Russia is
13 years ago
out on deck feeling a bit awkward. He was only in a pair of swimming trunks, a towel over his shoulders. But his ever present scarf was
latest #181
13 years ago
America is
13 years ago
still walking in his trunks, with a towel over his head. He had fun swimming with Yong Soo and is just relaxing now.
Russia was
13 years ago
making his way towards the pool. He just hoped he would be okay with the water..on his neck. The thought made him shiver but he brushed it
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off. He loved to swim and he wasnt going to let something like that stop him. It was then that he noticed a sign that was partly hidden on
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the wall. It said an indoor pool. Ivan smiled. An indoor pool would help him greatly. Most people chose to go to the outdoor one. He
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changed course.
13 years ago
Finally, as his hands begin to stop pruning up, maybe he thinks he can swim again! But the Outdoor pool was getting crowded. Hmmm... he_
America wonders
13 years ago
where the indoor pool is. Adventure time!! >7<
13 years ago
got to the pool and almost laughed in happiness. It was empty! Apparently there was more than one indoor pool. And this was a more hidden
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one. Ivan put his towel to the side before running to the diving board. There were even different diving sizes. He would have fun with that.
13 years ago
.... got lost. The cruise ship is sooo big! Ummm turn right or left? Ah, well he'll just go with the flow and use his senses to find the_
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indoor pool. =3=
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got to the top of the second highest diving board. He stretched for a moment before walking out to the edge. After a deep breath he bounced
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and lept off, somersaulting in the air once before diving straight into the water. He had to force himself not to gasp as it hit his neck,
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he feeling sending shivers along his back. he had managaded to go in barely a splash.
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had his eyes closed as he walks. He thought maybe he'll hear something that would show him the way. Oh wait! He heard something! It_
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sounded like a diving board! Oh he's close! He quickens his pace as he heads towards the direction.
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came back up and gasped for air, although since he was alone he was able to also let out a moan he had been holding in. The warm water on
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his neck...guh it made him feel almost dizzy. He swam over to the edge and ran his fingers through his hair, slicking it back. "It is been
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so long since I feels so good~"
13 years ago
turns to another corner and... finally finds it. "Ah! There it is!!" He shouted and runs to the indoor pool.
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jumped, the shock making him almost fall back in the pool in surprise. He had been getting out to dive again. "A-Amerika?" The only one in
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the world who could shout like that.
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blinks when he heard his name from afar? "Oh, someone in there?" o3o He walks and peers around to find the one who called his name.
13 years ago
stands and waves, although he couldnt help staring. Alfred looked good in a swimsuit. Ivan shook his head a little to rid him of some of the
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water dripping down. "Privet Amerika. You have come to swim as well?"
13 years ago
stares at the man for a bit. He looked familiar.... Oh! "OH! Russia! Hey! I didn't recognize you without your scarf!" He laughs as he comes_
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closer to him. "Aww so others have seen you without a scarf then? Aww..." He could have pouted a bit. He guess he's not that special.
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felt his cheeks warm up. "A-actually...t-this is the first time I have ever been without it...or anything covering my neck at least...
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in public,da? It is a bit embarressing." ^//J//^ "So how are you Amerika?"
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blinks at this in surprise while holding onto the end of his towel over his shoulder. "Oh? Really? Well I think it suits you, I like you_
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without your scarf on! You always were a mystery when it comes with that scarf of yours!" He smiles. "Me? I'm awesome as always! Been_
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swimming the whole day really. Just can't have enough of it!"
13 years ago
giggles, thinking Alfred is going to be tired tonight. "Well I have just gotten started on swimming. I was about to dive. WOuld you like
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to join me?" ^J^
America will
13 years ago
probably pass out when he gets to his room, definitely. But he still has to go to the dining area and EAT! "Oh! You don't mind me joining_
13 years ago
you then? Okay! Let's go then!" He tugs the Russian towards the diving board.
13 years ago
lets himself be tugged. Enjoying watching Alfred be so happy. When he got to the diving boards he opted for the second tallest again.
America is
13 years ago
happy because the outdoor pool didn't have any diving boards. He hasn't done this for so long!! Of course, he'll go for the tallest one!
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watches him and hopes he knows how to dive from that high. Ivan just goes out on his board and takes a breath. Then jumps off, this time
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spinning twice before going head first in the water.
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knows how to dive! He feels the adrenaline as he stood up high. With a bounce, he jumps and makes a reverse, three-and-a-half somersaults_
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with a tuck as he lands and dives into the water with minimal splash.
13 years ago
13 years ago
(It's America, what do you expect?)
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had just come back up for air when Alfred jumped. Ivan watched in amazment, the American was good!
13 years ago
( why yes~ America has to be a fancy pants like that )
13 years ago
( ... but he was really tempted to just do a cannonball =w= )
13 years ago
13 years ago
resurfaces back up, flipping his hair back up with a grin. "Man that was awesome!"
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blinks. "...I would for once have to agree Amerika." ^J^
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grins at him. "Now I just wanna do a cannonball!" He swims up at the edge and gets up, going back up at the diving board.
Russia is
13 years ago
confused. "What is a cannonball? Isnt that what they used to use as weapons? How can you do it?"
America is
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at the tallest board again and laughs, shouting out. "Just watch!! And.. better back away a bit!" He grins as he jumps up and and curls_
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himself into a ball. "CANNONBALL!!" And he drops to the water with a loud and a painful slam against the water as he splashes hard into it.
13 years ago
gasps as he is inveloed in a huge wave. Ivan was dragged under and shook his head, blinking to see the American sink to the bottom in the
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ball before he swam back up for air. "That was rediculous Amerika!" he explaimed, looking at how the pool seems to have lost a few inches of
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water from the splash.
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looks around and snorts. "Oh man you're right! Shit! Am I in trouble then?" He laughs his problem off though. "You okay though?"
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nods, although a bit curious now. "I am...I was wondering if I could try that cannon ball. If it is okay."
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blinks and grins. "Sure thing, big guy! Go for it!!" He encourages him do to it! >7<
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gets out and heads for the tallest diving board like Alfred did. Once he got up there he admired the view a moment before running and j
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umping off like he had seen the other do. He curled in a ball and hit the water with a loud ear-splitting slap sound, sending a tidal-wave
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of water in all directions.
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laughs out loud as he gets taken by the tidal wave caused by the Russian. Most of the water as left the swimming pool by now. "That was_
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AWESOME, Russia!!! That's what you call a Russian cannonball!!" He barks out.
13 years ago
gets back up and barely gets to the edge of the pool, gasping. He hadnt taken in how hard he would hit the water, and that includes his
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neck. He was trying not to moan or make any embarressing sounds as his neck throbbed a bit, still stinging in the aftermath. It was way to
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sesetive. He didnt even pay attention to Alfred.
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blinks when the Russian just fled to the edge of the pool. Did he hurt himself? Oh shit not again! He quickly swims towards him with what_
America was
13 years ago
remaining of the pool. He grabs his shoulder. "Hey, Russia! Are you okay??" He looks up at him.
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jerks with a gasp and lets out a moan. "Ahh hah I ..fine..fine Amerika!" he tried brushing it off, shivering under the touch. A part of his
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eck was red and that was the part that was causing problems. It didnt help that the American nation had almost touched it when he grabbed
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his shoulder.
13 years ago
stares at the how red the Russian's neck was and gasps. "Holy shit!! Russia! Your neck! Oh crap!! You are not alright, Russia!" His hands_
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doesn't have a clue where it should be placed right now.
13 years ago
grimaced. He didnt have to be so loud about it. "I..I know...I just need to get to my room and sit for a while,da?...Maybe a cold shower as
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well." He offered. Now just to get to his towel, get it around his waist, and walk back to his room. Easy.
13 years ago
Do you really think he'll just let him go like that? NO. If it weren't for his super strength, he wouldn't be able to do this at all. Carry_
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the Russian into his arms. "We are heading to the infirmary now, Russia!"
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gasped in shock and instinctually clung to Alfred. "Amerika! Put me down,da? This is nyet time for silly Amerikan games." Russia shuddered,
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his neck throbbing again. He didnt know what a belly flop was but if he did he would know that he had bruised his neck in a similar fashion.
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13 years ago
13 years ago
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shakes his head as he quickly dashes to the infirmary in lightning speed. "NURSE! MY FRIEND GOT HURT!"
13 years ago
(Russia ends up getting hurt when he's with America =w=;; *notices the pattern* ))
13 years ago
(xDD its only happened twice)
13 years ago
tries to struggle out of his grip. "N-nyet! I am fine,da
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? Please let me go!" he growled. Not only did it hurt but since *where* it was hurt was so sensetive he had gotten excited.
13 years ago
(... three times really.. well if you include the 'backyard' =u= )
13 years ago
shouts out a bit. "Shit! Where the hell is the Nurse!? Alright, lemme put you down on the vacant beds then!" and so he does~
13 years ago
13 years ago
tries to sit up, struggling against the American. But when his neck is jarred he groans in pleasure, falling back on the bed with a
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flushed look. It hurt but it also felt pretty damn good.
13 years ago
13 years ago
( And you're such a masochist too pfff It hurts but it hurts so good~ )
13 years ago
(its his ero zone. It would be like having a bruised erection i would think. and sdkjnfsdjkfd just a bit masochistic >///> I would think
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if any nation was like that it would be Russia...but he is also sadistic too.)
13 years ago
(im pretty certain that if one of the italy;s had their curl tugged hard it would be painful, but also feel good.)
13 years ago
( Lol I know XD The same with Al and Nantucket xD )
13 years ago
(xD see!? so dont tease the painfully pleasured Russia. x3 )
13 years ago
did not realize how the other flushed. He thought he was just in pain and he's looking around inside for any ointments that could soothe
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pain away on the Russian's neck.
13 years ago
blinks, regaining his senses. he looked over at Alfred confused. "Amerika?"
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sits next to the Russian. "Let me just put this ointment on your neck. It'll help cool off the pain a bit."
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eyes go wide and tries to push him away. "N-nyet! I do not need it. I am fine Amerika!"
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shakes his head. "But you need it! See how red your neck is?" He touches it gently but also fragilely.
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freezes and immideitly goes limp on the bed, a loud gasp brought on by the neck tocuhing is heard.
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"Ah crap! I'm sorry!" He pulls his hand away, thinking it really hurt that he touched the area. "Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"
Russia was
13 years ago
panting softly, his eyes a bit glazed. "N..not pain...Mmn." he whimpered.
13 years ago
frowns as he lays him down. "I'm telling you, this will help. I don't want you in pain again, Russia. Let me put some on you, okay?"
Russia was
13 years ago
stuck between wanting his neck touched and wanting to push the other away. He tried to weakly push him away. "I..nyet is fine.."
13 years ago
frowns when the Russia keeps insisting of no help.... "Well at least rest? I''ll be here..."
13 years ago
smiles and lays his head back, closing his eyes. SAFE! all he had to do was figure out how to get rid of his excitement.
13 years ago
pulls a chair close to the bed and sits on it as he continues to look at the Russian. "... are you sure you're good? Just tell me, okay?"_
13 years ago
Oops. Crap he shouldn't have sat. He's been standing, walking or swimming all day. After sitting down, he now just realize how tired and_
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exhausted his body was.
13 years ago
looks over at Alfred, able to see the tiredness in him. "I am fine. I should just probably head back to my room. You should too Amerika."
13 years ago
stares back at him. "Well I'll take you to your room then, I guess? I'll carry you..." His voice sounded tired too.
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "Da. Alright. But then you need to rest." Ivan out out of the, wincing a bit. Oh his neck still stung so pleasently~ He
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tried to ignore it though. "Lets go then,da?"
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chuckles as he carries him into his arms again. "So tell me what room you're in?"
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flushes and struggles. "I can w-walk Amerika!"
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grins. "I know you can~" He still doesn't put him down though. "Now what room?"
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frowns before giving up. He knew the American was stubborn and wouldnt listen. " is room 8 Amerika." he sighed. Hopefully no one
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would see him being carried.
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chuckles and flashes him a happy grin. "Alright, big guy! Coming right up!.. Room 8? Oh! Our room is close, you know? Mine is room 5!" >u<
13 years ago
holds onto America cause he feels like he is going to fall."Really? We should spend visit each others rooms then,da? N-now...please can we
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go?" he practically begged. This was not a position he wanted others to see him in. And his neck was still throbbing. The feeling actually
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made him almost want to jump the nation holding him.
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grins as he starts heading towards the hallway towards his room. "Sure! I'd like that! Visit me in my room, kay buddy?.. you okay?"
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kept his eyes hidden. He really couldnt understand the American sometimes. "Da I am fine...I-I just need some rest." And a cold shower, he
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added mentally.
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laughs a bit and presses a light kiss on the top of his head. "Alright~" After a few walks, they finally arrived at his room. "We're here!"
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sighed in relief. The kiss making him really want to jump the other. "Let me down so I can swipe the card." Ivan then pulled a card out of
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his pocket. He was glad they were waterproof.
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nods as he settles the man down on the ground again. He stood right behind him as he swipes the card on his door. He grins mischievously,_
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yet again, as he blows little warm puffs of breath at the back of his neck. "Heeehh~"
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eues go wide and his knees give out. He falls with a pleasure filled gasp. "Alfred!" Oh he was going to get the American for that later.
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didn't expect the man to fall back. He quickly catches him before he fell on the floor. "W-woah! Russia! See? You're not feeling well!"
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growls and pulls the man into a searing kiss before pulling away. Ivan panted. "I am not ill in the normal sense Amerika. N-now please help
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me to my bed."
America was
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completely surprised by that sudden kiss but he returns it eagerly before the man pulled away. He just blinks again and nods, gulping as he_
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helps the Russian to his bed.
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sighs in releif before pulling Alfred down with him. He clings to the nation and kisses him again. "Not good...I do not think I can help
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myself now just had to blow on my neck,da?" Another kiss follows.
America is
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flushing at the way the Russian was acting up towards him. "A-ah well I never really get to see your neck so much, so I got tempted. J-just_
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wondering if you were ticklish there or something." He tries to catch every kisses that he got.
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shivers and rolls a bit so Alfred is under him on the bed. "Nyet....the reason I keep my neck covered is because it is my ero zone Amerika.
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Nnn and that hit in the water....b-bruised hurts but feels good. I feel like I am going crazy. Having you here just makes me want
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to jump you,da?" This being followed by a really hot and passionate kiss.
13 years ago
(oh gosh if turkey walked in. xD)
13 years ago
(that would be hilarious XD)
13 years ago
(he would probably either sneak back out, watch, OR be like...can I join?)
13 years ago
blinks and listens to him with a mouth left ajar. Russia has an erogenous zone too? And it's his whole neck? Is that why he hides it under_
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his scarf? Omg that is h-h-hottt. Man he'll have to play with the man's scarf more then! Shit why is Russia making such_
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a sultry face right now! He kisses back with such fervor, deepening it more at once.
13 years ago
(Heeh~ definitely one of those three? XD )
13 years ago
(da. xD probably one of the last two.)
13 years ago
shivers and clings to him, moaning into the kiss. His hands start to roam down Alfred's body. He didnt care about embarressment right now,
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being WAY to horny to care. Ivan mental curses as his neck throbs again, making him beak the kiss to gasp and whimper.
13 years ago
13 years ago
(*mentally -curse my sp-)
13 years ago
(XD Yep! Russia's WAY too horny to care about spelling words right!! -brick'd-)
13 years ago
(HEY dsljflsjfsd *spazzes* >//> )
13 years ago
( XDD ilu <3 )
13 years ago
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unconsciously arches his back up against the hands that curiously roamed around his body. Shit. The Russian is getting him hot and bothered_
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again. It sucks too. Their trunks are still a bit wet so the mixture of the coldness of their swimming trunks and the growing heat on his
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skin is turning him on even more."S-Shit R-russia... you're damn g-gorgeous right now..."
13 years ago
leans down to lick and suck on Alfred's lips, hands making there way down to his hips. " are the hero,da? T-then help
13 years ago
13 years ago
" he begged, panting and really hot now.
13 years ago
(*thinks we might need to go private plurk now* >w>;; )
13 years ago
(Well I'll be evil right now and leave you with this problem of yours for a bit. *gonna head home now* lol =u=)
13 years ago
(EVIL! Leaving your Russian bear all on his lonesome while hot and botherd. -brick'd-)
13 years ago
( Oh don't worry, my cuddly bear~ Al's back =u= )
13 years ago
(skdljksldjgnskfj....u make it or shall I? And i already know Astrid plans on lurking us. xD)
13 years ago
( XD Ah I'll start it~ just gimme a sec *gonna reply to other post first* )
13 years ago
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