Turkey is
13 years ago
staring up at the floating hearts in Cevahir shopping mall....what the hell was going on!?
latest #117
13 years ago
strolls up behind him and covers his eyes. 'Happy Valentine's Day.' He murmurs in his ear.
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tensed but upon realizing who it is relaxes and smiles. "Happy Valentines Day~" He says back taking a hold of the others hands and pulling
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them away from his eyes so he can glance over his shoulder at the Greek.
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kisses his cheek when he glances back. 'I want to treat you today.'
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quirks a brow. "Oh? Should I cover my eyes again and let you lead me around?"
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laughs and takes his hand. 'If you like surprises-sure.' He puts up two fingers and closes his lids for him. 'As long as you trust me.'
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closes his eyes. "I trust you...just don't lead me off a cliff okay."
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'I'll try not to.' He leads him through the street. It felt good to stroll with him. He reaches the park and takes him to a secluded
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clearing surrounded by a thick wall of trees. The sun heats up the middles area of grass where a picnic is set out.
Turkey feels
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like they're no longer in the city. "Can I open my eyes now?"
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laughs. 'Go on, then.' He lets go of his hand and sits on the grass.
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opens his eyes and glances around amazed at what he sees. He smiles and makes his way to the Greek kneeling before him as he leans forward
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and kisses him. "This is wonderful."
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smiles and kisses him back. 'Glad you like it.' He pulls him down to lie down beside him. 'I thought maybe you'd find it too obvious.'
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raises a brow. "Too obvious? We've never gone on a picnic before." He takes a seat beside him enjoying the decent weather.
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presses a hand on his chest and kisses him again. He was easily influenced by this holiday, the romance was pulsing through him. He then
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opens up a bottle of wine he had bought from France and pours them each a glass.
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kisses him back leaning back a bit before taking the glass of wine from Heracles. "Where did you get this from?"
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lies back on his elbows. 'France. He is quite talented, I'll give him that.'
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nods as he raises his glass towards Heracles. "To us."
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raises it with him, 'To us.' He repeats and then takes a drink. It wasn't bad considering France hadn't perfected the art of producing wine
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as early as he had.
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takes a drink and finds it fairly good but not the best he'd ever tried. "So what did you bring us to eat?" He asks hoping there was some
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Moussaka there somewhere in that basket.
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would not have bothered with a picnic if he didn't have Moussaka at the ready. He slides his picnic basket towards him and opens one
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lid. 'Sandwiches, pita wraps, Moussaka, pie triangles-here.' He offers Turkey a look. He wasn't sure what they would be in the mood for so
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he just packed everything he had.
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peers in and is glad there is Moussaka. He knew he could count on Greece for that all the time. "Wow, you actually out did yourself." Now he
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wasn't sure what he wanted anymore..."How long did it take you?"
Greece thinks
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about it. 'The whole idea took about five seconds. Finding this place took a few days of wandering. The food...most of the morning.' He
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laughs. 'Not that I really took notice at the time, I was jsut hoping you'd like it.' He picks up a sandwich.
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goes straight for the moussaka. He steals another kiss before enjoying the food in front of him. "I don't like it...I love it."
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grins and lies back in the sun. 'Good. The reaction I was going for. Lucky for us we got the weather on our side.' Sometimes it was
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great living at this part of the world.
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agrees, they had been pretty lucky with weather lately. "What did you have in mind after we're done with all the food?" He glances at him
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smiles to himself. 'I don't know. Some talking, some...other stuff.' He turns to him wearing a genuine smile. 'The fact I have you all to
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myself today is enough.'
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lays on his side enjoying the food, the scenery and especially the company. "This is more than enough. I'm sure if we just sat at home
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watching a movie I would have been satisfied." And then he would have taken him on the couch...the kitchen counter, floor and bed...
Greece will
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remember to invite him for a movie night very soon, then. 'There's something about being out in the open, so to speak, with the birds
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singing and the smell of the trees and well-prepared food.' He smiles humorously. He picks up a grape and holds it to Turkey's mouth.
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raises a brow at this but opens his mouth waiting for the grape. "How approrpaite." he chuckles.
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slowly places the grape on his tongue and gently closes his mouth. 'I like it to be fitting.' He laughs.
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chews it, enjyoing the grape greatly since they were one of his favourite fruits. "Anything else I should be aware of?"
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'Just one thing.' He leans down and places an innocent kiss on his lips. 'I love you.' He normally tries to hide his romantic side from
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Turkey in case he steps too far and is laughed at, but today was the day to let it out shamelessly.
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smiles and although he found it cheesier than hell he would let it slide for today. The Greek had tried very hard and he wasn't going to
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ruin it by being an ass. "I love you too." He grabs Heracles hand in his holding it tightly.
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smiles at their hands for a while and then begins another sandwich. He then starts to laughs. 'Imagine if our past selves from, say, a year
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ago were to see us now. They'd think they were hallucinating.'
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snorts. "They would think we're on drugs or they're on drugs."
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'Maybe we are. I never denied it.' He interwines their fingers and closes his eyes to the sun.
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lays down throwing his arm over his face to cover it from the sun. "It's a possibility with all those chemicals they seem to put in our
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foods now a days."
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smiles and glances to the picnic. 'Or the chemicals *I* might have put in *our* food.'
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props himself on his elbow and frowns. "What did you put in our food?"
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raises his hands and laughs. 'Nothing that didn't belong. I'm a very honest chef.' He smiles cheekily.
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eyes him but lays back down. "I trust you...for now."
13 years ago
sniggers and tries to chopstick-feed him some noodles. (As opposed to spoon-feed him lol).
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( Pfff, this is new. xD ) is still suspicious but eats the noodles anyway. They were good, he wasn't going to complain.
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might have added some secret spices that have proven to heighten certain...sexual tendencies... But he can wait until they take a greater
13 years ago
13 years ago
doesn't feel anything now but is going to keep an eye on Greece in case he did do something. ( Sooo bad. xD )
13 years ago
((You love it, don't lie *badtouch*))
13 years ago
plays the innocent Greek and plays with a blade of grass. He doesn't mind taking in the spices, although he doesn't think he'll need the
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help. He just wants to make sure Turkey wants him just as much as he's been craving him the past week.
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always wants Greece. Spices were not the problem at all although after eating most of the moussaka, some of the sandwiches and a bit of the
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noodles. He could admit to feeling a bit strange...or maybe he couldn't admit to it because his need for the Greek was much stronger than
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Greece wonders
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if it's time to get into action. He tests the waters by stretching, showing a little skin under his t shirt, and asking 'Feeling okay?'
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stares at the skin...trying to tear his eyes away but failing miserably. "Oh yeah...fine."
Greece thinks
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the time might have come. He inwardly grins devilishly. He arches his back, as if he has just woken up. 'Good. I was just thinking it might
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be getting too hot in this spot. No wind, all the sunshine...' He pretends to be overheated and removes his t shirt.
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stares as he removes the shirt. It felt like time had slowed down at that moment and...oh...there it was....the body he knew very well. He
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props himself up on his elbow almost leaning towards the other. "Yeah...right...hot...need ....help?"
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acts a little surprised as he lies back on the grass. 'Help? Well, I guess if you didn't mind...I could probably use some sun lotion on
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me. You know after the winter months the sun isn't as friendly to my skin.' He fishes out a bottle of lotion from the basket. Truthfully,
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his entire body felt like shivering when he heard Turkey respond like that. It made it hard to stay 'oblivious' and not to start begging
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for him.
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didn't have to be asked twice as he jumped up and grabbed the bottle and poped the lid open squirting some on the Greeks back. He straddles
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Greece's lower back and lets his hand massage the lotion into the skin making sure to touch every piece of skin exposed. He even snaked his
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hands under the Greek 'massaging' the younger nations torso.
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planned to make over-exaggerated noises of pleasure in order to excite the Turk further, but as the hands start on him, he forgets about
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faking it. His skin rings with excitement under his hold and with the pressure given from the straddling his body...he couldn't hold back
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the moans and gasps. When the hands slipped under him he pushes himself up a little, unknowingly pushing up into him.
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leans down and lets his lips graze across the skin of the Greeks neck enjoying the smell of the lotion on his skin. "You didn't put anything
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in the food, hmmm?" He murmurs against the skin as his hands wander lower taking a firm hold of the Greeks belt.
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bites his lip to stop a rather embarrassing groan. 'I might have...added some extra...seasoning.' He says non-commitedly. He half turns his
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body and reaches for Turkey. Those lips made his skin feel on fire...so he tastes them with his own lips. His head was a little clouded
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with the overwhelming notion to forget about politeness and just take Turkey now.
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pushes his tongue passed the Greeks lips tasting him as he turns the other around and sits back pulling Greece onto his lap so he wasn't
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crushing the other and pulling him rougly against him letting his hands trail up his thighs until they manage to find their way around and
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under the Greeks ass cupping it nicely and giving it a nice squeeze.
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's fingers dig into Turkey's shoulder blades at the rough play and squeeze. He looks into his eyes with eyes so full of lust, he looks
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almost dangerous, and shuffles in his lap so he can push Turkey back onto the grass. Zeus, why did he test out the spices on himself before
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the picnic? He lets his nails drag around to Turkey's front and violently tugs open his shirt. He takes a few moments to gaze possessively.
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let's out a small gasp as the Greek presses down against his erection and he does not object when he is pushed down. He arches into the
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nails enjoying the rough treatment just as much as the Greek as he lets his hand roam from Greece's ass to his lower back kneading into
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it harshly as he lifts his hips up and against the Greeks. "Seasoning wasn't necessary...I can assure you."
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licks his lips. He at least was glad he didn't have to go to much effort next time, but if he wasn't feeling so horny he'd no doubt feel
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embarrassed at having done such a thing. ((Be right back, I've not finished this part! xD))
13 years ago
(( Kay. ))
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gasps at the kneading, and feels his hips raising and lowering to feel that again. 'Can't blame a guy for trying, though, right?' He gives
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a small smile as his fingers whip off his belt as he leans down and captures Turkey's nipple in his teeth.
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's stomach clenched tightly at the Greeks movement over his torso as he tried hard to keep from bucking his hips up at such a tentalizing
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sensation. He lets out a deep moan as his back arches up at the semi-painful semi-pleasurable feel of Greece's teeth on his nipple. He grabs
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onto the Greeks thighs squeezing them in hopes of urging him on. "R-r-right..." He answers in a gasp.
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smirks at his delightful admission and flicks his tongue over the nub of nerves before giving a small suck. He then comes up to rest his
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forehead on Turkey's. He runs his hands up his inner arms up to his hands, which he takes and interwines their fingers. 'I...' He pants,
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'I want you so much.' He turns to a whisper. 'I'm crazy for you.'
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pants clearly feeling the effects of the Greeks sucking on his groin. He squeezes the hands that intertwined with his and he smiles as he
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captures Greece's lips with his own. "You don't know how much that makes me happy to hear that." He whispers back as he steals several more
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kisses before grinding himself up against the Greek.
Greece is
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overcome with the most delicious sensations and his tongue catches Turkey's. One of his hands slide down between them and goes under the
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waistband of the Turk's pants. Now that he had Sadiq's words of encouragement, there was no stopping them.
13 years ago
((Let's move to a PP so I can do naughty things to you ;-) ))
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