13 years ago
calls Francis. He hadn't heard from him in a while.
latest #135
13 years ago
answers the phone, forgetting once again to look at the display to see who it was. Ah, modern technology... "Bonjour? This is Francis."
13 years ago
blinks when he hears him and smiles faintly. "Ah, hello, it's Matthew."
13 years ago
perks up a little when he hears the voice and grins. "Ah, Mattieu.~ How are you?"
13 years ago
smiles wider. "I'm fine, thank you. It's been cold, but I can manage. You?"
13 years ago
takes the phone with him to the living in and leans back in chair. "Fine enough.~" He fails to mention his little drunken breakdown, but_
13 years ago
Mattieu didn't need to know such things.
13 years ago
would probably worry if he knew. "I just thought I'd call. I haven't heard from you in a while so I thought we could catch up."
13 years ago
chuckles softly; he was always the one to think of those things. "Very well then.~ Though I'd rather do it in person... would you mind if I_
13 years ago
came over?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Not at all, that would be nice."
13 years ago
"Be there soon then.~" He hanged up and, after some time passed, found himself on the Canadian's doorstep, knocking on the door.
13 years ago
hangs up and straightens his house up a bit. It was eternally messy, but at least it was presentable. When he hears the door, he walks over_
13 years ago
and opens it. "Hello! Come on in."
13 years ago
"Merci.~" He leans over and gives a chaste peck to his cheek in thanks as he walks in. He had brought a bottle of wine, of course, he wasn't
13 years ago
a poor guest after all.
13 years ago
can't help but blush faintly at the kiss though he was used to it. He shuts the door and walks in after him. "I hope it wasn't too cold."
13 years ago
shrugs good naturedly. "A little cold never did anyone bad. I feel more like pitying you for this horrid cold though. You should visit me_
13 years ago
more often during the winter.~"
13 years ago
laughs faintly. "I'm used to it but maybe next time I will visit you. It's actually warming up, though."
13 years ago
"Really? It's warming up?" He never would have guessed considering how cold it was outside. "Oh, where would you like me to put this?"_
13 years ago
He held the bottle of wine up.
13 years ago
blinks at the bottle and takes a quick glance around. "Well the glasses are in the kitchen, so maybe there?" He starts to walk.
13 years ago
follows him to the kitchen, remembering that little fact now. "Oh, that's right."
13 years ago
opens a cabinet before pausing and turning towards him. "Do you want a glass now?"
13 years ago
chuckles. "You know me well.~ A glass would be appreciated."
13 years ago
smiles a little and pulls out two glasses, setting them on the counter. "Here we are."
13 years ago
pops open the bottle and pours some wine into the glasses before setting the bottle down on the counter.
13 years ago
watches him. "Thank you. For the wine and coming over to visit."
13 years ago
picks up both glasses and holds one out to him. "It's no problem at all, I've been wanting to anyway. So thank you for having me over."
13 years ago
takes the glass and shakes his head. "No need to thank me, I would never turn you away."
Francis has
13 years ago
one of his bad thoughts at that last sentence but he puts it in the back of his minds. "Shall we take this to the living room?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods. "Sure, it would probably be more comfortable there, right?" He laughs faintly and walks to the living room.
13 years ago
| As he follows him, he begins to idly wonder why he's never let those thoughts go to fruition around Mattieu. The only reason he could_
13 years ago
come up with was that perhaps Mattieu is the one person he doesn't want to scare off... He sat in one of the chairs.
13 years ago
sits as well and takes a small sip of the wine. It had been a while since he had last had any as he was actually quite picky about it. He_
13 years ago
smiles faintly at Francis. "It's very good."
13 years ago
smiles back. "I'm glad that you think so, I know that you're picky with wine... so how have you been? Have a girlfriend or boyfriend yet?~"_
13 years ago
That was a question he asked every time he visited.
13 years ago
still gets flustered every time he hears it, though. "Ah, well, no, I haven't. But I'm quite fine with just Kitolo around. Plus Al and his_
13 years ago
counterpart have been visiting a lot."
13 years ago
chuckles. "You should find someone sometime. Everyone needs amor in their lives, oui?"
13 years ago
looks away from him. "I don't know about that, I'm doing just fine." He didn't want to mention that he was paranoid that if he became_
13 years ago
interested in someone, they wouldn't notice or remember his name.
13 years ago
sighs and leans over, ruffling his hair. "I didn't say now, but sometime. I'm surprised nobody has pursued you yet, you'd be quite the catch
13 years ago
13 years ago
backed away from his hand slightly. "I don't know, you're just saying that." He tried to give a nonchalant laugh.
13 years ago
frowns at this. "Non, I am not. You shouldn't underestimate yourself." Since he had moved away from the hand, Francis withdrew it back.
13 years ago
blushed faintly. "Maybe... maybe I just don't want to be pursued. I'm happy on my own." He would like to be with someone if he found a_
13 years ago
person he liked who would notice and remember him, but he didn't think it possible, so he contented himself to being alone.
13 years ago
sighs, but lets the issue drop there. He was concerned about Mattieu but it was clear that he was very set on his thinking. "Fine then."_
13 years ago
He took another sip of his wine.
13 years ago
glances at him and can't help but feel a little guilty for rebuking him. He sighed and stared at his wine. "Sorry..."
13 years ago
sighs. "Non, I shouldn't have pushed the subject. I care about you so I just get worried, oui?"
13 years ago
smiles faintly. "You don't have to worry about me, okay?"
13 years ago
did wonder why he was so adamant on the subject though... but decided that this day wasn't the day to push it. "As you wish."
13 years ago
can't help but frown slightly. He didn't like seeing Francis upset. He decides not to ask any questions to avoid just making things worse.
13 years ago
may be a bit buzzed now... true he'd only had most of this glass of wine, but he'd also had some before coming here. He stance became more_
13 years ago
relaxed. "So, aside from all that, how are you?"
13 years ago
nods a little, glad for the topic change. "I am doing fine. A little tired of the snow, but it won't last."
13 years ago
( =3= Francis-muse is thinking of drunk!hitting on Canada. Objections? *always checks just in case* )
13 years ago
(( XD Thanks for asking. Um, sure, I guess XD ))
13 years ago
(( o3o If he tries to go too far, let me know~ But he probably won't do this at this moment |D; ))
13 years ago
"That's true, spring is on the way, non? A very beautiful time of the year... lots of flowers everywhere."
13 years ago
nods and takes a sip of wine. "Spring is always nice. It's especially nice to have flowers after the snow."
13 years ago
"And the perfect time for... things. Things of a variety. A variety of things." He polished off his glass of wine.
13 years ago
glanced at him curiously. "What kind of things...?"
13 years ago
"Many things. Things that I enjoy doing.~" He was very cryptic because... well, just because he could.
13 years ago
didn't understand why the other was talking like this. "Like drinking wine?" He guessed.
13 years ago
"That, but other things as well.~"
13 years ago
laughs faintly. "I didn't mean that you only like drinking wine. I know that there must be other things you like."
13 years ago
"Wine... romancing people... bedding people... roses... flowers... good food..." He began to list some of his favorite things.
13 years ago
can feel the colour rising on his cheeks. "And these are only good in spring?"
Francis thinks
13 years ago
about this for a moment. "... Non, those are good year round. Especially the second two."
13 years ago
pauses, trying to think of a way to respond to that. "Ah, well, I guess."
13 years ago
grins. "Do you know what else is fun? Flirting."
13 years ago
resists the urge to facepalm. "I would assume it is."
13 years ago
sets the glass down, still grinning. "No need to assume, I shall show you."
13 years ago
blinks quickly. "Y-you really don't have to, it's fine."
13 years ago
"Non, non.~ Allow me to demonstrate." He reaches forward and starts to twirl a piece of Matt's hair.
13 years ago
turns bright red and shakes his head a little. "No, it's really fine, you don't need to..."
13 years ago
"But I'd like to.~" He leans forward and enough to nuzzle his neck; he was fairly drunk to be honest, or he wouldn't be doing this to poor,_
13 years ago
innocent Matt.
13 years ago
backs away from him. "W-why?" He was so confused by Francis' actions, almost thinking that he was mocking him.
13 years ago
"Because I just do... I don't really know." He moves closer again, kissing his neck. "Does that seem strange?"
13 years ago
shivers a little and nods. "Yes, it does.." He didn't want to insult him and call it strange, though. "A little..."
13 years ago
kisses up his neck to his ear before whispering. "Tell me if I'm doing too much. I'm afraid I'm a little too drunk to tell."
13 years ago
blinks a little in surprise but in hindsight, he should have expected that this was the reason. Frowning, he moved away. "Stop. If the only_
13 years ago
reason you are doing this is because you are drunk, you've already done too much..."
13 years ago
pauses, looking at him for a moment with owlish eyes before he bursts out laughing. "Non, non! I should explain, it is alcohol that takes_
13 years ago
away the inhibition, but the motive is all mine, I assure you."
13 years ago
blushes and glances away, embarrassed. "Ah, I see.."
13 years ago
lies down on the couch, staring at the ceiling with a cattish grin on his face, almost like Beglium's. "Mhm."
13 years ago
can't help but laugh even though he was a little shaken still. "It's probably best you don't do anything lest you regret it later."
13 years ago
"I don't think I would regret it, only if you did." He stretched out like a cat before glancing at him with his grin.
13 years ago
"Now, I believe you and I need more wine!"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it's fine, I think we've both had enough."
13 years ago
"Ah, if you insist. You've grown so much, you know." And now he was getting nostalgic.
13 years ago
laughs faintly again. "Well I can't exactly stay the same forever."
Francis gives
13 years ago
him a genuine smile from his perch on the couch. "Oui, but you've grown up be such a good young man. I'm proud of you."
13 years ago
scratches the back of his head, growing even more embarrassed. "Thank you..."
13 years ago
"You're welcome." He lied back down, sighing as some of his old regrets started to pester him.
13 years ago
watches him, curious as to what he was thinking but not wanting to be rude and ask straight out.
13 years ago
glances over and then looks back up, chuckling. "Just the regrets of an older nation, that's all."
13 years ago
simply nods at that, glad that he hadn't asked and though he wondered what regrets they might be, he doubted Francis would tell and he_
13 years ago
wasn't even sure that he wanted to know.
13 years ago
sits back up and faces him. "Here I am at your reminiscing about useless things. What a poor guest I am.~ How is Kumajiro?"
13 years ago
blinks. "No, it's fine, I really don't mind if you do. He's fine, same as ever."
13 years ago
wags his finger at him. "But I do care about being a good guest. Go ahead and ask a few questions! I've been the one asking most."
13 years ago
frowns a little. "I'm sorry, I probably should have asked questions before..." He paused, trying to come up with one that wasn't too nosy._
13 years ago
"Are you seeing anyone?" Okay, it was nosy, but Francis asked him all of the time, so it was only fair in his mind.
13 years ago
"Non, I am not seeing anyone." And he actually hadn't for a while. It was all one night stands that he had been getting tired of recently._
13 years ago
"The closest I would consider to calling 'seeing someone' would be Marianne, my counterpart, but I think that falls more under narcissism."
13 years ago
watches him. "If you like her for who she is it's not narcissism. Our counterparts aren't us."
13 years ago
glances at him. "I'm not sure if I like her or the incredible sex. Either way, I'm sure it would just be another amor-less fling."
13 years ago
may think that was a little more than he needed to know but pushes that aside. "I thought you liked flings..?"
13 years ago
stretches. "Am I the country of flings? Non, I am the country of amor. Flings are nice... very nice... but I need romance too. I crave it,
13 years ago
13 years ago
pauses. "Well I am sure you will find it soon if you want it."
13 years ago
shrugs. "I suppose so, though the other night when I was much more drunk, apparently I had been yelling that amor was dead.... so said Sadiq
13 years ago
13 years ago
"I didn't know that you drink so much. I'm sure it isn't dead, though."
13 years ago
"I don't usually. Something's just been... off lately. I'm not a heavy drinker, really. I'm more of a single glass of wine person."
13 years ago
nods. "It's surprising that you are drunk, I don't think I've seen you drunk in a very long time if ever."
13 years ago
"I tried not to drink when you were younger, it would be a bad example. If I do get drunk, it's often in the privacy of my own house."
13 years ago
laughs faintly. "And you thought nothing of drinking before visiting me?"
13 years ago
"I was drinking before I had gotten the call, actually, and I wouldn't have if I had been expecting coming here."
13 years ago
pauses, now feeling a little guilty for saying it. "I'm sorry for interrupting you, then."
13 years ago
"Non non non. I should be the one apologizing for drinking more when I got here, otherwise I would be fine. I'm glad that you allowed me to
13 years ago
come over Mattieu."
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it is fine. I probably would have insisted you have a drink had you refused." He paused. "Of course I would have let_
13 years ago
you come over, even if you were drunk."
13 years ago
(( < 3 ...? ))
13 years ago
(( D8 Sorry. I was gone for a week. ;; ))
13 years ago
(( It's okay~ ))
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