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "You're not going to be knocked out from a little fall." She picks her character, something cute. "And you wouldn't leave me
13 years ago
by myself, right?" She looks up at him, just a little worried.
13 years ago
shakes his head, leaning back so that he is balanced on the back of the couch. He picks something vaguely manly. 'I don't have a reason to.'
13 years ago
waits as everyone else picks their character and chooses a map. "No cheating okay? Especially you Eduard."
13 years ago
... didn't intend to before. He shifts, preparing for the race.
13 years ago
gets ready too, completely forgetting she's not supposed to be good at gaming right now. "Ooo nice track."
13 years ago
nods, 'That's the good thing about this game...' He leans forward slightly as the lights start changing, fingers poised over the buttons.
13 years ago
waits a second after the green light to hit the accelerator. That was enough of a head start. Even though they were drunk they were
13 years ago
surprisingly good at gaming. "Hey, hey Eduard, watch me as I pass you, I'm going to wave."
13 years ago
runs a finger up her spine, thumb on the accelator as he uses his chin to turn corners. 'You sure about that?'
13 years ago
shivers and crashes into a wall, her face bright red. "J-Ja!" She quickly gets back on course, a little better at taking turns than them,
13 years ago
and manages to catch up. "Now I'm not going to wave."
13 years ago
blows on her ear, car crashing into the side of Mettalise's. 'You'll have to make it up later.'
13 years ago
jumps a little and smashes into his car. "What do you mean b-by that?" Everyone was snickering at them ;w;
Eduard feels
13 years ago
as though they're snickering at her reaction, 'Ohhh, you know.' He doesn't even know, but he leaves her a lovely oil trail in his wake.
13 years ago
dodges it and she doesn't know what he means either. "Take this!" She slams it the side of his car repeatedly, hoping he'll wipe out.
13 years ago
slides into the water, his character drowning in the water. 'Unfair!' he says, squeezing her neck at the back. That's him out for the game,_
13 years ago
so she's going to suffer.
13 years ago
tries to wiggle out of his grip. "Y-You started it." She catches up to another player and passes him. No need to attack if they weren't.
13 years ago
slips down to sit beside her, poking her side. 'But you didn't need to finish it! What happened to spoiling the Birthday boy?
13 years ago
gets squished against another guy ;w; "That got thrown out the window when you touched me. That's like cheating."
13 years ago
smiles, tracing his finger along her jaw. 'Only 'Like' cheating?' He doesn't realise just how inappropriate he is being.
13 years ago
nudges him softly with her elbow. "Not directly in the game but indirect cheating out here."
13 years ago
takes the hint, or at least he stops. 'I'm sorry,' he says, not sounding it at all.
13 years ago
gets nervous wondering what he's going to do now. "I'll win it for you then, how about that?"
13 years ago
smiles, 'You'd do that for me? I'm touched?'
13 years ago
gets into the game now that she's not distracted. "Yea, hang on. Sorry guy in the chair but I'm going to murder you in this game."
13 years ago
blinks, peering over at the guy in the chair. 'What did he do?'
13 years ago
looks over at him. "See his smug look, that's cause he's winning. That's enough reason to beat him."
13 years ago
ahhs, 'I'll go distract him then.' He slips off the couch, going around the back to make it to the chair. From there, he slides his hands_
13 years ago
down the guys front. 'Andrus~'
13 years ago
realizes the rest of them are waiting for her to react. "Eduard don't! I don't need you to distract him, come back over to me, please?"
13 years ago
shakes his head, he's obviously amused. As is the guy who looks rather lecherously at Eduard. He's losing the game now atleast.
13 years ago
hands the controller off to someone else, she doesn't want to win like this. And maybe her feelings are a little hurt.
13 years ago
laughs when Andrus gives him the controller, holding him in place by his shoulders so that he can't move. He challenges Mettalise's avatar,_
13 years ago
not yet aware that she's left.
13 years ago
gets up with another guy who offers to get her a drink. She follows him into the kitchen to have some of this mystery punch he's offering.
13 years ago
((Oooh, chicken xD ))
13 years ago
cheers when he realises he's won, although the guys might have let him. Andrus picks him up, for a victory lap of the room.
13 years ago
ignores the ruckus in the other room and drinks the poorly mixed punch she was given. They're joined by another guy and they sit on the
13 years ago
floor, chatting about games and stuff.
13 years ago
looks around for Greenland when he's let down, making his way to the kitchen. He enters and blinks, 'I-I didn't just beat you?'
13 years ago
shakes her head. "No you didn't. And you're not being a great boyfriend either right now." Oh no, she didn't want to say that D:
13 years ago
... is about to say he isn't her boyfriend, but he remembers the lie just in time. Shutting his mouth, he pouts. 'I was just having fun..._
13 years ago
Andrus is my friend.'
13 years ago
frowns. "He wasn't looking at you like a friends does when you were sitting on him, touching him."
13 years ago
wasn't sitting on him. 'I was behind him...' He feels as though he really is defending himself as a boyfriend now...
13 years ago
sighs. "I don't why I'm getting mad at you. Sorry Eduard, I just didn't like the way he looked at you. Help me up?" She holds out her hand.
13 years ago
takes her hand in his, helping her up... 'Andrus is a really cool guy, when you get past how much he's like Francis.'
13 years ago
leans up to whisper in his ear. "Can you do something couple like for a second? Your brunette friend isn't buying it and I don't want to
13 years ago
step outside with him, what does that even mean?"
13 years ago
blushes a tad, leaning into her ear. He covers the otherside of her face with a trembling palm, 'Then giggle and say you forgive me.' He _
13 years ago
steps in towards her, tucking some hair behind her ear. This is embarrassing >~<
13 years ago
glares for a second before forcing herself to giggle. God she wanted to throw up. "I don't like seeing your hands on anyone but me, but I
13 years ago
forgive you~"
13 years ago
smiles back sweetly, she wanted the guy off her back. He was helping. He presses a minuscule kiss to her cheek, 'Thank you Mett.'
13 years ago
blushes from that, forcing herself not to act so surprised. "Want a rematch or are you going to leave me for Andrus again?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. 'Never again,' he says rather sweetly, 'I'll even let you win this round.'
13 years ago
goes to retort that she clearly beat him last time but just smiles back. "Awww you're so sweet Eduard, aren't I lucky~"
13 years ago
shakes his head, looking serious for a split second. 'I'd be the lucky one, don't you think?'
Greenland is
13 years ago
a bit taken back and his to shake some thoughts out her head. "I-I guess so. Lets just go play. I'll catch up with you guys later, sorry!"
13 years ago
smiles at the guys, taking note of who they are. Viruses for them later. He opens the kitchen door for her, walking in midst-game. 'We'll_
13 years ago
have to wait a bit.'
13 years ago
looks around the room and spots a free recliner. She shoves him a little towards it. "Free chair, go save that chair for both of us. Go!!"
13 years ago
almost face plants the chair, looking over his shoulder to glare at her. He gets the seat though, plopping himself on it.
13 years ago
smiles sweetly. She didn't mean for him to trip but it got the job done. "Can we share?"
13 years ago
... :T. 'Sure,' he replies, eyebrow twitching. He shifts to make plenty of room for her.
13 years ago
takes the empty space, watching the screen intently. "Thanks for helping me out Eduard. I'll make sure your eyebrows are intact tomorrow."
13 years ago
shakes his head, 'It's fine. Thanks for staying.'
13 years ago
smiles, leaning against him. "I couldn't just leave on your birthday. You invited me after all. I had to stay."
13 years ago
blinks at the lean, guessing it's part of the act. He loosely wraps an arm around her, 'You didn't have to.'
13 years ago
felt like it, it wasn't part of the act anymore. "I did. Your brothers didn't come did they?"
Eduard says
13 years ago
, 'They're busy... all the nations are.'
13 years ago
knows he's probably a little disappointed they didn't come. "I'm sure they'll drop by soon. Probably tomorrow or this week."
13 years ago
smiles, 'Ye-yeah.'
13 years ago
quickly grabs the free remotes when they're put down. "I'm sure they didn't forget, unlike mine. No cheating this time!"
13 years ago
nods, 'Alright...' He takes the remote with a 'Thank you.' pouting slightly.
13 years ago
chooses a more sturdy character this time, the cute one got her pushed around. "I mean it, or its payback!"
13 years ago
nods, 'Sure.' He takes his arm back to use it, 'I'm still not going easy.'
13 years ago
grins. "Good, I'll feel better then when I throw you back in the pond."
13 years ago
hums, 'That won't happen again.' He picks his character and track when everyone is done.
Greenland feels
13 years ago
like that's a bit of a challenge to her. She gets all poised as the lights start. "You're going down~"
13 years ago
tenses as the light nears green, pressing the accelerator when it does. 'If you say so.'
13 years ago
does some fancy maneuvering to get out of the pack, ginning victoriously. "Ha ha~ see ya later."
13 years ago
stutters as she breaks away from the pack. 'Not too much later!'
13 years ago
tries to make it not so obvious she wasn't going as fast as she could, she was going to let him win. "Aww damn it, where did you come from!"
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