Belarus is
13 years ago
cleaning her entire house.
latest #236
Sadik wonders
13 years ago
if she needs help?
13 years ago
wouldn't expect a guest to help her clean, but would like some company. Also would enjoy the distraction.
13 years ago
wouldn't mind helping it would get the work done quicker.
13 years ago
looks at him. "Can you mop?"
13 years ago
nods. "I can."
13 years ago
hands him the mop and the bucket. "Are you sure you want to help me clean?"
13 years ago
takes the mop and bucket and nods again. "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to help."
13 years ago
"Dziakuj, I appreciate the help." heads back to cleaning the bathroom.
13 years ago
takes the mop to the back of the house to start there. "No problem." He soaks the mop, strains the water out of it and starts to mop.
13 years ago
finishes with the bathroom, checks where he is mopping and moves on to dusting. "Can you stay for lunch?"
Sadik is
13 years ago
almost done mopping. "Is that an invitation?"
13 years ago
"Of course it is. I made borscht." is working on dusting her bookcases, the last thing she needs to dust.
13 years ago
finishes and stands at the front admiring his work. "I'd be more than happy to stay. Thanks."
13 years ago
"Welcome." Looks at her drying floor. "As soon as the floor is dry, I will warm up the soup. It's very nice of you to help me."
13 years ago
smiles and leans on the mop. "I thought it was some good quality time."
13 years ago
looks at him before testing the floor to see if it's dry enough to walk on. "You think housework is quality time? What do you consider _
13 years ago
sharing a meal to be?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "More quality time?" He laughs.
13 years ago
"The event is not important to you, being with others is what matters." steps onto the dry floor and walks over to the fridge to take out_
13 years ago
the borscht and warm it up for them.
13 years ago
nods. "Well, should it really matter what you're doing if you're with someone you like?"
13 years ago
pours the soup into a pan and sets it on the stove. "No, not if they are someone you really care about." pours them both glasses of kvas.
13 years ago
agrees as he tip toes over to her to watch the soup.
13 years ago
hands him a glass of kvas. "If I had a horse barn to clean out, you would do that just to spend time with me?" sips hers.
13 years ago
takes a sip from it. "Sure, as long as I wasn't doing all the work on my own."
13 years ago
"That wouldn't happen with me." takes another drink. "How about cleaning out Greece's horse barn, or Russia's?"
13 years ago
"Could I set fire to them instead? Is that an option?"
13 years ago
stares at him, lips twitch with amusement. "Only if we let the horses out first."
13 years ago
"I'd make sure the horses were out and then burn it to the ground...'accidently'."
13 years ago
"Accidentally, of course it would be an accident." stirs the soup. "This will be ready soon."
13 years ago
laughs. "Always, I would never do something so mean on purpose...noooo." He goes and grabs both of them bowls.
13 years ago
takes the bowls and fills them both with borscht. "this is one of the reasons why I like you, Sadiq."
13 years ago
laughs. "Because I pretend to not be mean?" He places both bowls on the table and places a spoon beside them.
13 years ago
takes the sour cream out of the fridge. "I like how your mind works." places that on the table and sits.
13 years ago
chuckles. "That's from many years of living and seeing way to many things for my own good." He wonders if there is anything else he can help
13 years ago
her with?
13 years ago
"Inspiration? Or a bad influence." smirks a little as she stirs sour cream into her soup and takes a taste.
13 years ago
follows her example and stirs the sour cream. "A bit of both." He smirks.
13 years ago
"Just enough of both to keep it interesting." eats her soup. "You have a perfectly devious mind, yet you are sweet and kind too."
13 years ago
tries the soup and immediately knows he loves it and will probably bug Belarus some time for her to make him some. "I like the way you
13 years ago
phrase that." He chuckles.
13 years ago
"I think it is accurate, don't you?" glances at him before eating more soup.
Sadik is
13 years ago
enjoying the soup a lot. "Right on the dot, yes, very accurate."
13 years ago
watches him. "Would you like some more?"
13 years ago
smiles. "Yesss, this is delicious."
13 years ago
stands and goes to the pan, brings it over and refills his bowl. "I can never make a small batch, and I'm the only one here to eat it." _
13 years ago
puts another ladle of soup in her bowl and takes the pan to the stove.
Sadik thinks
13 years ago
that's normal though. He finds it hard to make for one and usually makes quite a bit as well. "Well, I'm more than happy to help you." He
13 years ago
winks with a chuckle.
13 years ago
"It's nice to have someone to share it with." sits and stirs another spoonful of sour cream into her borscht.
13 years ago
eats this one plain this time. It taste just as good as if he had added the sour cream. "I can imagine. Eating along is a bit depressing."
13 years ago
"That's what being single means though, you do everything by yourself." eats another bite of soup. "All I have left to do is laundry, do _
13 years ago
you want to stick around while I do that?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I can fold your clothes...unless they're the ones you don't want me to see." He chuckles.
13 years ago
"I have bedding you can fold, if you don't mind folding sheets and blankets. I am washing some personal stuff, plus some new clothes I_
13 years ago
recently bought."
13 years ago
"Yeah, that's fine. Not like I've never done it before."
13 years ago
looks at him, takes a bite of soup. "Is there anything in particular you would like to fold?"
13 years ago
shakes his head as he finishes his soup. "No, not really. Anything works for me."
13 years ago
takes his bowl when he finishes with hers and takes them to the sink. Thinks about the babydoll and the bikini in the wash. "Then I will _
13 years ago
let you fold whatever you are comfortable folding."
13 years ago
chuckles. "Maybe you should let me fold what you are comfortable letting me fold."
13 years ago
"Do you think I will be embarrassed if you see my underwear? I wear very cute underwear by the way." refills their glasses with more kvas.
13 years ago
shrugs. "I'm not sure if you will be but since you're talking about it and describing them to me I'm going to assume no."
13 years ago
"I won't be. Usually men act embarrassed by things like that though." carries her glass of kvas into the living room and sets it on a table
13 years ago
before heading into her bedroom to get her laundry hamper to separate the clothes.
13 years ago
follows her to the living room and takes as eat on the sofa. "Do I look like I get embarassed easily?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "No, I really don't know what I could do to embarrass you." goes back for the shopping bag with the new things she bought_
13 years ago
to add to the laundry piles. Pulls out the bikini and the babydoll and tosses them in the piles she will wash them in .
13 years ago
watches her for a bit unsure if he should just jump in and help or let her get sorted out first.
13 years ago
fetches her laundry baskets and brings them back to the living room. Hands him two. Would you put one pile each into a basket, and carry_
13 years ago
them to the laundry room for me?"
13 years ago
takes the basket and nods. "Sure." He gets up places it down where he was sitting and grabs a pile of clothes before dumping it in the
13 years ago
basket and taking it to the laundry room.
13 years ago
carries two baskets into the laundry. "What if I were to behave very inappropriately in public, in front of important people. Would that_
13 years ago
embarrass you?" drops the baskets in front of the washing machine and puts one of the loads into it.
13 years ago
places the basket beside the other two baskets. "I think it would be more embarassing for you but is this a formal setting?"
13 years ago
"You're right, it would be ... yes. formal setting. Really, what does embarrass you?" adds washing powder to the washing machine and _
13 years ago
turns it on.
13 years ago
stops to think for a bit. "Probably getting caught in a compromising position or situation rather where I don't look like I have control?"
Belarus thinks
13 years ago
about that, "I can't imagine you getting into a situation like that."
13 years ago
nods. "I really hope that never happens but if it does...I guess you'll see me embarassed."
13 years ago
shakes her head and walks out of the laundry room. "I don't want to see you embarrassed. I don't like seeing people I care about in_
13 years ago
compromising situations ... people I don't care about on the other hand .... "
13 years ago
chuckles. "Well, if it was someone I didn't care about I would probably find the situation amusing but you're right. I wouldn't want to see
13 years ago
anyone I care about in such a situation either."
13 years ago
"Then I doubt there is anything I could or would want to do to embarrass you, including let you fold my underwear."
13 years ago
laughs. "To tell you the truth I wasn't aware people actually folded their underwear."
13 years ago
stares at him. "I don't know about everyone, but I do." hears the washer beep that it's done, puts the clothes in the dryer and starts the _
13 years ago
next load (For times sake, I'm going to speed the washing part up a little)
13 years ago
( Haha, that's fine. I was like wow, that's quick. xD )
13 years ago
nods. "Well, I guess you'll have to teach me to fold them." He chuckles having only taken and discarded female undergarments on his floor
13 years ago
(Belarus wants to see Turkey fold her underwear and not blush while doing it. She's really curious if it's true he won't get embarrassed.)
13 years ago
rather then fold them.
13 years ago
"I can do that." starts the next load in the washing machine, which is the bedding. "Now I'm curious what the ratio of people who fold_
13 years ago
their underwear to people who don't might be."
13 years ago
laughs. "I'm sure most men don't." He waits for the bedding so he can start to fold.
13 years ago
"Hmm, I bet England and Germany do."
13 years ago
could see them folding them. "And Austria."
13 years ago
"Him too." hears the dryer beep. "Be right back." stands and walks to the laundry room to get the first load out of the washer, which is _
13 years ago
all underwear and other intimate items. Puts the bedding in the dryer and starts the next load of clothes in the washer.
13 years ago
can't help but peer into the basket curiously catching sight of some interesting items. "I'm pretty sure Japan would too."
13 years ago
looks at him looking in the basket, pulls out a pair of light blue panties with delicate lace on the waist and leg openings. "Want to learn_
13 years ago
how to fold?" holds them up to him.
Sadik wonders
13 years ago
if he should take them. "Sure."
13 years ago
"Then you will need something to learn how to fold with." holds them closer to him.
13 years ago
delicately takes them. They were so small. He couldn't help but want to see how they looked on Belarus "Okay, so now what?"
13 years ago
takes another pair of panties out of the basket and lays them flat on the coffee table. looks at him. "First, do this."
13 years ago
watches attentively and then does it. "Like this right?"
13 years ago
"Like that." folds a third of the panty into the center, then overlaps with the opposite third. Looks at him.
13 years ago
manages to do it but very sloppily. Holds it up to her. "What do you think?"
13 years ago
"You'll improve with practice. We're not done yet." folds her panty into thirds again, so she has a nice, neat, square package.
Sadik was
13 years ago
finding this more complicated then if they had folded the bedsheets. He does as hes shown but definitely needs practice. "Well, I guess I
13 years ago
can keep practicing."
13 years ago
"Yes you can." reaches into the basket and pulls out more panties, gives Turkey the panty that's covered in little blue flowers.
13 years ago
stares at them amused. "You girls wear the most interesting stuff." He says as he takes the pile of panties and places them down beside him
13 years ago
so he can fold them.
13 years ago
"Wearing underwear is interesting?" takes panties from the pile and folds them. "What should women wear?"
13 years ago
chuckles. "No that's not what I meant. I meant you have the most interesting things on your underwear." He holds up another pair with
13 years ago
flowers on them. "They all have interesting designs on them."
13 years ago
looks at them. She always picked underwear that she thought were cute. "I like to wear cute things. What do you have on your underwear?"
13 years ago
glances down at his pants. "Hmmm, good question." He shoves his hand into his pants and pulls out a bit of his boxers. They were black.
13 years ago
glances and sees where his hand went, then looks away quickly. "Uhm ... interesting." reaches for the last thing in the basket, which _
Belarus is
13 years ago
the white babydoll she just bought
13 years ago
quirks a brow at this. "So what's that for?" He had finished folding his pile of clothes.
13 years ago
"I bought it ... to sleep in I guess. When the weather's warmer." Folds it and sets it down. "The bedding is next. Be right back."
13 years ago
nods, he liked that she wasn't awkward about this. He knew so many females who would be horrified if he were to help them fold their
13 years ago
13 years ago
Comes back with the sheets and blankets, sets the basket down. "This should be easier than my underwear."
Sadik is
13 years ago
sure this will be easier than the underwear and actually was almost done folding most of them and was working on the last blanket.
13 years ago
with the bedding being done so quickly, they had some time to wait until the next load was ready to fold. "Since you were nice enough_
13 years ago
to help with my laundry, would you like to stay for supper?"
13 years ago
chuckles. "Well, now you're spoiling me but I'd love too."
13 years ago
"Okay. I'm probably not going to have anything really special. Draniki I think." hears the dryer beep and gets up to fetch it.
Sadik is
13 years ago
sure whatever she makes will be good. He isn't worried at all. He leans against the washer waiting for her to come back.
13 years ago
returns with the next load. "One load left to go. This is just boring clothes like shirts and pants, nothing fun to fold like my panties."_
13 years ago
pulls out her new bikini as she says that.
13 years ago
stares at the bikini admiring it. "Planning on going to the beach? Maybe some Turkish beaches?"
13 years ago
"I was thinking one of the beaches on the Black Sea in my sister's country." folds it and sets it aside. "What beach in Turkey would you_
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods. "Well, we have lots of beaches on the black sea as well and the Mediterranean but there is one beach in Daylan that I would definietly
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Daylan, and what makes that place special?" Folds a T shirt.
13 years ago
"It's around a thirty minute boat ride to the actual beach where you can see many ruins from old civilizations and it's also surrounded by
13 years ago
beautiful vegetation and it's a turtle protection area."
13 years ago
"So it's really well maintained."
13 years ago
" Also, the village you'll be staying in is quaint but unfortuantely now that more tourists know about it it's become more busy but still
13 years ago
very nice to visit."
13 years ago
"Turtle protection area? That sounds neat." folds another T shirt. "Are they sea turtles?"
13 years ago
(( I meant Dalyan. Sorry realized I spelt it wrong. xD ))
13 years ago
nods as he continues to fold and pile them beside him. "Yes, the loggerhead sea turtles. They're an endangered species."
13 years ago
"I'll look into it. It sounds really nice, as long as it isn't too touristy yet." likes to find out of the way places for holidays.
Sadik thinks
13 years ago
it's fairly out of the way since really the amount of Tourists that know about it is still pretty small.
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Where do you like to go on holiday?" fetches some hangers from her closet for dresses.
13 years ago
shrugs. "Well it depends on what I'm feeling. Sometimes I like going to the mountains other times the beach."
13 years ago
"I don't have any mountains in my country. I think mountains are really pretty. My country is also land-locked, so I don't have ocean."
13 years ago
would hate if he were landlocked. "Do you have many visa restrictions when it comes to travelling?"
13 years ago
Only if you're my boss, his sons, and about 155 members of his government. Some countries in Europe have made it much easier for my people
13 years ago
to travel their countries.
13 years ago
wasn't that fortunate. "Well at least some countries have made it easier. I still have tons of visa restrictions. There are only a few
13 years ago
countries that I can go without a problem."
13 years ago
"That's too bad. It's a shame we can't go to each others countries without all the visa restrictions." folds the last pair of slacks.
13 years ago
nods. "It really is too bad."
13 years ago
"I don't know why Europe is like that, treats some countries less equal than others. This last load is the most exciting of all. towels.
13 years ago
13 years ago
shrugs. "I know why...towels are no problem at all!"
13 years ago
grabs a bath towel and folds it. "Towels mean that the laundry is done, now all I have to do is put it all away."
13 years ago
starts to fold them at a fairly quick pace. "Why don't you start putting stuff away and I finish folding?"
13 years ago
"That sounds like a good idea." grabs the basket of sheets and blankets and takes them to a closet in the small hallway.
13 years ago
folds until he's done and pokes his head out of the laundry room. "Where do the towels go?"
13 years ago
"There's a closet in the bathroom," points to the door in the hallway next to the closet door.
13 years ago
takes the pile of folded towels in his arms and goes to place them in their proper area. "Alright, towels are put away."
Belarus is
13 years ago
already carrying the last two baskets to her room. "Just my clothes left." pushes her bedroom door open with her shoulder.
13 years ago
leans against the door frame of her room as he waits for her to finish.
13 years ago
puts the clothes away in her room, carries the baskets back to the laundry room. "All done, and thanks to you it's done in record time!"
13 years ago
smiles. "Well, we do make a good time." He chuckles.
13 years ago
"I never thought I could have fun doing household chores." walks back into the kitchen and brings out a bag of potatoes. "Ready to make_
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "Definitely and again good company fun times."
13 years ago
takes out a vegetable peeler, a large bowl and a grater. "Would you like to peel potatoes or grate them?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
places the bowl and grater in front of him, grabs a potato and quickly has it peeled before grabbing another.
Sadik is
13 years ago
amazed by how fast she is and starts to work on grating the potatoes.
13 years ago
finishes that potato, grabs a third. "Do you cry when you cut onions?"
Sadik is
13 years ago
extremely sensitive to onions. "Do I have to answer that."
13 years ago
puts down the peeler, done with the potatoes, fetches an onion, takes the skin off and sets down next to the peeled potatoes. "Grate that _
13 years ago
too please."
13 years ago
finishes grating the potatoes and stares at the onion before picking it up and holding it in front of the grater....this was going to be
13 years ago
embarassing but he would comply. With the first few grates he could already feel himself tear up.
13 years ago
comes back with salt, pepper and an egg. glances at him, then feels her own eyes begin to tear up. "Strong ... onion."
13 years ago
sniffs pathetically. "...tell me about..." He bites his lip as he keeps gratting it.
13 years ago
stops his hand when he has most of the onion grated, "I'll take that bit." wipes at her eyes with her sleeve.
13 years ago
does not object as he lets her take it.
13 years ago
puts the ungrated onion aside, then with another sniffle cracks the egg and adds it to the bowl then adds salt and pepper before mixing _
13 years ago
everything together.
13 years ago
turns around and pulls off his mask wiping at his eyes before putting it back on and watching her attentively.
13 years ago
glances at him, and then carries the bowl to the counter next to the stove. takes out a skillet and adds some oil to it.
13 years ago
goes to set the table.
13 years ago
sets another smaller skillet out, adds oil and chops up mushrooms and onions. tests the oil in the first skillet to see if the oil is hot.
13 years ago
finishes and wonders if there is anything else she'd like her to do?
13 years ago
finds the biggest spoon she has and begins dropping spoonfuls of draniki batter into the hot oil. Looks at him. "You can sit, if you want."
13 years ago
takes a seat. "Alright. If you need any more help just let me know."
13 years ago
"Just help me eat them." flips the draniki over and puts them on a plate, starts four more frying in the skillet.
13 years ago
"I can do that."
13 years ago
adds some of the mushrooms and onions from the other pan in the middle of the draniki, then flips one on top of the other and finishes _
13 years ago
frying them. Puts them on the plate and brings them over. "These over here are plain, these thicker ones have mushrooms in them."
Sadik will
13 years ago
try both of them. "Alright." He takes one of each and waits for Belarus to join him.
13 years ago
takes the sour cream out of the fridge again, sets it on the table. Takes one of each and puts them on her plate. "Sour cream?" puts_
13 years ago
spoonfuls on her draniki.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No thanks." He digs in enjoying the food.
13 years ago
spreads the sour cream around then takes a bite. "Mmm, draniki~"
Sadik was
13 years ago
enjoying it greatly.
13 years ago
"Do you really like this? I think Belarusian food can be rather plain, compared to other countries' food."
13 years ago
nods. "It's really good. Different from what I'm used too but good."
13 years ago
"Sometimes I stuff meat into them too, but there was beef in the borscht." takes another bite, getting sour cream in the corner of her lip.
13 years ago
glances up from his food and chuckles pointing at the side of his lip. "You got some sour cream on you."
13 years ago
blinks, "Shto?" gets up and takes a paper towel and wipes it off, blushing a little. "Sorry." sits back down and eats another bite.
13 years ago
chuckles. "No big deal. It happens to the best of us." He finishes up his food and leans back in his chair satisfied.
13 years ago
eats her last draniki, then sits back. "I am full, that was good. Once again thank you for helping me. We ate twice as soon because you_
13 years ago
helped with the cooking."
13 years ago
smiles. "The cooking was repayment enough. Thanks."
Belarus thinks
13 years ago
. "I have some cookies, if you would like something sweet, or perhaps some tea?"
13 years ago
glances at the time and frowns. "I actually have to get going pretty soon. I'll help you clean up but then I have to be off."
13 years ago
"Ah, I understand. You've spent the day with me already." Stands and begins clearing the table.
13 years ago
pickes up some of the dishes as well. "Actually, I have a meeting with my Prime Minister."
13 years ago
"Oh. My boss is on a skiing holiday in Sochi." carries the dishes to the sink.
13 years ago
"Lucky him. My boss doesn't take many days off."
13 years ago
"My boss loves taking expensive skiing holidays to expensive resorts with about 30 to 40 people and spends weeks having lavish parties."
13 years ago
cleans the dishes and drys them. "Why?"
13 years ago
"Because he can? He's the richest man in my country. He has 15 bodyguards with him. They ski in a triangle around him."
13 years ago
thought that was pretty silly. "That's ridiculous if you ask me. Anyway, I had a great time. We should do this again sometime." He smiles.
13 years ago
nods. "I really enjoyed it too. We didn't do anything but work and eat." looks at him.
13 years ago
chuckles. "But we did do something. Maybe next time we can do something that's less work in that case." He leans down and kisses both her
13 years ago
cheeks. "I'll see you later."
13 years ago
blinks at the kisses, gets on her tiptoes and gives him a peck on the lips. "See you later."
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