Russia has
13 years ago
settled down in his room and put his things away neatly. He had brought an extra suitcase that he stashed under the bed. It had been full of
latest #85
13 years ago
vodka of all sorts, which he had put in the cabinet and mini-fridge. He hoped his roommate liked to drink to. Ivan then laid on the bed with
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a yawn, dozing till his roomie got there.
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got in and looked around, setting his suit case down. He frowned a bit as he took in the room before shrugging and starting to unpack.
13 years ago
rolled over and mumbled, starting to wake up with the sound of Sadiq moving around.
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glanced over at the Russian, finally noticing him. Ah, that's right he was roomed with him.
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opened his eyes and sat up, running a hand through his hair lazily. Ivan noticed the other and smiled. "Ah so it is Sadiq I am with then?
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That is good...I think it is alright for me to ask you for advice then,da?" he stated, climbing out of bed.
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finished unpacking and looked over at him. "Oh? Advice on what Ivan? I would be happy to help."
13 years ago
blushed a bit before going to his suitcase. He pulled out some purple swim trunks and held them up. "I...I have never worn a swmsuit in
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front of others...mainly because I am feel shy about my body. But another reasons is...I cannot swim with my scarf."
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raised a questioning brow at that as he took a seat on his bed. "Hmm... Well I think you would look down right sexy in a pair of swim trunks
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flushed again. But after being around Alfred and his affection so much Ivan was getting better about his shyness towards this stuff. He
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smiled. "I will take that as a compliment. So...can you watch me change and see if it looks alright? I..asides from Amerika...and my sisters
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a long time ago when I was young. Nyet one has seen me without my scarf...I feel..nervous." he admitted. Although he was actually more
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nervous about someone finding out the secret about WHY he always kept his neck covered. But the Russian loved to swim, and he rarely got the
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chance to.
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nods at that. "Sure, how are you and the American doing anyway?" he leaned back on the bed as he watched him. At least he could swim with
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his mask on.
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started to undress as he spoke, smiling happily. "We are doing great. Although I still have not gotten to confess to him we have done many..
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...things." his face colored at this." And he didnt not seem to mind my inexperience so I am glad for that. I have to thank you for the
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advice Sadiq. I was always worried about those type of things but now I know why everyone does them. It feels amazing,da?" he giggled,
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tossing his coat and shirt on his own bed before pulling his pants off. (oh gosh i feel sorry for anyone rooming with the france's. xD )
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laughed at that as he nodded and watched him. "Well that's good to hear, though I think you should confess to him, soon."
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nods, although he paused at the underwear. He had slept with Sadiq naked before because of the cold. But he had worn underwear that time.
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Ivan knew that Alfred considered him a monster down *there* and wondered if Sadiq would make fun of him....Nahh. Russia shook his head.
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Sadiq was nice and he wouldnt do that. So ivan tore of the underwear and grabbed his trunks. Only blushing a tiny bit too.
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continued to watch, raising a brow as he lost his underwear. He smirked a bit at that. "Well I can see why America is enjoying your company.
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shivered, the blush growing a bit. But he had decided not to let embarressment rule him anymore. "He enjoys it very much,da?" he countered.
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Surpising even himself. The russian pulled the swim trunks on and adjusted them. Now for the part he had dreaded. Taking off his scarf.
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laughed at that, a bit shocked that the Russian had said that. "I'm proud of you Ivan."
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had paused in unwinding the garment. "Proud of me?..I am...confused,da?" Ivan was just about to take the scarf off. But it was so hard. He
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felt his hands trembling. "Also...c.can you help. I seem unable to do it on my own." he ased softly, trusting Sadiq enough to let him touch
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his scarf. It was alot of trust actually.
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got up from the bed and moved to help him as asked. "You're not as embarrassed about it as you seemed before."
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smiles, nodding. "Da...after doing so many embarressing things I am becoming immune to it,da?" he grinned, although it soon fell as his
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scarf was being pulled off. Ivan gasped, one of Sadiq's fingers had grazed his neck and it made the Russian man shiver.
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noticed the shiver and smirked a bit as he finished taking the scarf off.
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brought a hand up to his neck. He felt so naked without his scarf. And the feeling of the other's touch on it still lingered. He hated being
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so sensetive sometimes. But then was useful for other things. "Ah...Thank you feels strange..without my scarf..or
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anything covering my neck. Like I am completly bare everywhere."
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smiled at that as he took him in from head to toe. "You look good."
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flushed before countering. "I AM Russia,da~" Ivan then went to sit on the bed. Now was the hard part. Although he loved swimming the first
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few minutes were spent trying not to make any sounds that would be inappropriot. He had to get his neck used to the water. The Russian didnt
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know how the other's did it. Although in his defence his zone was bigger than theres. It probably came from him being such a big country.
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smirked as he watched him a moment before sitting on his own bed again. "You know it's good you're going to go without your scarf, I could
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not take off my mask."
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breifly ran a few fingers over his neck, trying not to make a sound. Since he couldnt be alone in the pool to get used to it he had to try
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and do it before going to get in the water. Ivan tried to look normal as he replied to the other, although his voice was a bit breathy. "I
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cannot get my scarf wet like that...or trust me. It would never come off."
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nods with that. "Oh I know, I take my mask off in the shower and stuff, but not in public."
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makes a face. "I...It is not really embarressment or anything that keeps me from taking off my scarf. Although I do treasure the scarf
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greatly...I just get nearvous of what happens when my neck is exposed,da?"
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nods and smiles at that. "Oh yes... well it's not embarrassment for me either."
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blinks before eyes widen in shock. "Its not? Then why?"
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smiled at that as he got up. "That's one thing I want to keep to myself."
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frowned. Well he couldnt push the man to tell him. Besides it must be a personal reason. Ivan shrugged. "Mine reason is more of a practical
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one. Mainly I do not want my sister Belarus to know about my neck being so sesetive. Unlike everyone else I have a big erogenous zone.
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I am jealous of everyone who has just simple curls." Ivan decided that telling someone would make him feel better. He trusted Sadiq not to
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tell his crazy sister. If she found out she might try something strange.
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nodded with that. "Ah the curls aren't so great either you know." He leaned back in the bed as he continued to watch him. "I wont share,
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don't worry."
Russia was
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glad he could confide in someone. The Russian then went back to trying to get his neck used to being touched, it was hard though. "
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always feels different when it is yourself touching it. I am worried I will do something embarressing if i jump in the water." he said
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softly, more to himself than Sadiq.
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laughs a bit at that, "I'm sure the water wont turn you on, you take showers right?"
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nodded, although he was looking down. His ears were red and he didnt reply to Sadiq other than "Da...I t-take showers..."
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got up and moved over to him, running his hand along his neck. "Then you'll be fine."
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(have to ask. you ran your hand on my neck,da?)
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(alright then.)
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hadnt expected the sudden touch and gasped, arching his back with a low moan. Dammit that shouldnt feel so good and he hated it/loved it.
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smirked a bit with that. "Oh I'll have to remember this."
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fet his thoughts clear and he turned red. A hand slapped up to his neck where the other had touched as he looked at Sadiq with wide eyes,
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not the smartest thing to do because he ended up falling back with another gasp of pleasure.
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(*imagines that and just laughs*)
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laughed a bit at that and patted him on the head. "There you do."
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There you go*
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lay on the pant panting softly. Great. He should probably go take a shower before swimming. Since he normally took cold ones anyway it
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shouldnt be so bad.
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went to grab his sweatshirt. "I'm heading out for a walk, you go enjoy the pool and maybe find that American."
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perked up at the thought of America before running to shower. He wanted to see Alfred in a swimsuit.
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smiled as he watched him go. "Enjoy!"
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