13 years ago
i feel sleepy :S
latest #12
Lim Shuqi~ D;
13 years ago
eat cheesecake!
♥ . ABIGAIL says
13 years ago
no cheesecake ): you tempt me somemore :S
Lim Shuqi~ D; says
13 years ago
oops paiseh, uh, ask ze yi the F and N pro to make for you :-P
♥ . ABIGAIL says
13 years ago
he takes F&N???? O:
Lim Shuqi~ D; says
13 years ago
yea, surprising right hahaha
♥ . ABIGAIL says
13 years ago
yes! Omg, he seems more bio-y.
Lim Shuqi~ D; says
13 years ago
he accidentally click wrong then submit wrong and then cannot change LOL
♥ . ABIGAIL says
13 years ago
LOL omg. So poor thing ! Cannot appeal meh , at that time !
Lim Shuqi~ D; says
13 years ago
LOL cannot, roflmao! they say bio class full rofl
♥ . ABIGAIL says
13 years ago
LOL. Omg. So jialat x.x his science good one ley.
Lim Shuqi~ D;
13 years ago
is rhe epic ownage LOL
♥ . ABIGAIL says
13 years ago
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