lizbdavis says
16 years ago
I'm having a rock star day today - first interview with Michael Horn, then dinner with Alan November. Wish me luck.
latest #21
Skip Z
16 years ago
Liz-I wish you all the luck in the universe. This is sooooo wonderful!
dmcordell says
16 years ago
Enjoy your very special day!
Shoemap says
16 years ago
That's awesome. Enjoy!
mhobkirk says
16 years ago
You are the Rock Star Liz! Go get em!
mrichme asks
16 years ago
does that mean we are all FOLBD (Friends of Liz B Davis?)?
mrichme says
16 years ago
I thought FOLD might not work well.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
mrichme I hope so, and I am a FOMR.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
Thanks everyone. I'm kind of nervous, so I appreciate your encouragement.
LoriB says
16 years ago
makes us all wish we were you today!
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
16 years ago
Alan November...if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten...LOVE that quote.
16 years ago
Enjoy the experiences!
mindelei says
16 years ago
Have fun!!
mark hall says
16 years ago
I AM JEALOUS! How did the interview go?
mark hall says
16 years ago
Oh wait, Im sure we'll see the blog!!!!!
dmcordell says
16 years ago
Hope your day met and exceeded your expectations!
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
The interview went really well. I will post it as soon as I can. Dinner was also a lot of fun. Alan November is such an interesting man.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
BLC 09 Boston - Great conference. I encourage everyone to attend if you can:
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