walks to his room, also hoping it was someone he knew. He knocked before starting to open the door slowly.
peers by the door when she heard the knock and the door slowly opening. "Privyet.... Oh! Lukas! Privyet!"
pauses before letting himself in all the way. It was the lady who could see Knut.... oh, well, at least he kind of knew her. He gave a_
small nod before walking over to his area and unpacking things.
smiles at him and also nods, watching him go by his bed. She looks around and pouts unconsciously. "Where is your troll friend? He did not_
come?" She just sat on her bed while seeing the things Lukas brought with him.
keeps unpacking. "He'd cause a mess. I think he's afraid of boats, anyways."
giggles a bit from that and nods. "How unfortunate... he does not get to have fun with you, da? Well I hope you talk to me more, da?"
"He can have his own fun." He didn't answer the second question.
laughs as she lays on her bed. "I suppose so, da?... it has been a while since I shared a room with a male..."
doesn't know what to make of that so he simply hums a noncommittal sound.
giggles and looks at him again. "You really do not talk so much, da? Not that I mind... I am fine with a quiet roommate."
shakes his head and finishes unpacking.
blinks. "Does that shake mean you do talk or you do not talk?"
( Lol I love that you're giving her a hard time xD )
smiles and nods at this. She stares right back at the ceiling, humming quietly to herself.
sits down and pulls out a newspaper.
hears the flaps of the newspaper and stares at him. "What do you expect in this cruise line we are in?" She just idly asked.
shrugs. Cruises didn't seem all that interesting to him.
laughs at this. "Why did you even come, Lukas?"
glances over at her. "My sister is here."
about this. Sister? She probably thinks it is his Iceland's counterpart. "Oh? Because of Thora?"
hums. "How about your brother? The Iceland of your world? Is he also in the cruise line?"
nods and ruffles his newspaper a little.
now thinks about this. "So does that mean Soraya is also in here then?"
shrugs and hides himself behind the paper.
wonders 14 years ago
how the Dane was. She did disappear off. "Ah well I will leave you to your paper then, da?"
nods. Even though he knew she wasn't at fault, he couldn't help but hold a bit of a grudge against her.
wonders 14 years ago
why he had a grudge on her, but will not ask further. "I might as well enjoy this, so I will be heading out, da?"
nods again from behind the paper.