even if i have to talk to myself i refuse to let my karma drop even further
latest #22
once it is back at a number i am pleased with i will freeze it >(
i will get karma mark my words
i don't have anything to plurk about besides work and school, but I respond when I can!
when i am not present tho LOL
well, get into a european sleeping rythm... lol
haha. I think I'm pretty much on a similar sleep schedule to you actually, Lyza
and I'm sorrrry. I can't help that I work evenings D;
uuuh nice~ lol well i will get my schedule messed up next weekend to prepare for the oscars~ 8D
you all have weird schedules
i make pointless plurks for the sake of karma, really. i know half of you don't care that the network went down at the clinic & stuff xP
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