drama, drama and more drama.
LOL. hongkong drama nice (Y)
haha, since you're tired of hongkong drama then which korean or something else!
hahaha, korean one not bad! I heard quite nice ah! Plus got handsome guyz. :B
haha, ask someone recommend ah! Got handsome in class too!
LOL. Me ah?
haha, you're handsome?
uhm, can lah! Im handsome and preetttyyz. LOL.
ahahaha, okayokay handsome and pretty!
LOL. You entertained me (Y)
haha, welcome. Means I can start my own drama and entertain people!
LOL okay ! Then I shall watch your drama instead of Korean ones ! Hahas
haha, okayokay. Cause mine got handsome guys right? ;D
hehe. Pretty guys and handsome girls!
LOL. Such a interesting combi (Y) i like the handsome girls
haha, still got one handsome and pretty abigail!
LOL. Sound like some mixed gender freak. LOL (Y) yayz.
ahaha, mix gender! You said it yourself!
Lol, okay. 'The handsomes and pretties', I go start on this drama now.
hahahas , okok ! remember tell me to watch uh!
haha, okayokay. You will be the first to know when I finish the production!
LOLOL. sounds super funny. hahahas
eh ? weirds. the tex change. :/ this wasnt what i see. plurk cheat my feelings! hahahas , anw , remember tell mez !
when you finish!
idk why i saw something about handsome and prettys , not the first to know when i finish the production. hahas , idk why. :X
ahaha, plurk wants us to know its handsome and pretty too!
LOL. okay , thats really funny. LOL. so meaning plurk is which gender O:
Erm, mixed gender? haha, like you like that!
hahas , cause plurk likes me too much. so copy mez.
youz soz handsomez and prettyz
iz knowz rightz. hahaz. LOL
BOOMZ. LOL, our conversation is lamez and funnyz!
hahahas , super lame, but quite entertaining uh!
wait, who are you?
uhm , handsome and prettyz. LOL
helloz! I'm ugly and unprettyz. Shigz.
LOL? i thought should be unhandsome and unpretty?
Okay, un(handsome + pretty). Must expandz!
un(handsome + pretty) = unhandsome + unpretty. woah 100 marks (Y)
Yayz! Opps, I for get the 'z's! Minus 25
HAHA. oh no, so its 75? hmm , A1 still lah , not bad !
Yayz, I'm still smartz! My tongue isz tired from 'z'ing.
LOL? you actually really z? and whr will tiredz? its funz.
Ermz, I mouthz itz. hahaz, laterz tmlz youz speakz likez thisz!
LOL okay tmr i shallz speakz to youz like this ! Hahas
Okayz, itz willz bez tiringz. Later tongue cramp!
hahaz, itz quitez hardz toz pronouncez!
itz evenz harderz toz rememberz! Hahahas
rememberz toz addz az "z" behindz everyz wordz whenz talkingz. LOLz
hahaz, hardz to rememberz and sayz itz!
yesz, iz totallyz agreez. Iz hadz difficultyz rememberingz itz!
yeapz, andz itz tiringz muchz!
okayz, let'sz stopz. we havez talkz about thisz for three dayz!
okay! LOL. Really uh? Three days? So much? O:
I think so. The plurk says three days ago unless their calendes is different ah?
LOL. I didnt know so long alr sia! LOL
ahahahz, the 'z's makez it lookz shorterz!
hahas I guess ! I think so huh!
reallyz? I put 'z' to makez my summary lookz shorterz!
huhhhhh? o.o im confused. LOL
okayz! The applez tastez sweet!
LOL??? OMG. But pretty handsome is sweeter. LOL
what?! handsome and pretty is the sweetest!
AWW. hahahas , and the unhandsome and unpretty also sweetest. hahahas
Who's the unhandsome and unpretty?
uhm , idk. HAHA pretty and handome's opposite huh!
LOL. haha, then shouldn't the unhandsome and unpretty be the unsweetest?
uhm , must share share mah!
share apple!
maybe banana?
opps, *
banana!!! I like bananas!
ahahaha, banana are not sweetz!
but it's nice!
which makes it niceeee! Hahas. Hmm, i ate 4 bananas today!