13 years ago
can't go anywhere without hearing sickly love songs playing. Secretly, he is enjoying it.
latest #102
Turkey is
13 years ago
avoiding Greece...for reasons of his own. >>
Greece feels
13 years ago
like he's being avoided and he calls Turkey's cell.
13 years ago
does not answer. Presses ignore. Quickly walks down one of his disguise.
13 years ago
looks upset and walks down the street too. Valentine's Day could be so depressing...
13 years ago
sneaks into a store and glances around suspiciously before going to do his business.
13 years ago
walks into a store and heads to the toy department to fall into the large quantity of teddy love hearts.
13 years ago
spies him out of the corner of his eye and immediately goes the other way.
13 years ago
falls asleep, despite the glares and the spying eyes on him. The hearts were just so comfy.
13 years ago
comes back around an hour later and notices him sleeping in the hearts and kidnaps him...hoping that he doesn't wake up.
13 years ago
doesn't. After an hour, he needs a pretty loud awakening.
13 years ago
makes sure to apologize on behalf of the Greek as he carries him away and lays him down on his bed until he wakes up. He would just prepare
13 years ago
everything until then.
Greece is
13 years ago
asleep for a while, turning over a lot since his subconcious believes he's on the ground with teddys. But then he rolls too far and falls
13 years ago
to the floor. He immediately calls Turkey before knowing where he is.
13 years ago
pops his head in the room. "Hmmm? You called?"
13 years ago
reaches for him, blinking a lot. 'I fell...out of bed. Your bed?'
13 years ago
laughs. "Yes you did and yes it is my bed." He steps into his room and makes his way to the Greek.
13 years ago
stumbles up into a standing position and says 'I swear, I have no idea how I got here.'
13 years ago
stares at him in amusment. "I know you don't. I swear it was like you were in a drug endused sleep. People must of thought I either killed
13 years ago
you or knocked you out."
13 years ago
shrugs. 'Maybe you did. I wouldn't be too surprised.' He smiles, teasing him lightly.
13 years ago
rolls his eyes but laughs. "Next time I will knock you out in that case."
13 years ago
'I doubt it would be the first time, but it would be out of love now, right?' He winks. 'Like a caveman.'
13 years ago
quirks a brow. "Yes...out of love..." He coughs as he turns away. "Love...righttt." He's just teasing of course.
13 years ago
's smile fades in light of slight panic, not realising it was teasing. 'O-or like, I mean, I'd settle for like.'
13 years ago
laughs but doesn't turn back around. "I'm just teasing you. Anyway I prepared us some food in case you were hungry."
13 years ago
relaxes a bit and goes ahead of him in an attempt to gain some dignity back. 'I'm famished. I'll have whatever you've got.'
13 years ago
had the table already set and drinks laid out while the food was still warm on the stove. "How does shrimp stir fry sound?"
13 years ago
looks surprised. 'It sounds like you're trying to win me over. Shrimp stir fry? What's the occasion?'
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Who said I made it for you?" Of course he did but he was in a playful mood.
13 years ago
shrugs 'Whoever you made it for is in for a disappointment. I'm eating it.' He finds a plate and makes for the food.
13 years ago
can only shake his head as he watches the ravenous monster head to the food. "Such manners. I should really take lessons from you." He says
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods, busy collecting food. 'I know, I was raised well, hmm?' He smiles.
13 years ago
watches him collect food. "I wish I could have sent your mother a book on raising children. Maybe then you would have turned out right."
13 years ago
laughs into his food. 'Greeks don't need help books. We go by instinct and philosophy.'
13 years ago
goes over to collect his food with a snort. "That explains passing out in a pile of teddy bears in a shopping market. Very instinctive."
13 years ago
finally remembers that, and laughs more. 'That was just comfortable. It's natural. I wanted love.'
13 years ago
takes a seat. "You wanted love? From a pile of Teddy Bears? I wasn't aware they can love..." He laughs lightly.
13 years ago
looks at him critically. 'Of course they can. Everything in existance can love, Sadiq.'
13 years ago
lifts his hands up defensively. "Sorry, right, everything can love."
13 years ago
nods, as if glad they agree and he smiles again. 'Everything can and does. Well, today, anyway.'
13 years ago
picks up his fork and starts on his food. "Why do you like today so much?"
13 years ago
shrugs. 'Because it's a happy day. People around the world are giving and receiving tokens of love, people might be getting together for the
13 years ago
first time, maybe they get engaged, or perhaps they have chosen today to get married.' He smiles.
13 years ago
chews and swallows before replying. "Although, I find, from what I know of western culture is that a lot of people get so worked up about
13 years ago
this holiday that they have expectations that their partner can't possibly meet because they wouldn't know about it and it just leads to
13 years ago
disappointment and sometimes break up. I don't think that's what this holiday is about." He takes another bite of his food.
13 years ago
half frowns, half pouts. 'No, this holiday certainly isn't for any of that...' He hopes not, anyway. 'I-it's about feelings, not selfish
13 years ago
expectations and arrogance that you should get more than necessary...' He hopes he doesn't come across as that.
13 years ago
doesn't think Greece comes across like that. "That was what I remember seeing in western media but so far everything I've seen and known
13 years ago
of this holiday has been fairly wrong."
13 years ago
smiles, thinking his actions must have been considered in his judgement. 'Well, I'm glad you think that now. Despite all the commercialism
13 years ago
that surrounds this holiday, it's based on a nice idea. A good Valentines Day is when you achieve that. That's how you recognize a good
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods. He wasn't always the greatest person when it came to love. He knew he needed to work at and he was trying, that counted for
13 years ago
something. "Soooo..." He glances away unsure if he wanted to make eye contact with the Greek or not. "Would you say we are a....good
13 years ago
13 years ago
hides his grin at that question. He pushes himself up onto the counter and plays with his fork. 'Honestly?' He hums as if thinking about
13 years ago
it. 'I think...we're one of the best around. I might even say that we are the goodest of all.'
13 years ago
's straying eyes shoot back to Greece's unsure on how to react. We'll just call it pleasantly surprised. "Goodest of all?" He had never
13 years ago
heard that term but he liked it.
13 years ago
made up that word for the occasion. 'Of course. I mean, how many other nations have got the history, the intimacy, the chemistry and
13 years ago
the ferocity we have and yet have a relationship to envy? Hades, even I'm jealous of me sometimes.' He smiles but isn't exactly joking.
13 years ago
couldn't really think of many at the moment. He was sure if he took the time to think about it something would come up. "You're jealous of
13 years ago
yourself, hmmm." He rolls his eyes. "Should I buy you a few more mirrors so you can be even more jealous about yourself."
13 years ago
considers it seriously. 'Hmm, it would be a waste of money if you weren't going to stand with me. Then I could look at my reflection and say
13 years ago
damn, I hate him, he has what I want.'
13 years ago
laughs. "And then it will be even more of a waste of money when you go to beat that guy up."
13 years ago
actually looks a little worried. 'I might cut my knuckles on the glass...Don't buy me any mirrors.' He says firmly and rubs his hands.
13 years ago
chuckles. "Okay, no mirrors." He assures finding this conversation completely amusing.
13 years ago
can sometimes get a little too involved in things like conversations and ideas. 'Right. Anyway, yes, we are a great couple. The best.' He
Greece is
13 years ago
glad to have remembered the question that started that strange discussion.
Turkey is
13 years ago
proud Greece remembered the conversation. He can remember a few times when Greece was younger the Greek would go on about stuff he'd stop
13 years ago
listening too. "You're food is going to get cold if you don't eat it."
13 years ago
nods and takes another bite. 'See? what would I do without you?' He says lightly. It isn't long before his plate is empty and he looks
13 years ago
pleased with himself.
13 years ago
clears the dishes and just dumps them in the sink to clean later.
13 years ago
slips off the counter and kisses Turkey's cheek in thanks for the food. It was quite fitting for a special Valentine's meal, not to mention
13 years ago
it was delicious.
13 years ago
smiles as he heads for the couch and just throws himself on it a little tired from all the running around he was doing today.
13 years ago
understands that the planning and the carrying he did today was quite a lot. He follows him and pulls Turkey's legs up so he's lying down
13 years ago
on the couch. He fluffs up some pillows and collects a blanket from the bedroom. 'I think my little chef should rest up.' He murmurs in his
13 years ago
13 years ago
pulls the Greek down so he's sprawled ontop of him. "I think you should join me."
13 years ago
chuckles and curls into him. He scuttles up so he can cradle his head and place gentle, soothing kisses on his hair to help them both
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drift off. 'If it makes you more comfortable.'
13 years ago
wraps his arms around the Greek finding his knew pillow much more comfortable. "It will." He says trying to look up but straining to much
13 years ago
and giving up. "...can you play with my hair?" He was a bit embarassed to ask but he really liked the feeling.
13 years ago
looks thrilled at being asked. He responses by kissing his forehead and gently running his fingers through his hair, 'I'd love to,' He
13 years ago
makes circular motions, marvelling at how soft his locks are.
13 years ago
closes his eyes enjoying the feel of the Greeks fingers against his scalp. He hums.
13 years ago
closes his eye also as his fingers continue playing with his hair. It was relaxing. He even begins to drift off as his fingers move.
Turkey has
13 years ago
fallen asleep his hold loosening completely as he enjoys the innocent moment they are sharing..
13 years ago
((We should seriously win awards for 'Most Constant Cutest Plurk Endings' Lol
13 years ago
(( How the hell does this happen? Isn't this just the second one? xD ))
13 years ago
((Yeah, probably, but we're already masters!))
13 years ago
(( Pffff, definitely. *high fives* ))
13 years ago
((you're both adorable ;u; ))
13 years ago
(( Spyyy! D: ))
13 years ago
((I'm not here shh))
13 years ago
(( Pffff. ))
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