1. I don't like dogs. I will humour you. I might pet your dog. I might even say it is cute. But it is not. It is a dog, and I do not like it
Not that dogs don't sometimes look cute
But that doesn't change the way smell or have itchy fur or are scary and make loud noises or anything else.
2. I am afraid of the dark. I have an overactive imagination. Hate scary movies.
Our laundry machine is in the garage, so I have to walk out in the dark to change and retrieve things.
Whenever I go out there, I imagine all of these hideous and terrifying faces pressed up against the windows of cars parked outside.
And bodies or people in the trash bins
damn based on that pic alone something like 20, 21.
3. I pretty much always put my seatbelt on, when I get in a car. Even when we're just sitting. I don't even. It's just a habit, I guess.
Grr. Is the hairful picture showing up?
it wasnt on my mac, but my phone sees it, the hair picture makes you look younger IMHO.
Hee hee hee. Yeah, the hair picture is usual. The first is today with it up in my hat...
This was today wasn't it?
pst, not to be rude or anything but you only got to three >:|
It looks like it was done during school. School is over. She is done?
you need ten things kevin! it says so right there!!
Okay, first, she needs ten things, it says so right there. Second, it is optional?
That's a very long story and I'd rather not get into it.
I'm doing ten, no worries! I just had to go
4. I really, really, really like pasta. More than usual. I'm also picky about it, though, which is a curse. I hate over-cooked pasta.
I love eating, really... Sweet things, too... It's terrible.
I've been spoilt by a high metabolism that I think is falling, now
And I don't know if I'm responsible enough to actually be healthy...
Bluh! Now you've got me all worried.
oh shaw, i don't think you have much to worry about
5. I'm not really into Roleplay or LiveJournal or icons or most of what people Plurk about. Instead, I'm a Tumblr and We <3 It addict.
I basically adore pretty things.
I can spend literal days just looking up pretty things. >.<