✰Plas✰ wonders
14 years ago
what I'm doing up at 7am... wait don't make me answer that -chews my lip- (woot) (devil)
latest #7
14 years ago
*peeks in to see what you're doing* OMG! Is that really... :-o
14 years ago
hums the lil part of that song that goes "23 positions in a one night stand"
14 years ago
peers through the binoculars and thinks you'd have made a great gymnast.
Lanna asks
14 years ago
this one? I (heart) that song! Prince - Gett Off.
14 years ago
creams mahself at that song...yessss
~ Ainsley ~
14 years ago
Plas-the-freak came out to play and nobody called me??? :-o
14 years ago
mmmmhmm... Plas the freak woke up in a mood feeling a lil needy
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