momo asks
13 years ago
do u all know that every kindy teacher have to take KAAK course?? i just heard the news from my collegue``
latest #18
kashua says
13 years ago
ya kah? who said de?
stephsia says
13 years ago
not in kindy line d~~ haha! XD if KAAK course is in english, then only i'll study~ (LOL)
momo says
13 years ago
my collegue la ~ coz her ex kindy kena check mah ~~
kashua says
13 years ago
is colleague~ xD
kashua says
13 years ago
nvm la, i'm not in kindy line also xD
momo says
13 years ago
i half half leh ~~
stephsia says
13 years ago
then u study half lo~ haha! (rofl)
kashua says
13 years ago
haha, no need take la
13 years ago
haha~~i will take after degree...
kashua says
13 years ago
kallypeach: when is ur class starting?
13 years ago
kashua says
13 years ago
its going to start soon, get urself ready~ :-)
momo says
13 years ago
fighting la ~~
kallypeach says
13 years ago
(rock)thx~~feel scare...
kashua says
13 years ago
We study ur notes together wif u :-D
13 years ago
can~~v meet every sundayXD
kashua says
13 years ago
haha, on? xD
momo says
13 years ago
1 member study degree = 5 member study !
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