thinks 14 years ago
he should watch something cooler; like a movie about whale massacres!
stares at Thora is shock.
shudders. "I d-don't l-like m-movies like th-that."
shrugs. "I j-just don't. The b-blood s-scares m-me."
doesn't understand how blood could be scary. "Why? It's just blood."
some strange fears. "It's j-just... I d-d-don't l-like it, o-okay?"
shrugged. "Then what *do* you like?" What kind of teenage boy didn't like horror movies?
looks at the ground, kind of embarassed. "R-Romance, m-mostly."
"Romance?" She scoffs, cringing a bit. "How old are you?"
blushes, fidgeting uncomfortably. "I th-think I'm s-still f-f-fifteen..."
"Still?" She frowned, not really knowing who he was. Last she checked you got older every year.
hasn't exactly grown a whole bunch over the years. He looked pretty much the same as he did back when he was part of the Livonia.
"Who are you?" He did look a little familiar, though she didn't make a habit of befriending other nations… especially smaller ones.
blinks. Oops, he forgot to introduce himself. "I
"I'm L-Latvia. My n-n-name is Raivis."
stares at him for a minute. "Oh."She didn't think she knew anything about Latvia, though she knew enough to know that it wasn't a new_
nation. "Why are you so young looking?"