jaelyn1976 is
16 years ago
back from the elementry school and is all yelled out
latest #9
16 years ago
kiddo got a Santa Gram that said 'suck my ass' on it. It was written by a 5th grader!
16 years ago
Thank you South Park.
16 years ago
I am just so angry that they would send something like that! At school!
A Bunnyfear
16 years ago
how did the santa gram even get sent? are the kids allowed to write their own?
16 years ago
the kids write them, the teachers 'read' them then they are delivered to the classrooms in the morning
16 years ago
how the hell did that get past the teacher screening
16 years ago
nevermind I remember being a sneaky kid
A Bunnyfear
16 years ago
yeah If the kids write then then I'm sure it wasn't so hard to sneak it past.
A Bunnyfear
16 years ago
weird they get to write them. back in hs for me we submitted them and someone else wrote them...which was a nice way to send one to a crush
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