剛得知消息~~真的覺得為什麼有些人那麼閒呢? 然到真為了錢就什麼都可以做,連一點基本道理都不懂...我不太懂起初當部落客有什麼規定嗎?收錢跟不收錢又如何?人家有本事寫,有人欣賞他們的才華...這樣也有問題?
latest #6
請問是沒有新聞可以報導還是怎樣? 把這些挖人家隱私的時間去幫助需要幫助的人不適更好嗎? 為什麼要搞一些讓大家吵來吵去的無聊事情? 就真那麼喜歡吵來吵去嗎? this is the part where i dislike the media.....
they are not celebrity, they just normal people who love to share what they eat or use, they don't have to state if is free or not...gosh!!!
viewer cares about the outcome, the price, the result, not the bloody detail of if the user got it free or not...this is just stupid!!!
說實在抄襲的那些人往往都是不有名的~ 所以很難找~~哈哈哈哈~~
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