..... seriouslyconcernedfriend...withpopcorn.gif
But I need to get this off my chest while I still have the balls and Katsu is close enough to fuck me up already.
I will always see myself as the first picture. Even though I know that I was more like the second last year.
It's really hard not to hate myself sometimes.
I think a lot of people feel that way, in some form or another, whether it's weight, or something else.
For the record, though, you're beautiful. Speaking both as your friend and someone with eyes.
I know that it's hard to shut your inner monologue up, and you live with yourself, so all you wind up seeing are imperfections.
But while it's completely normal to be dissatisfied, that doesn't justify, say, starving or overworking yourself.
And I don't think you do either, but I just need to make sure that's out there as someone who cares about you.
In our society, 'being thin' is constantly rammed down women's throats with all the ferocity of an angry mob
... whereas I think girls are beautiful because of their curves, and because they are shaped differently.
I think you're very pretty, and despite all the social conditioning I think you know that you're beautiful too
I just... dskljf notgonnacryyouguys.
You have SO MUCH going for you, it's ridiculous.
It's ridiculous so many women feel this way, when they're just as talented and amazing and GOOD.
And growing and changing and being okay with it? Uh. It sucks. But it'll be okay, y'know?
I know I get down on myself a lot (especially lately, for some reason), but at the end of the day, you've got what you've got, and it's
You should be the perfect version of yourself c:
That's how they sell dem lady magazines.
sort of better to just be like "..okay, I'll work on what I don't like, but I also like the things I've got to work with"
bb you're beautiful and it's okay to be upset with your looks sometimes. It happens to us all.
But don't forget about the days when you look at yourself and think, "damn I'm fierce"
and if you don't you should tell yourself that every day!
Put it above your mirror and be happy with all of you inside and out!
Ngl, there's that feel of failure when clothes that used to fit fine are suddenly tight.
That'll happen. My clothes fit, and then don't, and then do, and then don't. It doesn't mean anything's wrong with you. Bodies do that.
It can be frustrating, yeah, but again, do your best to look at it progressively. You haven't failed, you're a constant work in progress.
Lawl, that's definitely how I think about it. The work in progress, at least.
Gotta run atm, but again, thanks guys.
I know it's all, "BAWW CRY FOR HELP" and shit.
Naw, it's not. We're your friends.
It's totally a normal thing to feel weird about, and I'm glad you trust us enough to talk about how you feel, y'know.
Sorry to come to this thread so late, but...
What everyone else has said.
You are beautiful, but above that you are strong and self-aware. Take a step back from your tendency to hate yourself and look at things
You'll realize that the person you want to be is stronger than the person who lets this get to her.
You owe it to yourself to be smart, healthy, and love the shit out of yourself, because you are awesome.
Also jumping in to remind you you're beautiful! <3
Sorry to get to this so late after hitting the hay early last night, but thank you Angela and Katelyn. <3
The responses to this plurk really got me through yesterday, so it means a lot hearing from you guys.
really late, but echoing everyone else's sentiments. you've got nothing to worry about, darlin'.