13 years ago
wasn't shaking for once as he made his way to Russia's house. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. Why did his Russia always have to look_
latest #117
13 years ago
at *him*? Oh well. He was going to stop that. He didn't know where this sudden urge came from, or why he was accepting it so easily, but_
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oddly enough, he felt at peace. He was going to make things right. He knocked on Russia's door, a small smile lighting his face.
13 years ago
had been reading some documents in the sitting room when he heard someone at the door. He took his glasses off and set the work aside before
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standing and going to check who it was. It was pretty late in the day so Ivan wondered who it could have been. He got to the door and upon
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opening it he was shocked to see Latvia. The boy looked a little strange, something was off and made Russia worry if something had happened.
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The boy WAS visiting him on his own free will. That was strange enough. "Oh little one. It is a surprise to see you,da? Is something wrong?"
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walked into Russia's home, not even bothering to wait to be invited in. "H-Hi R-R-Russia." Don't make him think anything is wrong. Not yet._
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Best to get him unaware. Keep the gun tucked into your belt hidden away. "D-Do you have a-any f-f-flour? I r-ran out." Get him to turn his_
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back? Hopefully. "I n-need s-s-some f-for the b-bread I w-was g-g-going t-to b-bake."
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smiled, at least nothing seemed to be wrong. He was glad. "Da~ I will get it for you." he replied, turning to head to the kitchen after
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closing the front door. He breifly thought that Latvia coming in suddenly was a little strange but the boy had always been blunt, to the
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point of stupidity even, so it was fine. As he headed towards the kitchen he called over his shoulder,"What kind of bread will are
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you making little one?"
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simply smiled wider once Russia had his back turned. He was going to be able to do this. Pulling out the gun he had stashed, "Ivan Bread."_
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He stated simply, taking a warning shot--right into the back of his left knee. He didn't want his Ivan running away on him._
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Or fighting back, for that matter. He knew he was easily overpowered. "You know what?" He said, keeping the gun pointed at Russia as he_
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made his way around to stand in front of him. "I'm tired of all this crap." He had a strange look in his eyes, crazed yet completely_
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serene. He didn't know what he was even doing at this point, but whatever it was: it felt good. He didn't want to stop for anything.
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heard more then felt the shot. The world suddenly tilted as his knee gave out under the shot. It wasnt until he hit the ground and the
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pain set in that he even began realizing what had happened. "AAUGH!" he screamed in shock and agony, blood already pooling from the wound.
13 years ago
The Russian reached down to feel the damage, mind reeling. Latvia just shot him. The little Latvia just frikin SHOT him. Ivan looked up when
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Latvia spoke and met his eyes, noting the lack of stutter and strange darkness to them. The reminded him of his own when he snapped. The
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Russian was too shocked at the moment for anger to set in. But that began changing as he bagan accepting what had happened.
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crouched down to bring his face level with Russia's. The gun was now aimed at the large nation's chest, right at the heart. "Ivan..." He_
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said, suddenly looking sad. "Why don't you ever look at me?" He pressed the gun against Russia's chest, "Am I not good enough?" He was_
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pushing with force now, but he make sure to keep his finger from pulling the trigger. "Or is it..." He twisted the gun, still steadily_
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increasing the pressure. "Or is it because you love him? Hmm?"
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glanced down at the gun before looking back up to meet latvia's gaze, his eyes narrowing. The tall nation could feel the gun digging into
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his skin and it made him shiver, the feeling starting to awaken those emotions and thoughts he had been having trouble repressing lately._
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grit his teeth, knowing that just a slight twitch of the Latvian's finger could blow his heart and lung to shreds. Ivan forced himself to
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stay calm and not lash out at the other, a surprisingly hard thing to do. The words Latvia spoke finally sunk in and made his eyes widen
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again. Was he talking about America? Wait....what did he mean by look at him? Ivan swallowed. "Littl-....nyet Latvia...what are you
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talking about. I am looking at you right now,da?" he replied, trying to think a way to get the gun from the other.
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instantly darkened. He lifted the gun from Russia's chest only to harshly bludgeon the side of Russia's head with it. "Stop lying." He_
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growled, knowing he didn't use nearly enough force to knock his prey out. "I hate it when people lie to me." With that, he leaned in close_
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to kiss Russia forcefully. Deep inside his mind, there was a tiny part of him still sane. It was screaming that he was an idiot, that_
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Russia was going to kill him. That he needed to stop, this wasn't the way to get someone's love. "Shut up!" He yelled, hitting Russia with_
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his pistol once again, only in the chest instead of on the head. He didn't want to knock Russia out. That would be bad.
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gasped in pain as his head whiplashed to the side. He grit his teeth, tasting blood. Just as he looked back up at Latvia he was kissed,
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he shock of it made his brain go blank. Latvia was kissing him!? Ivan had been in many strange situations, but never something like this.
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The Russian shook his head a little to try and clear it after the Latvian pulled away, but before he could speak a harsh blow to his
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chest made him double over coughing. The little nation was ALOT stronger than he looked. "-cough cough- L-Latvia...-cough- gah...haah..I..
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-coughhack- I am not lying. Y-you need -spits blood to the side- you need to stop,da?" he barely got out, feeling like one of his
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ribs might even have been cracked or bruised. Ivan glared up at latvia, barely keeping his other self at bay. If this continued he was going
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to snap. When he snapped it was like another person took over. The other person being his Societ self from the past.
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tilted his head to the side, as if he didn't understand what Russia was saying. "Stop? Why would I stop? I can't make you understand if I_
13 years ago
13 years ago
felt a shiver down his spine. He never thought he would EVER be afraid of Latvia but apparently it had happened. He tried to think,
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there had to be something that he could do to get that gun away from the Latvian. He tried moving his leg, only to gasp in pain. His
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whole knee was blown out. Well that ruled out running away. Ivan pushed himself up more, watching Latvia and trying to ignore the scent
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and taste of blood around him. It was hard, he wanted to just slip away and let his other self take over. He could even feel those voilent
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thoughts tickling at the back of his mind, trying to push him aside and take over. Russia growled a bit. "What you are doing is not the
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right way to make me understand....we should just calm down and talk,da? Try putting the gun away little one." If the gun was away, even if
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injured, Ivan had a chance.
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simply smiled at Russia. "If I put the gun away, then I am going to get hurt. I'm not stupid, Ivan."
13 years ago
13 years ago
stood once more, pointing the gun at Russia's head this time. "Do you think I'm stupid?" he enquired, stroking the side of Russia's face_
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with the barrel of the gun, a thoughtful expression on his face. Was Russia the only one who thought him stupid? He would have to fix that._
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Go out when he was done here, get back at everyone else. At Toris, and Natalia, and most of all, at Alfred. Oh yes, he was going to hurt_
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Alfred for stealing his love away.
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frowned, knoing this was bad. He noticed Latvia's eyes flash and suddenly had a forboding feeling. He didnt know what was going to happen
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or what the small nation was thinking but Ivan guessed it wasnt sunshine and butterflies. The nation was feeling himself get excited though,
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the blood and pain, along with that look in Latvia's eyes, it all made him want to lash out. He felt himself slipping, not good. "I do not
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think you are stupid Little cannot blame a person for trying,da?" he smiled, leaning into the stroking gun. The part of him that
Russia was
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trying to surpress was winning, and it *liked* this side of Latvia, very much.
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withdrew the stroking gun, although he did keep close to the larger's face. Only a couple inches away, actually. "Try what? Try to get me_
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to back off, tail between my legs like usual?" His finger was twitching on the trigger. "I'm not going to do that." He stated bluntly, eyes_
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frank for once. "Although..." he mused, "If I pulled the trigger, wouldn't you always look at me? You would be able to gaze at me, and only_
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me, forever and ever and ever.... Wouldn't that be nice Ivan?"
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shivered again, licking the blood from his lips. "That wouldnt be very nice Latvia...we could no longer be together,da?" he purred back,
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mind already switching without him noticing. Ivan's eyes naroowed, turning a dark vicious purple. He grinned up at Latvia. His leg was
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feeling a bit numb now, loosing blood at a lazy dribble, but he didnt mind. He would just have to get Latvia back later, it was only fair~
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gently tapped Russia's nose with the pistol, once again crouching in front of him. "Quite the contrary, we'd always be together. You'd just_
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be a little bit quieter than usual." Using his free hand, he gently swiped a couple fingers across Russia's mangled knee. He stared at the_
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blood for a moment, the hand holding the gun now resting on Russia's shoulder, poised at the larger one's neck. He look a tentative lick._
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"...It tastes good." He mumbled, sticking the fingers into his mouth and sucking off all the blood before going back for more.
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had grunted in pain as those fingers ran over his wound, the pain prickling up his thigh to his spine. The tall nation watched Latvia taste
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his blood and couldnt help licking his lips as well. He never knew the little one could be so....dark. Ivan purred and moved to lick a bit
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of blood off of the Latvian's cheek. "But we could not talk...or play~ if you did that,da?" he giggled, eyes flashing. He would rather be
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the one with the gun but that didnt mean he didnt like being played with as well. There was a reason he liked to fight, asides from seeing
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the blood from others and hearing their screams. He liked a little pain now and then as well. Russia's eyes had by now completly changed, no
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part of him looked innocent at all, his whole self seeming different from the change.
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dug his fingers into the wound, both wanting to see Russia in pain and wanting to taste his blood again. "Play? Whoever said I was_
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playing?" He asked, pulling his fingers out from the wound to suck on them once again. He smiled around the appendages in his mouth,_
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noticing the change in Russia. He then took his fingers and smeared whatever remained of the blood onto Russia's cheek in a mock caress._
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"I can't say I'm not having fun, though."
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cried out in pain, almost doubling over again. "GRAAUh!..h-haah...aah...s-so rough...da?" he licked his lipsleaning into the other's touch.
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he was docile now, but if the other stopped pointing that gun for even a moment he was going to get him. His eyes roamed Latvia as he
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watched the nation enjoying his blood. Ivan's face was a bit pale from the pain and blood loss but his eyes were still sharp and focused.
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The nation glanced down at the gun, wondering how he could make it vanish.
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stood back up, grinning. Hearing Russia cry out in pain was like music to his ears. Now he wanted to hear him beg for his life. The gun was_
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pointing right between Russia's eyes. "No matter what I do, I know you'll still look at Alfred. We can't have that, now can we?" A maniacal_
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giggle escaped his lips, his trigger finger twitching. He wanted to hear Russia's last words before he pulled the trigger, after all. Maybe_
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even denounce that piggish bastard.
13 years ago
looked up the barrel of the gun that was about to end his life. His eyes trailing along to Latvia's gaze. Ivan smiled, not his normal smile,
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but more of a honest one. He leaned up to lick the gun, keeping his eyes on Latvia's as he ran his tongue along the cool metal. "Seeing you
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like this....makes me sad that I did not see this side of you sooner. My Raivis is delicious,da?" he purred, a hand reaching up to pull the
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gun closer o he could take the tip of the barrel into his mouth, soft sucking sounds could be heard. Russia's eyes never left Latvia's.
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stared right back into Russia's eyes, a blush steadily spreading onto his face. It was now or never. His finger finally pulled the trigger_
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resulting in a loud *click*. Latvia blinked. "W-What... Why didn't it..." He dropped the weapon, even while it was still in Russia's mouth._
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The sound... Russia's weird thing... Did he come here in vain, with only one bullet? He didn't realize that there was only one left. And_
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he knew that for that, he was probably doomed. Oh well. At least he though he got his point across. Maybe Russia really wouldn't look at_
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Alfred anymore.
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had closed his eyes and waited for pain when he saw the trigger pulled. But the loud click that followed wasnt painful at all. The nation
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sat up straighter and pulled the gun from his mouth, feeling the weight. Seems like Latvia had been a little unprepared. The Russian looked
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back up at Latvia, the smile from before taking over his face again. Instead of grabbing Latvia, beating him senseless or stretching him
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him till he was ripped in half, the cold nation brought the barrel back up to his lips, pink tongue slipping out to trace along the gun's
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length before settling around the tip. Ivan's eyes were promising dark and dangerous things as he took the barrel back into his mouth,
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sliding the length in a bit before sliding it back out, in slow easy thrusts as he sucked loudly. THe lewd sound echoing through the room.
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forgot his previous fear, setting himself on Russia's lap with blatant disregard for the pressure he was surely putting on the injured_
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knee. "You sure you want to do that?" He asked, reaching around to lick away any blood that was still on Russia's face. Soon enough, he_
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changed positions, moving so he was stradling his dear friend.
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pulled the gun from his mouth with a wet pop. "Mnn~ Would you rather me stop? Because I promise you I am going to punish you when I do~" he
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cooed, shivering a bit as his wound stung in a pleasing way.
13 years ago
(*thinks we might want to change to a private plruk...dont want to get in trouble* =w= )
13 years ago
(Okie doke. You wanna make it? I made this one.)
13 years ago
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